
Reborn of Ling Wei's Goddess

Princess Of Ling Wei kingdom, Xian Ran was died in an illness, she left her dearest husband and was reborn in modern world. She was Reborn as Ju Xian Ran in Modern worlde, Who was to be the eldest twin sister of Ju xue. And from the day she answer the math problem and hit her head in the teacher's table, someone talked to her. "Who are you?! *scared*" Ju xian ran said. "Im a God beast, who protect your soul and I will revive your Memory!" The beast revive her memory, and Some scenes are flashing in her mind, Until she was bleeding badly and she saw a man who has to be her Dearest husband "LEI CHENG YI". Does Ju xian ran can find her husband and be with him?

Zhii_Luna · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

5. The blood doesn't Match?!

Ju Xian ran was so annoyed that her Quan Qi came out, Her step brother li yan cant move and Her step mother Li mei, throw some vases to her. Ju Gan dong heared it,

"What are you doing?! *mad*" Ju gan dong said.

Ju xian ran Get back to her sense and ran towards her father and act.

"Daddy, it's them. They throw some vases on me, look my forehead is hurting again *fake cry*" Ju xian ran said.

Her step mother was furious and walk out, her brother can move again and He Ran out to there house and drive to the city.

"My dear daugther, Are you okay? Aunty fang get some first aid right now. Xian'er's forehead is bleeding *worried*" Ju gan dong said.

Aunty fang go to the cabinet and get the first aid, When she got it and Hand it to Ju gan dong she cried.

"My lady, what happened to you? Why your bleeding so much, my lord please go to the hospital with my lady, she's going to lose so much blood *worried*" Aunty fang said.

The floor was full of blood, any minute Ju xian ran fainted. Her father Ju gan dong carry her and the ambulance arrived, he was so worried for Ju xian ran.


They've arrived at the hospital, and Ju xian ran lose too much blood, the doctor Need AB- But her father is AB+,

"Doctor, are you sure, it's AB-? She's my daugther we have the same blood *worried*" Ju Gan dong said.

"Mr. Ju, It's true that you're daugther have AB-, it's Rare blood and our blood bank Hasn't got Ab- yet, we need to your daugther *impatient*" The doctor said.

Her father was worried, and ordered Aunty fang to find someone with AB- blood type. She go to The Mansion and find some AB- blood.

"Where is Butler Luo, his the only one who can help Lady Xian ran." Aunty fang said.

A minute later, a man suddenly speak.

"You want AB- Blood?" the man said.

Aunty fang was scared and say yes, She was shivering and sweating, and Suddenly a man appeared.

A tall, Handsome man appeared out of nowhere.

"You.... you who are you? *shocked*" Aunty fang said.

"Looks like you dont know me *smirk*" The man said.

The man hand the AB- blood and ordered her to go back to the hospital if she want her Lady to be alived.

"Yes, yes sir. Thank you for the blood, how can we thank you sir? *scared*" Aunty fang said.

"You dont need to thank me, I know her. Just tell her it's from her dearest husband *smile*" The man said.

And disappeared.

When the man disappeared, aunty fang didn't remember what happened but the suit case was full of AB- blood type.

"Who gave this? *confused*" Aunty fang said.

When she get the blood she rushed to the hospital,

"My lord i got some Blood you needed. *tired*" Aunty fang said.

"Where did you get the blood? *doubt*" Ju gan dong asked Aunty fang.

"My lord, i found it in the blood storage of Lady Xian ran, And you she need it so i get it *tell the truth*" Aunty fang answered.

Ju gan dong believe at aunty fang's words.

The doctor has came out of the room, because they really needs the blood.

"Is the blood arrived? *impatient*" the doctor said.

"Yes doctor pls, save my daughter *worried*" Ju Gan dong said.

The doctor nod and Get the blood.

1 Hour of waiting, the doctor has came out.

"Who is the patients, family? *take off the gloves*" The doctor said.

Ju gan dong stand up and Talked to the doctor with a worried face.

"Doc how's my daugther? *worried*" Ju gan dong said.

"As you said earlier Mr. Ju, that the patient is your daugther and you want to make a DNA test, it's positive that you're her father. And it's a rare to have a daugther with a different Blood type." The doctor said.

"So you mean, she's really my daugther? *Happy*" Ju Gan dong said.

The doctor nod. Ju gan dong was relief and asked the doctor to let him see his daugther.

"You can go and see here, but dont bother her she's still weak *warn*" The doctor said.

They nod and Go to the Hospital dorm where Ju xian ran was admitted. When they are inside, they saw Ju xian ran lying in the bed with oxygen.

"My..... dear... daugther *worried*" Ju gan dong was crying in her daugther's Side.

Aunty fang excuse herself and leave Ju Gan dong with her daugther.

"My lord, i will leave, And prepare some Food for lady Xian ran and for you my lord." Aunty Fang said.

Ju Gan dong Nod and Aunty Fang leave,

"My daugther, please Wake up. Dont make daddy worry *cry*" Ju gan dong said.

Any minute later, Ju Xian ran woke up.

"Dad?....where am i?... *dizzy*" Ju xian ran said.

"Xian'er...!!! Xian'er you're wake *tears of joy*" Ju gan dong said.

He hold his daugther's hand and Kneel.

"Thanks god, your okay. *Cried* Your twin sister is Missing and You're Injuried, i dont know what im going to do if You two Leave me with your mom *cried*" Ju gan dong said.

"Dad dont worry, Your dearest daugther is Strong and I cant die With just a simple blade *smile*" Ju xian ran said.

"But you shouldn't make daddy so worry for you" Ju Gan dong said.

Ju xian ran nod and lay down again to take some rest. Her father was happy that ju xian ran was okay, any minute later Ju xian ran has a nightmare.


"Who are you? *confused*" Ju xian ran said.

A guy appeared in her Dream.

"It's been 1200 years since Our kingdom has fallen my dear! *smile*" The guy said.

"How did you know that?! *suspicuous*" Ju xian ran said.

Any minute later she saw a light and the man who appeared infront of her disappeared. She walk and follow the light until, she saw a beautiful garden where there she saw a man stand in the Tree.

"Hello? Uhm.. can you help me, mr.?" Ju xian ran said.

The man turn around and when she saw the face she cried.

"Cheng Yi? Is that you? *tears falling down*" Ju xian ran asked.

"Does my wife misses me? *Smile*" Lei cheng yi said.

She ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"How could i not miss you, I was all alone in here. I want to be with you, My dear husband *crying*" Ju xian ran said.

Lei cheng yi Hugged her back and kiss her forehead.

"Don't cry, Im gonna tell you something, that your tears will not fall down anymore *smile*" Lei cheng yi said.

"What is it? tell me ?! *impatient*" Ju xian ran said.

"Im in this world too *smile*" Lei cheng yue said while wiping her tears.

Ju xian ran was shocked and asked, where is he.

"Im a President in a company, Right now my dear, And i always misses you. Your smile, your naugthiness, your cooking especially my favorites. *Happy*" Lei cheng yi said.