
Reborn of Ling Wei's Goddess

Princess Of Ling Wei kingdom, Xian Ran was died in an illness, she left her dearest husband and was reborn in modern world. She was Reborn as Ju Xian Ran in Modern worlde, Who was to be the eldest twin sister of Ju xue. And from the day she answer the math problem and hit her head in the teacher's table, someone talked to her. "Who are you?! *scared*" Ju xian ran said. "Im a God beast, who protect your soul and I will revive your Memory!" The beast revive her memory, and Some scenes are flashing in her mind, Until she was bleeding badly and she saw a man who has to be her Dearest husband "LEI CHENG YI". Does Ju xian ran can find her husband and be with him?

Zhii_Luna · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
16 Chs

2. schemes


Ju xian ran was still thinking about xiao yue's report earlier, The teacher was discussing He suddenly Called Ju xian ran to Answer the Math problem.

She was shocked and she didn't know how to snawer, The student's was staring at her and She stand up and show her confidence.

"The math problem is hard, how could she solve that problem, She's not even listening." Her flirty classmate said.

"*I CAN DO THIS, YOU CAN DO THIS JU XIAN RAN!! *" (ju xian ran mind)

She walk forward to the black board and Get some chalk, when she stare at the Problem,

she was shocked because some kind of system show the explainations and answer, and she even cant control her hand. Like someone's controling her.

Her teacher was shocked because he only teached the basic but Ju xian ran answer the whole information and it's advance.

He was happy and shocked at the same time.

Her classmates even Xiao yue was shocked that she answered the most difficult Problem in there math subject.

"Wow, She's awesome... She's so smart. i feel inlove with her, she can help with math *proud*" The playboy of the campus said.

Ju xian ran finished Answering the problem and the teacher asked her to go back on her sit.

When she's walking someone Step on her foot that made her Fall in the stairs and Bump her head in the teacher's table.

Everyone was shocked and the campus playboy rushed to Ju xian ran and Carry her to the clinic.

Xiao yue Get ju xian ran's Things and rushed to the Clinic.

Luckily there was a doctor in the clinic because some teachers is sick so The doctor is there,

The doctor and teachers was shocked and hurry prepared some bed.

Ju xian ran's Fore head was bleeding and there's Blade in it.

Xiao yue is worried so she called her father Ju Gan dong but no one was answering, So she hold her hand And Praying for her to be safe.

The campus playboy, Lin Ze was worried about her too, The doctor Advice everyone to wait outside and wait for the results.

"We should go and see wo did that to Ran ran, teacher what if.... What if... I dont know what im going to say to her father *sob*" Xiao yue said.

"Dont worry, i will checked this and Lin ze, xiao yue wait here and check the result okay." Her teacher said.

Lin ze and Xiao yue nod and wait for 1 hour and 20 Minutes.

"It's been 1 hour and Ju xian ran is still inside, is something wrong? *impatient*" Lin ze said.

Xia yue was panicking and Waiting impatient in the chair. Any minute later The doctor came out.

"Doctor , how's my best friend ,is she okay? *worried*" Xiao yue said.

"Dont worry, Ju xian ran is fine, But the blade in her forehead is kind'da deep so she need to rest for 2 weeks for full recovery *take off the gloves*" The doctor said.

"That's a relief, i thought she would died in that small blade *mock*" Lin ze said.

Xiao yue pinch Lin ze's Abdomen hard, "Ahhh.. How dare you !! *pissed*" Lin ze said.

"My friend wont die in that small blade, she's strong yah know *mad*" Xiao yue said.

"fine... fine.. stop pinching me!!! *In pain*" Lin ze said.

The doctor sigh and warn them. "The patient is resting do your PDA in other places not here *dangerous smile*" The doctor said.

"PDA?! NO DOC YOUR MISTAKEN. THIS GUY? NEVER!! *humph*" Xiao yue said.

"Do you think i will like you, stop day dreaming and just watch your best friend, you idiot *smirk*" Lin ze said.

Xiao yue was mad and Want to throw Ju xian ran's thing to him but the doctor was watching so she didn't throw it and Lin ze just making some Annoying face while walking away.

"I wll get revenge you Bastard *pissed*" xiao yue said.

"You should go in and Watch your best friend, When She wake up you should call me so i can change her bandage *interrupt*" The doctor said.

She was shocked and nod, the doctor go back to his office. Xiao yue came in and she saw her best friend in coma.

She sit in the Chair and wait for her best friend to wake up.


"YOWW!!" Some one talked.

"Where am i? Am i dead? "Ju xian ran asked.

"Your not dead, Your just in coma *smile*" some one answer her question.

She notice that she wasn't in the human world. She notice some Water in the cage, She walk nearer and She saw the giant cage.

"Your here" Some scary voices said.

Ju xian ran was stunned and kind'da scared but when she Take off the Curtain, she saw the gold Cage and a two Beast.

"WHO ARE YOU *scared*!!!" Ju xian ran said.

"We're God beast, Where here since your birth" The other beast said.

"What's your name? *scared*" Ju xian ran said.

"My name is sciffero, Im a 11 Tailed god beast, You can call me Sciffero if you want. My dear master" Sciffero said.

Ju xian ran was confused and aksed the other one.

"My name is Luna, Im a 12 Tailed God beast. My power is so strong that's why sciffero here is my right man. My dear master" Luna said.

"Why are you in my dream? *conused*" Ju xian ran asked.

"is it because, You're a reborn, Master of ours" Sciffero said.

"Master of yours? *confused*" Ju xian ran said.

"Yes, Your name is Xian Ran, Your the Goddess of Ling wei Kingdom, Your power is so strong that can make the whole kingdom Dissappeare" Luna said.

"You mean, I have travel timed? *shocked*" Ju xian ran said.

"No. because you've died in a illness in the ling wei place *shake his head*" Sciffero said.

"Okay, So if im your master. Do you have a proof? Or a birthmark like that *impatient*" Ju xian ran said.

"You have a pheonix Birthmark in Your back and It's Symbolize as the princess of Ling wei Kingdom. Only the gifted princess have that, and it can help you to reborn if you'll die in here" Luna explain to ju xian ran.