
Reborn of the Demon King and Moon Goddess

There have been stories on how the moon goddess, the goddess of the wolves has provided mates for her servants and creates love in them. But don't you all think she might want to know how it feels? This is the love story of the Demon King and the Moon Goddess. Their love story isn't surely a happy one but it's a story of sacrifice, love, hatred, betrayal, power and desire.

Bakare_haseebat · Fantasi
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8 Chs

02: The witch's granddaughter

"Zoey, you have to go over for your training." A middle aged woman shouted at the young girl as she ran around with her.

"Leave me alone. I am not going anywhere. I am not interested in that training. Can't you let me enjoy my childhood in peace? I want to live like other childrens?" Zoey whined as she dived away from her. Her speed couldn't match the woman and she mocked her. "You can't stand on your feet well. You should stop already." Zoey said with a wicked grin.

"Don't you get it? You are the next in line after your Grandmother. You should get trained and be strong from your childhood. You hardly know ten spells. You are different from other children. The responsibility is on you…."

"I know." Zoey cuts her off. "I've heard that so many times. Can you please stop repeating it? I just want to enjoy today. My friends are waiting for me."

"If you don't follow me now, Zoey Mystic. I will be forced to cast a spell on you." The woman took out her wand and waved it at her warningly.

"You dare not. When grandma gets back, I will tell her about it and you will be suspended from your job." The woman gulped down nothing in fear and shivers slightly. Zoey noticed the fear in her before she could pull up a confident look. And that's it! That's what she likes seeing. Fear! It won't be long before she gives up.

"Your grandmother orders me to do this. She won't suspend me for something I am doing for your sake and hers. I've been working here for a long time. Now, get right here." Zoey sighed heavily and glanced at her. If only she had learned the spell that freezes people to their spot, then she would have casted it on her.

"Stop doing things for our sake and focus on yourself first." Zoey retorted back to her. She hasn't even got a good life and here she is chasing her around like a puppy.

"As a maid, I'm entitled to care for my master and live for them." The woman wasn't affected by her words. Zoey has always been sharp, mouthed and rude.

"Leave her!" A sharp voice came up behind them. The woman shook and bowed down to her. "Get out. She will get back to her senses now." Her high pitched voice shook the walls of the room. The woman dashed out in fright and left them behind.

"What is it Margaret?" Zoey rolled her eyes at her and dropped on the couch. "I just want to live like those normal children and…"

"Get up Zoey!" She ordered in a high tone. Zoey shrieked and stood up immediately.

"Get up and get your butt to training. Look at me, you are different from other kids." Margaret said to her, holding her tightly. "You have a seat to take over." Margaret flung her on the ground and her eyes turned red in anger.

"Margaret, take it easy on the child!" A woman rushed in and picked up Zoey.

"Ma'am Gina, what happened to Margaret?" Zoey asked, confused at her change in reaction.

"No, she has to learn now. She has to get her wit together. Zoey!!" She roared out her name. "Your Grandmother is dead. Sabrina is dead. Quit playing around and go for training." She broke the news to her and walked out of her room with rage hovering around her.

"Grandma!?" Zoey's voice shook. "Grandma is dead? When? How? What is happening?" Zoey turned towards Gina. "What is happening Gina? What is Margaret saying?" She screamed at her.

"Calm down Zoey. Please calm down." Gina tried calming her down. Zoey shrugged away from her and moved back in fright.

"It's true, isn't it? How?" She asked as her voice wavered.

"She died today in the war. Listen Zoey, be strong and…"

"No." Zoey screamed and flung herself on the ground.

"Zoey!" Gina rushed towards her and tried holding her. "Stop hurting yourself."

"No, leave me alone. I want my grandma. She told me she will watch me grow. Who would stay with me now? I want my grandma!!" Her voice broke and tears fell freely from her eyes.

"You have to be strong, Zoey." Gina comforted her.

"Leave me!" She screamed at her and stood up abruptly. She moved towards the bathroom and locked herself in it. She always does that when she wants alone time to gather up her thoughts.

"She is a strong girl and she will get over it." Gina whispered to herself and left her room.

"Margaret!" She snapped at her as she walked in immediately. "How could you do that? Do you think it's easy to hear your loved ones dead? She is just a child! You should have broken the news to her in a comforting manner?" Margaret stood in front of the large mirror and stared back at her reflection.

"Whatever way I break the news to her, she will end up crying. It's time for her to wake up and get back to training. She should eliminate any thoughts of being like other kids from her mind. She is a princess, a crown princess. The next in line to rule the witches. She should stop comparing herself to other kids." Margaret said softly and walked over to the staff. She picks it up and hits the ground with it. "Sabrina! She's gone! Zoey will get over it. She is a strong one. Our future."

"But…" Gina was about to say when she got cut off by an intruder, a warrior. Gina recognized her as the warrior who followed Sabrina to the war.

"Tell me, what really happened there?" Margaret ordered her to start speaking.

"She… She was ripped apart by Kylian. He held her and she burned to death. Her body… her body turned to ashes. There's nothing to retrieve." The warrior said with her head bowed as she remembered the gruesome scene. It was horrible and scary, the little boy looked horrible and scary.

"And you couldn't do a thing. Your leader was getting burnt and you didn't do a thing." Margaret screamed at her and moved towards her in a haste and planned to strike her with the staff. Gina stood between them and pushed her back in defense.

"Get yourself back, Margaret. Stop being impatient. It's Kylian, Kushim. The rumored Demon King. What do you expect her to do? To confront him and get dead too. Can you even stand his aura?" Gina raised her voice at her in frustration. Sabrina is just dead and she is behaving irrational.

"And you, get out." She dismissed the warrior and she rushed out instantly.

"Sabrina is dead. We should look for a way out."

"Kylian. That little boy. Is he really the reborn Demon King?" Margaret said with a smirk and turned her back at Gina swiftly. She holds the staff tightly. "Kushim! He will get it from me."

Gina chuckled at her words. Kushim is more than she can take.

"Margaret!" A tiny voice called and they turned their attention to the voice.

"Zoey!" Gina called surprisingly.

Zoey ignored Gina and faced Margaret. "Margaret, I'm ready to be strong. I won't go around playing. I will take my training seriously." She tried holding back her tears as her feet quiver.

Margaret moved closer to her and held her hand. "Yes dear. Sabrina has faith in you. So with us. But for now, take your training seriously to be the most powerful leader ever. Learn your spells diligently, while I take over the throne." Zoey nodded at her words and tears trickled down her face.

"Gina, prepare for the coronation. I want to get sworn in as the new leader immediately." Margaret said with her eyes not leaving Zoey. She wiped her tears and hugged her tightly. "Now, get to training. If you can't, just take the day off."

"I will. I will do it." Zoey said with shaky breath, filled with determination. She wiped her tears and left the room. She will do it. For her grandma.

"As Sabrina's right hand, I will be crowned as the new leader of the witches. I want the coronation tomorrow and it should be announced next week."

"And why are you in a hurry?" Gina was confused as to why Margaret would want to be crowned one day after Sabrina died.

"There are pressing issues at hand in the land. And again, why are you questioning my words?" Margaret walked towards her menacingly. If not because of how smart and capable she is, she would have gotten rid of Gina due to how questionable she can become.

"I'm sorry." Gina apologized bowing slightly. She would be their new leader so she has to pledge her Respect to her.

"You will obey me just as you obeyed our past leader." Margaret said more than a declaration.

"Yes, I will." Gina replied with her eyes still on the ground. She will have to do as she said.

"And the main thing I will do when I get crowned is to plan the downfall of the one who ripped our oldest leader alive off. Even if he had killed her, he should have left her body." Margaret was bittered and full of rage. She couldn't believe that one of the demons had ripped their leader off like nothing. They always think of them as cunning and weak but they are more than they thought. They are the witches, the owner of Mystic kingdom.

"Kushim isn't someone you can defeat. It will take years to do that or none at all. That's if you hadn't been dead." Gina said in one breath.

"Now I'm beginning to wonder if you are behind his back or our back." Margaret said, tightening her grip on the staff.

"It's time you know how to differentiate between a betrayal and the one who is telling you a hard truth. He is an old soul, one who is reborn. You can read more about him at the library where the oldest book is kept." Gina moved back and bowed to her. "I will take my leave now. I will announce your coronation." She left the room in a haste and in confusion.

Gina scoffed in frustration. "Margaret will surely be the end of us. She will surely be the end of the Mystic kingdom."