
vegeta vs goku (2)

Vegeta became a little bit more powerful. Goku's current level of strength is approaching full strength. Vegeta has decided to use his full power to press Goku quickly. According to Goku, he can not use kaioken 3x for a long period of time without hurting himself.

A red halo appeared around the body of Vegeta as he decided to use his full force of 18,500, surprising the sudden rise

In the power of Vegeta Goku, he did not know that Vegeta learned to control ki in order to suppress his power. Vegeta smiled and flew high in the sky and shouted "galaxy breaker"

Vegeta was not stupid to let Goku stop him so he launched his immediate attack which ran into Goku and was no longer able to get out of the way. Goku's vision is renewed as he disappeared amid the energy attack.

Less than three seconds after his attack, he heard a scream from within his attack "kaioken 3x" and then immediately hit him with a punch on his face, which brought him down from his nose and was cut off his attack, Goku finally decided to use kaioken 3x If not used, there was no chance survive inside the attack "galaxy breaker"

The current Goku power is equal to 24,000 and is far superior to Vegeta's power.

Goku said, "It's over, my current strength is your superiority so you have to give up"

Vegeta wiped the blood on his face and smiled wildly and said, "I get it, what's the fun in that? The blood of the saiyan in my veins is only running now, is not it? , This is proof that you are saiyan "

Goku remained silent because he could not deny the words of Vegeta, during this battle he began to feel like Saiyan little by little.

Vegeta drove towards Goku and exchanged several punches and kicks, although the Vegeta power level was lower than the current Goku level, but Goku's body was slightly inflated by the pressure of kaioken 3x, which reduced its speed.

Vegeta retreated a little and then muttered inaudible "Sorry gogeta but I have to borrow your own attack, I do not think it matters because I'm part of you anyway"

"First, the user puts both hands in front of him and opens the palms and hands at a 90 degree angle." Then we combine the massive power of the kamehameha into the big bang attack, then turn the position into kamehameha and launch it into a strong current of energy "

Vegeta followed the instructions, first he made a big bang attack and then turned it to Kamehameha on the right side of the body "big bang ... kamehameha"

Goku noted that Vegeta was using an attack similar to kamehameha, thinking "How the hell does he know this attack?"

He went back to the ground and put his hands on the left side of his body and began screaming "Ka ... Mi ... ha ... Mi ... ha!"

My energy attacks collide in the air, but there is no doubt that the Vegeta attack was stronger than the Goku attack.

Goku shouted again "kamehameha kaioken 2x"

The power of the kamehameha doubled, but it was still weaker than the big bang kamehameha. If this continues, there is no doubt that Goku will lose.

Goku shouted again some seeing his appalling "kamehameha kaioken 3x"

Goku's kamehameha power multiplied again, but still unable to keep up with the power of big bang kamehameha, Goku shouted "kamehameha kaioken 4x" and then pressed himself to produce a power he could not handle "kamehameha kaioken 5x"

The power of the kamehameha of Goku overwhelmed Vegeta's attack immediately and soon the kamehameha reached Vegeta and pushed him away. It can be seen that Vegeta's combat shield was almost broken and Vegeta's eyes started to lose vitality. But it was no better for Goku. He used the kaioken 5x Can not afford it, it can hardly afford kaioken 3x.