
Reborn Relive

A young adventurer had fallen during battle but came back to life due to unknown circumstances, knowing the feeling of death he realized he still has a lot to live for and had so many regrets, that now he wants to live life to the full with no regrets hanging behind

Alight · Fantasi
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18 Chs


The sound of Klaksh's fist clashing with Roy's sword echoed throughout the cave as Klaksh used his teleport multiple times to confuse Roy, but he keep his guard up from all sides trying to block every attack. As Klaksh said, Roy was really of no match against it but… he had his own plan up his mind and that was 

"HIS RIGHT EYE!!!!" Luke shouts from the exit heard by both Klaksh and Roy after which a smirk appeared on Roy's face, because for him his plan had worked… he gave Luke the time he need to observe his attacks because he knew his specialty, he believed in him more than anyone in this world hence he put his life up to it

"I am surprised anyone stayed behind for you more or less gave you my weakness, but how are you planning to hit it… do you really think I would let you attack it so easily" Roy takes a deep breath and says "You shouldn't be worrying about that, Luke and rest believe in me and that's all I need to kill you" as he holds his sword with both the hands and activates "Sword Skill, Lightning Boost" swords begin to suddenly shining in blue and so does his eyes as he moves at incredible speed and was about to hit the monster's eyes when it teleported behind and said "Hmm, that's a interesting technique you… makes you faster but what else?" as Roy moved at incredible speed to not let his enemy know his next location trying to attack from all sides only aiming for his eyes but Klaksh didn't give him a single chance to let his attack him teleporting all the while in the area.

Luke looking at this battle from afar thinks "At this range, Roy will run out of energy soon and will be killed, I have to help him, I can't just let him die here or else… she…she will never be able to forgive me…think Luke, how can you be useful right now…how can you save Roy" thinking fast he thinks of anything that can help the situation and realized his best option was also his worst, as he takes a deep breath and says "I am sorry, Sister" as he runs towards the battle 

Meanwhile, Roy had all the attention of the monster who was enjoying the battle while he, himself was breathing heavily as he notices past the monster's shoulder the approaching Luke and thinks "What is he thinking, why is he coming back?" while the monster shouts "WHAT HAPPENED, HAD ENOUGH, COME HUMAN AND SHOW ME YOUR FULL POTENTIAL!!" as Roy tightens his fist and moves towards it once again trying to get its eye but to no avail as the monster smiled and said "I finally caught up" 

It grabbed his feet at his super speed, surprising both Luke and Roy and smashed him on the ground. It was about to stab him with its hand when the words echo throughout the cave "Sword Skill, Multiply small" as multiple daggers head straight towards Klaksh aiming for his eye… it destroys them all by his hands and looks straight towards Luke.

Facing him with his eyes filled with confidence, he says "Sorry but, I can't let him die" as the monster sighs and teleports right in front of him "Die" and shoots his hand open straight to his chest as Luke seeing this smiles and takes it up open surprising Roy as he shouts his name but before he could take his hand out, Luke quickly grabs his wrist stopping that action

The monster was surprised by his grip and tried to force his hand out but Luke wouldn't let him as he looked straight at the monster and charged his sword straight at his right eye giving the monster insane pain as Luke continued "What happened… couldn't… teleport out this one?" as the monster smiled and replied "How… did you know?" "I didn't…just took the… smallest chance I had…to save my friend" "Commendable" and suddenly turns into dust as Luke falls to the ground with a giant hole in his chest.

Roy quickly runs towards Luke and picks him up by his head as he says "Sorry… Roy…I can't be… An Adventurer with…you" as his eyes closed down Roy eyes were filled with tears "No… Luke, why did you…. Why…" when he heard some other walls nearby open up to reveal more monsters standing behind those walls as they all jumped down and begin walking towards them

Roy looked at them all, all had different shapes and designs and all passed on the aura like Klaksh, he knew what he had to do… as he stood up and begins running with tears falling down his eyes "Sorry Luke, I can't waste my life anymore, I have to run… but I swear when I get stronger, I will come back and kill them for you" as he runs out the exit while the monsters approached Luke.

 "So someone really did it, can you all believe it?" "She did say in 100 years, there will be a chance for our freedom… that's why we revealed our cave to everyone" "Yeah but, how will a dead guy beat us" "well we still have a whole year to look forward for that warrior to come… and one of us got free then the chance for her prophecy to come true has already raised to a 100" "Yeah, you are right… I can't wait for my freedom" "Neither can't we"

As the Adventure continues….