
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
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78 Chs

The Elder's Wisdom

The trio's journey through the Forest of Whispers was silent, each lost in their own thoughts. Kite's mind was filled with a multitude of questions, his gaze often drifting to the golden sword at his side. Liliana walked with a skip in her step befitting of her age, while Elian's eyes remained watchful.

As they approached the edge of the forest, the trees gave way to a clearing where a quaint cottage sat, its thatched roof crowned with a gentle wisp of smoke. The garden around the house was full of a ton of colorful flowers and various herbs that Kite had never seen before. It was a stark contrast to the metallic grays and reds of his war-torn home world.

An eldery, but still handsome old man awaited them on the porch, his eyes shining with a wisdom that seemed as old as the forest itself.

"Welcome back, young ones. Got the herbs?" he greeted, his voice as warm as the hearth inside.

His granddaughter nodded and handed him the basket of herbs she had on her back. "Hope that's enough, Grandpa."

He smiled and patted his grandchild's head. "It is, dear." His eyes went to Kite. "And who might this be? A new friend?"

"This is Kite," Liliana said, grinning. "We found him in the forest, confused and alone."

Elian chimed in, "He has a sword with weird symbols."

Mirrin's gaze fell upon Kite's sword, and for a moment, his eyes darkened with an unreadable emotion. "Come inside, Kite. We have much to discuss. You kids run along."

The blond boy sighed. "Aww, but I wanted to hear what you have to say to him."

Liliana glanced at him. "It must be super important if he wants to talk to Kite alone. Let's give them some space."

Kite couldn't help but smile. The way she spoke was full of a maturity above her years. It only served to remind him more of Lilica.

"Come now," Elder Mirrin said, snapping Kite out of his nostalgia.

Nodding, Kite followed him inside. The interior of the cottage was cozy, filled with the scent of herbs and the crackling of the fire. Mirrin settled into a chair with the ease of countless years.

"Sit and tell me everything," Mirrin began, his eyes locked on Kite's.

Kite took the offered seat, the sword lying across his lap. He recounted his tale, the war against the giants of metal, his last stand, and the mysterious transition to this world. As he spoke, Mirrin listened intently, nodding along as if the story confirmed something he already knew.

When Kite finished, Mirrin leaned back, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "Your arrival is no accident, Kite. The Forest of Whispers does not call out to just anyone. That sword of yours is more than just steel and craftsmanship."

Kite looked at the sword in his lap. "It belonged to my family for generations. It's all I have left of my world."

Mirrin nodded, his gaze lingering on the golden blade. "The symbols... they are ancient, speaking of a power that transcends worlds. Some of it is Eldorian in nature, yet not from our time."

Kite's heart skipped a beat. "Eldorian? But how is that possible?"

"The Forest of Whispers connects more than just the land of Eldoria or the realm it belongs to; it touches other realms, other possibilities," Mirrin explained, his voice a low rumble. "Your sword, it acted as a key, guided by your need and the will of the forest."

Kite's brow furrowed. "But why me? I'm no hero. I couldn't even save my own world."

Mirrin's smiled gently. "Heroism is not about saving worlds; it's about saving oneself and, in doing so, touching the lives of others. Your sword," he gestured, "is not just a weapon. It is a key—a key that brought you here for a purpose."

"And what purpose is that?" Kite asked, a mix of skepticism and hope in his voice.

"That, my boy, is for you to discover," Mirrin replied. "But know this: Eldoria is a world unlike any other in this realm. It is a land where lost things find themselves, and where heroes are born not from desire, but from necessity."

Kite looked down at the sword, its golden hue reflecting the fire's light. Could it be that this world needed him? That he was brought here not by chance, but by destiny?

"You will find your answers in time," Mirrin assured him. "For now, rest. You may stay here. This old place has many rooms, and if not, my son can always build you a new one. You could also go out and see the town. You are safe here, and you are not alone."

Taking a deep breath Kite stood up. His hand trembled as he held the sword. Part of him still wished to live a peaceful life. He didn't want to be a hero. Couldn't he just hand over the task to someone else?

Sighing, he walked outside. He heard laughter.

Elian was chasing around Liliana and several other kids.

Kite sat down on the stairs and smiled as he watched them play. It brought him back to when he was a child in his old life.

"Hey, Kite! Play with us!" Elian yelled, waving at him.

Elian's invitation was unexpected, a simple gesture that held the warmth of friendship. Kite hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should play or not. He might've been a kid, but he didn't feel like one at the same time.

"Come on, join us," Liliana said, walking over.

Kite smiled and nodded. He stood and joined the children in their play.

"Kite, you're it!" Elian giggled, tagging him before darting away.

With a laugh, Kite gave chase, the worries of his past momentarily forgotten.

The laughter of the children, the warmth of the sun on his back, and the softness of the grass underfoot were new experiences for Kite. Back in his world, there had been little time for such things toward the end of his life. Here, in Eldoria, life moved at a different pace, one that allowed for moments of joy amidst the ordinary. Or maybe it was merely because he was a child again. He was no longer a warrior. He was a kid in a new world, playing tag with other kids. It was as if time had been pushed back.

Although, the children of his old world didn't enjoy moments like these, not with this much leisure. The arrival of the titans of metal had uprooted his people's once peaceful life. As he ran after the kids, he hoped something like that would never happen to this world.

As the sun began to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Kite felt a sense of peace settle over him. The children had welcomed him without question, accepting him into their games as one of their own. It was a far cry from the life of a soldier, where every new face could be an enemy in disguise.

As the game wound down and the children said their goodbyes, Kite remained outside, sitting on the steps of Elder Mirrin's cottage. The old man joined him, a knowing smile on his face.

"You've made quite the impression," Mirrin remarked, his eyes reflecting the starlight.

Kite shrugged, a small smile on his lips. "They're good kids. They remind me of... well, of what I fought for and of my childhood friends." He sighed. "My world used to be peaceful before those monsters descended from the sky."

Mirrin nodded, his gaze turning to the heavens. "The children are the future of Eldoria, just as you are, in your own way. Remember, Kite, this world offers more than a second chance at life. It offers a chance to live."

Kite pondered Mirrin's words as the night deepened. Eldoria was not just a refuge from his past; it was a canvas for a new beginning. And perhaps, in time, he would find his place in this world.

For now, though, he was content to watch the stars and listen to the hum of fireflies flying through the warm night sky. His golden sword remained by his side—a reminder of where he had been and a beacon for where he was going. Even if he still was unsure of where that destination would be. A life of more battle or of peace?

Hope you enjoyed this second chapter ^^

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