
Reborn of Ling Wei's Goddess

Princess Of Ling Wei kingdom, Xian Ran was died in an illness, she left her dearest husband and was reborn in modern world. She was Reborn as Ju Xian Ran in Modern worlde, Who was to be the eldest twin sister of Ju xue. And from the day she answer the math problem and hit her head in the teacher's table, someone talked to her. "Who are you?! *scared*" Ju xian ran said. "Im a God beast, who protect your soul and I will revive your Memory!" The beast revive her memory, and Some scenes are flashing in her mind, Until she was bleeding badly and she saw a man who has to be her Dearest husband "LEI CHENG YI". Does Ju xian ran can find her husband and be with him?

Zhii_Luna · perkotaan
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16 Chs

11. "we've been married for more than 1200 years!"

Lei cheng yi kiss Ju xian ran's lips and Comfort her.

"Darling, You shouldn't be mad at the small things that I did wrong, You should trust me *comfort*" Lei cheng yi said.

"I trust you, But I didn't Trust the people around you, Because they are all suspicious. what if they do something Wrong with you *worried*" Ju xian ran said.

Lei cheng yi was Happy, and He hugged Ju xian ran tight.

"Well since my wife, has already warn me, Maybe Can we go home now. In my house *smile*" Lei cheng yi said.

*sigh*" Fine, It's been 1200 years since we haven't seen and Have time for each other *smile*" Ju xian ran said.

Lei cheng yi Smiled and Carry ju xian ran, She was shy and asked Lei cheng yi to put her down.

"yi, i can walk of my self. *shy*" Ju xian ran said.

Lei cheng yi smile and took her hand then go to the parking lot and Go straight to his car. Ju xian ran wasn't surprise because she knows that her husband is rich and He can do anything he wants.

They get into the car and Lei cheng yi drove to his mansion. Ju xian ran was shocked because her husband has a big and luxurious mansion, not even like her mansion in Ju Mansion.

Cheng yi Notice it and Smile.

"Does my wife like my House? If you like it you can Live here with me *smirk*" Lei cheng yi said.

Ju xian ran was happy that her husband offer her to live into his house but she cant live in his house because her father Ju gan dong will be suspicious and get mad.

"Yi'er, i cant my father in here will be mad and he want me to have a nice education and get graduate before living in someones house. *disappointed*" Ju xian ran said.

"It's my first time to see you in that state my wife..... And if you're scared of you're father in this era, I can go in your house and introduce my self as your boyfriend if you want! *smirk*" Lei cheng yi said.

Ju xian ran blushed, "Cheng yi, It's not necessary, My father will not agree to have you as my boyfriend." Ju xian ran said.

Lei cheng yi sigh and Park his car on the garage.He got out on his car and open the next door of the car and gently hold ju xian ran's hands.

"Thank you, My husband *smile*" Ju xian ran said.

"You're always welcome my dear wife *kiss her hand*" Lei cheng yi said.

They walk in the house and Get in. The maids Greet him like a lord, and butler lan greet him with respect.

"Welcome back, My lord *bow*" Butler lan said.

"You may arise, Butler lan. *sigh*"Lei cheng yi said.

Butler lan arise and He notice that a young woman was standing beside him.

"*Is this a woman? Really?! *shocked* No woman can get close to Young master *confused*" (butler lan mind)

Ju xian ran saw that butler lan was staring at her and she smile at him, Butler lan smiled back and he dont know if Ju xian ran have a death wish because she followed lei cheng yi in his mansion.

Any minute later, Lei cheng yi took Ju xian ran's hands and grab her Forcely.

"Does my wife, Intrested in my trusted butler? *dangerous smile*" Lei cheng yi asked.

"I dont have? Why? You're jealous again, I didn't do anything, I just Smiled at him." Ju xian ran answer.

The maids and butler lan Heared that Lei cheng yi Called the woman His wife.

"My lord, Your wife?.... *confused*" Butler lan said.

"yes, butler lan, she's my wife and my one and only *smile* Does anyone have problem with that? *stare*" lei cheng yi said.

"Of course, we dont have my lord, It's just our first time to see madam lei so please for give us *force smile*" Butler lan said.

"Okay, If you dont have a problem having my wife in here, Clean our room, make sure that no dirt left behind in my room especially the matress, or else you have a death wish *dangerous smile*" Lei cheng yi said.

The maids nod and do their own works, Lei cheng yi and ju xian ran go to the living room and they asked Butler lan to make a Peach tea.

"My lord, it's been 10 years from now since you like to drink peach tea. Is something changed you're taste buds? *smile*" Butler lan said.

"Well, my taste buds is been okay, and my wife loves to drink it *smile*" Lei cheng yi said.

Butler lan suddenly stopped and Questioned himself.

"Wife?... Im kind'da confused with Young master lei, Is he really okay. Bringing a Girl in the mansion and claimed that it his Wife?! *confused*" (butler lan mind)

Ju xian ran was reading his mind, When she reads it She stand up and Walk near to Butler lan.

Lei cheng yi was Surprise and Alert if His attack butler lan out of nowhere.

"Butler lan? Do you have a problem with me? *smile*" Ju xian ran said.

"I dont have a problem with you madam lei. "Butler lan said.

"Oh, it seems that your Confused because my husband Act rushly and Bring me home, am i right butler lan? *serious*" Ju xian ran said.

"Your right madam, But If young master lei really loves you, We are happy for him and For you too, because You make Young master lei smile *bow*" Butler lan said.

Ju xian ran smiled at him, but she's still suspicious of him. The maid has finished there work on Cleaning lei cheng yi's room.

Cheng yi and Xian ran, Go upstairs and they closed the door.

"Darling, about our marriage Can we make it official? *serious*" Lei cheng yi said.

"Official? Cheng yi We've been married for more than 1200 years!" Ju xian ran said.

"Darling, It's not what i mean, I mean We should register in this era as a legal couple, like in Ling wei *serious*" Lei chng yi said.

"If you insist, i cant just ignore my husband wishes and do my own wishes. So i agree to register with you in this era *smile*" Ju xian ran said.

Lei cheng yi smiled and hugged ju xian ran tight, he was thankful that Even the kingdom of Souls has disappear in a thin air and no one could remember what is the beauty of the kingdom.

But the love between Him and Her has never fade because of The promises they says before their last breath in Ling wei Kingdom.