
Reborn of Ling Wei's Goddess

Princess Of Ling Wei kingdom, Xian Ran was died in an illness, she left her dearest husband and was reborn in modern world. She was Reborn as Ju Xian Ran in Modern worlde, Who was to be the eldest twin sister of Ju xue. And from the day she answer the math problem and hit her head in the teacher's table, someone talked to her. "Who are you?! *scared*" Ju xian ran said. "Im a God beast, who protect your soul and I will revive your Memory!" The beast revive her memory, and Some scenes are flashing in her mind, Until she was bleeding badly and she saw a man who has to be her Dearest husband "LEI CHENG YI". Does Ju xian ran can find her husband and be with him?

Zhii_Luna · perkotaan
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16 Chs

9. Lei cheng yi's beloved Wife

"Ran ran, I cant understand.... Mr. Lei do you know Xian ran? *confused*" Xiao yue said.

Lei cheng yi nod and call his driver Dong shi. Before dong shi arrives He Explain To xiao yue on how did he know Ju xian ran.

"i know you'll be confused so I'll tell you, That Ju xian ran is My lover. *smile*" Lei cheng yi said.

"HUH?!.... Really?! *look at xian ran*" Xiao yue Said.

"Yes xiao yue, Im sorry that i didn't tell you this Earlier but I dont want to hide from you anymore. That i was in love with him *smile*" Ju xian ran said.

Any minute later, while they are talking dong shi arrived and Lei cheng yi

"Boss, the are is here. Let's go back to the company, Tang Shi Is Waiting in your office." Dong shi said.

"I will take my girlfriend with me, *Stare at Ju xian ran* Come with me Xian'er and You too, I'll take you with me *smile*" Lei cheng yi said.

Xiao yue is still confused and Ju xian ran nod then grab Xiao yue's hand and get inside in the car.

"Miss xiao, please sit in the Front sit master and madam will sit in the Back sit *smile*" Dong shi said.

Xiao yue nod and Sit in the front sit, She Look back and saw ju xian ran Happy with Lei cheng yi.

"*did they really know each other? It's impossible,! *Confused*"(xiao yue mind)


They arrived at The company and all the Employies are looking at them because, Lei cheng yi The cold and Ruthless president actually Hold a Woman's hand, walking in the company smiling.

Ju xian ran is happy, Because she's with her husband again. They take the VIP floor going to 47th Floor of the company, Where is The President's office.

When they arrived, Han Tang shi was sitting in the table and waiting for Lei cheng yi.

The door got opened and He was shocked because he saw cheng yi Holding a woman's hands in the company.

"Hey..... Hey dude, Aren't you scared being caught by a Papparazzi again?! *Speechless*" Han tang si said.

"Why should i be scared when im holding my Wife's Hand in the company *proud*" Lei cheng yi said.

"WIFE?! *SHOCKED*" Han tang shi and Xiao yue Said.

"Ran ran, You should not be kidding me! Earlier you just said that his your boyfriend and Now You're husband *shocked - Confused*" Xiao yue said.

Ju xian ran, really want to tell Xiao yue that she's reborn and Lei cheng yi is her legal husband in Ling wei kingdom, but she can because Luna and sciffero warn her.

That If she tell them, The future might change, Because of the God Of Luna.

"xiao yue i know you're surprised but, We're not Joking about our realtionship. We've been married ofr more than 2 Months. *lie*" Ju xian ran said.

"*2 months or 2 Thousand Years hehe*" (Lei cheng yi mind)

Han tang shi was Questioning, Lei cheng yi about his secret marriage.

"Cheng yi, You're mother will know that you're married, And how about You're fiancee?!" Han tang shi said.

"*Fiancee?! *Jealous*" (Xian ran mind)

"Hmm.. I think someone's in trouble *roar*" Sciffero said.

Ju xian ran was Pissed, When she know's that his engage with someone. Lei cheng yi was having a headache because of his fiancee.

"Tang shi, You know that i dont like that slut, She just need money And My mother will do everything just to gave her such a Grandest wedding *annoyed*" Lei cheng yi said.

Ju xian ran was silent because she's mad. Lei cheng yi look at her and he knows that she's mad, But what can he do. His wife Can kill him.

"Prince cheng Will be killed by his Wife. Poor him *roar*" Luna said.

"Their love for more than 2 Thousand years, just turned into A hell, because he got a Fiancee. But poor him *helpless*" Sciffero said.

"Can you two, Shut up. You know im Facing crisis here!! Just help me get That slut and I will kill her With my own hands *pissed*" Ju xian ran said.

"Fine, We'll help you.But dont kill us with her okay, We're doing our jobs as God Beast *Sigh*" Sciffero said.

Ju xian ran nod and she leave the two God Beast to find Lei cheng yi's fiancee. When she was back at her sense, Lei cheng yi mentioned about his New assistant.

"Since, My wife is here. She will be the madam in my Mansion and she'll live their, As Xian'er's Assistant maybe Her best friend can fit. Right xiao yue? *stare*" Lei cheng yi said.

Xiao yue was scared that Lei cheng yi Might do something to her so she Agreed to be Ju xian ran's assistant.

"Hubby, Im still a College Student and I need to focus my studies with Xiao yue. We cant just Ignore our studies and Do the company works in here *smile*" Ju xian ran said.

"Yes, President lei, The truth is Me and Ran ran are class mates and we need to focus on our Last semister this Month, so we can graduate. *nervous*" Xiao yue said.

Lei cheng yi was thinking deep, and Any minute later He agreed to Let Ju xian ran and Xiao yue To Go to Colleges. But before he agreed, He told some condition for Ju xian ran.

"What is it?! *Confused*" Ju xian ran said.

"Honey, You know Im a Possesive person, So starting today my elite guards will follow you secretly when You're in college. *dangerous smile*" Lei cheng yi said.

"What?! I can protect my self, you know me Yi'er im not that kind of woman in your imagination *humph*" Ju xian ran said.

"No, No, No. I dont want Other mens will look at you and as you know i hate that right? Honey? *smile*" Lei cheng yi said.

Ju xian ran Hold Lei cheng yi's Face and Kiss his forehead.

"You dummy, I wont look for Other Men. My husband Is handsome and Powerful, why should I look for another men?! *Praise*" Ju xian ran said.

When Ju xian ran and Lei cheng yi was showing Public display of Affection, Han Tang shi and Xiao yue Was looking at them.

"Guyz, Can you do you're PDA in private. Please remember that There's a Single persons in here *fake cry*" Han tang shi said.

Lei cheng yi stopped on what his doing and look at them Coldy.

"Since Mr. han is Envy, Maybe you should Go back to work so You wouldn't be envy with us anymore. And Dong shi, Please Escort ms. xiao to her home, make sure she's fine okay *pissed smile*" Lei cheng yi said.