
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
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43 Chs

Swirling Emotions

Kite rose from his bed and found his pillow was wet. He wiped his eyes and sighed. Had he been crying?

Kite sat up, the dampness of the pillow reminded him of the dreams that had haunted his sleep. He couldn't recall the specifics, but the lingering sense of loss and longing was palpable. He sighed, the weight of his dual existence pressing down on him.

Here, in Eldoria, he had found a new family, a new purpose, yet the echoes of his past, of a world under siege, tugged at his heart. The emotions from his dreams, though elusive, left a mark of melancholy that he couldn't shake off.

He stood up and stretched, trying to dispel the last vestiges of sleep and the unease that came with it. The golden sword caught the morning light, its glow a stark contrast to the shadows that lingered in his heart. Today was a day for answers, he reminded himself. Today, he would visit the blacksmith, and perhaps, he would find a clue about the sword's origins. And maybe even uncover something about his mom's family.

With a renewed sense of purpose, Kite dressed and prepared himself for the day ahead. The family was already gathering downstairs, the sounds of laughter and conversation drifting up to his room. He took a deep breath and stepped out of his room, ready to face whatever the day would bring.

"Kite!" Liliana yelled, tackling him to the ground with her hug.

"W-where did you come from?" Kite asked, stunned. Were the instincts and reflexes he had as a soldier in his past life numbed by being a child? Or was Liliana just that good?

Liliana's giggles filled the hallway as Kite lay on the ground, momentarily dazed by the surprise attack. "You didn't even try to slip away today! Not that it would've helped. I've been practicing my stealthy assault!" she declared proudly, puffing out her chest like a seasoned warrior.

Kite couldn't help but chuckle, the solemn thoughts of moments ago dissipating like mist in the sunlight. "Well, you certainly caught me off guard," he admitted, ruffling her hair. "I guess I need to train more."

"You'll have to play a lot more hide and seek-stealth me!" Liliana boasted, helping Kite to his feet.

He snickered. Yet, she was super easy to find during their actual game of hide and seek. Guess she was better the seeking than the hiding part.

As they made their way downstairs, the scent of breakfast wafted through the air, and the sound of sizzling and cheerful banter hinted at a lively morning in the kitchen. The family was gathered around the table, and Kite's entrance — with Liliana in tow — was met with a chorus of greetings.

"Sleep well?" Elara asked, smiling.

Kite lowered his head and rubbed his head. "I... had some dreams."

"Were they nightmares? Hmph, that meanie Demosnia! I'll teach him a lesson!" Liliana said, grumbling.

He blinked and tilted his head at the plucky girl. "Demosnia? Who's that?"

"It the name of the boogeyman! He's a big meanie!"

"Although, it's best not to say his name," her grandma said, sighing. "Unless you want to get a visit from him at night."

Liliana gulped. "I-I'll beat him up!" She punched the air and did a spinning kick.

Kite snickered. "Nice moves!"

The girl grinned at him. "Thanks, Papa taught me a few."

That explained why they reminded Kite of her father's demo. He sighed. His attribute was still a mystery. All he knew was it wasn't speedster or bruiser. His try at making a shield didn't feel any different from his attempt at imitating speedster and bruiser magic either. So, he probably wasn't a defender either. That only left healer and summoner.

Darian smiled at his daughter's display of martial prowess. "If Demosnia ever shows up, I'm sure you'll send him running," he said with a laugh.

Liliana beamed at the compliment. "Thanks, Papa!"

Elara hummed and glanced at Kite. "That reminds me, have you been able to uncover what your attribute is yet?"

Kite shook his head. "I'm not sure yet. I've tried making a shield, but that felt like when I tried to copy your moves and those of Darian."

Darian frowned. "So that leaves Summoner or Healer. Assuming you aren't a wildcard."

Elder Mirrin, overhearing the conversation, joined in. "Attributes can be tricky to pin down. Sometimes it takes a moment of need or strong emotion to bring them out."

Kite nodded, considering the elder's words. "Maybe today's visit to the blacksmith will stir something up," he mused.

Liliana's grandma smiled. "Well, enough talk about that. Wash your hands and come and sit down with us."

Liliana nodded and went to wash her hands.

He nodded and lined up behind Liliana by the sink.

The family finished breakfast amidst plans for the day. Kite's visit to the blacksmith was the talk of the table, with everyone offering their own piece of advice or encouragement.

As they cleared the table, Liliana tugged at Kite's sleeve. "Let's go! I want to see if the blacksmith can make me some shoes to make my kicks even stronger!"

Kite smiled, her enthusiasm infectious. "Alright, let's me go grab my sword and we can get going. Although aren't you a healer? Why would you want combat shoes when you fight from a distance with your magic?"

Liliana paused, her face scrunching up in thought. "Well, a good healer knows when to step back and when to step up! And if I can step up with a super strong kick, then I can protect my friends if I need to get close to them while they're facing a beast or a baddie! My magic takes time to work."

Her logic was surprisingly sound.

"Then, why not focus on making your casting faster instead of combat?"

She hummed and looked up at the ceiling. "What if I run out of prana? What do I do then?"

Kite smiled. Seemed this girl could think though multiple scenarios and be prepared for them. She reminded him so much of Lilica, with her quick wit and readiness for any challenge. Lilica, who had been both the strategist and the heart of their group, always seemed to have a plan for everything. Her laughter had been a beacon during the darkest times, and her courage had inspired them all.

He remembered the way his heart would race whenever Lilica outlined their next move, the way her eyes sparkled with fierce intelligence. He had admired her, relied on her. Honestly, he had loved her. It was a love born from a childhood spent together and their subsequent time in their planet's army. A love that had never quite found the right moment to be expressed.

Now, as he looked at Liliana, he felt a pang of that lost opportunity. But it was accompanied by a newfound respect for the young girl before him, who carried the same spirit that had drawn him to Lilica.

"Alright, Liliana," Kite said, his voice steady despite the emotions swirling within him. "Let's me go grab my sword. I'll be right back!"

Liliana grinned, oblivious to Kite's inner turmoil, her mind already on the adventures ahead. And Kite, with a bittersweet smile, went up to his room. Was Lilica okay?

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