
Reborn into MHA as an AJIN

A young girl suffers a tragic fate, but was given a second chance at life.. as one of the immortal Ajins. This will be an Action and Romance oriented fanfic, The auxiliary chapter will explain the book in more detail. This is the first fic i have written, i am open to criticisms as long as they are valid. P.S english is not my first language :) P.S again. This will be a slight AU.

EliJahChainsaw · Komik
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Hello! this is an auxiliary chapter made for some things i want to clarify beforehand.

* This will have some slight changes to the canon, although not too much, just some characters.

*The MC's Ajin powers are a bit different from the original, in a sense that IBM(Source of ajin powers) have become a quirk, that means they have quirk cells that can be trained like any other quirks.

* This will have a Yuri romance, for those who don't like such stories please don't complain later huhu.

* The MC will be Mute, But i will have a deuteragonist to balance it out, there will be a reason why they are mute, although they are mute, they still communicate with hand signs.

* All the art in the next section aren't mine, and all credits should be given to their artists.

Character Designs (For MC and AU characters)

Jihye Kurosawa, or Kurosawa Jihye if introduced in japanese.

Henriette Adelheid V. Heinrich.

Kei Kurosawa, or Kurosawa Kei if introduced in Japanese.

Liam Schneider