
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs


The archery range was set up at the far end of the festival grounds, illuminated by torches that flickered like fireflies against the night. The air was filled with the scent of pine from the nearby woods, and the murmur of the crowd gathered to watch the competition.

Kite allowed himself to be pulled along by Elian, the blond boy's laughter mingling with the excitement that buzzed through the air. Liliana and Tomas followed close behind, their faces alight with anticipation.

As they reached the range, Kite saw the line of archers, each one poised with bow in hand, their concentration palpable. Elian turned to him, a mischievous glint in his eye. "You ever used a bow before?"

Kite nodded. "A few times," he said, recalling the training from his past life. The weight of a bow, the tension of the string, and the focus needed to hit a target were not unfamiliar to him. Although it wasn't exactly his best weapon. But he had used a mechanical one for long range attacks. The arrows were magnetic, so they would stick to the mechas. He and the other members of the resistance would then trigger the bombs attached on the arrows, blowing up the mechas.

Elian clapped him on the back. "Great! You're up after me."

Kite took a deep breath, watching as Elian stepped up to the line. The young swordsman nocked an arrow with practiced ease, drew the bowstring back, and released. The arrow flew straight and true, hitting the outer ring of the target.

The crowd cheered, and Elian stepped back with a satisfied grin. "Beat that, Kite!"

Kite smiled. "Didn't know you were a good archer too."

Elian's cheeks turned rosy and he looked away. "Well, I do try to practice more than the sword."

Liliana giggled. "His best weapons are the ax and sword."

"Still, knowing how to use three weapons is amazing," Kite said as he stepped forward, accepting the bow from one of the attendants.

He selected an arrow, feeling its fletching between his fingers. He raised the bow, drawing the string back with a steady hand. The world around him fell away, leaving only the target, the bow, and the arrow that was an extension of his will.

He released the arrow, and it soared across the range, striking the target near the center. A cheer rose from the crowd, and Kite lowered the bow, a sense of accomplishment warming him from within.

Liliana jumped up and down, clapping her hands. "You did it, Kite! You're amazing!"

Tomas tugged at Kite's tunic. "You're like a hero from the stories!"

Kite ruffled Tomas's hair, his heart swelling with pride. "Thanks, buddy. But the real heroes are the ones who practice every day."

As the competition continued, Kite found himself enjoying the simple pleasure of the game. He cheered for the other archers, celebrated their successes, and offered words of encouragement when shots went awry.

When the competition ended, Kite had earned a respectable place among the participants. He hadn't won, but that wasn't what mattered. He had made memories, shared laughter, and for a moment, he had been part of something that felt like a tradition, a piece of Eldoria's heart.

"You did better than me," Elian said, sighing. He chuckled as he turned away from the board to Kite. "Maybe you should be an archer."

Kite returned the grin. "Thanks, but I think I'll stick to the sword."

Liliana, who had been cheering them on, tugged at Kite's sleeve. "Come on, there's still so much to see before the festival ends!"

They wandered through the festival grounds, where the air was filled with the aroma of roasted nuts and sweet pastries. The laughter of the townsfolk mingled with the melodies of lutes and flutes played by street musicians. Every corner of Ald Town seemed to be alive with joy and celebration.

Tomas, still clutching to the hem of his griffin shirt, pointed excitedly at a puppet show that had gathered a circle of children. "Can we watch?" he asked, his eyes wide with wonder.

"Of course," Kite replied, and they joined the audience, becoming engrossed in the tale of a brave knight and a cunning dragon being acted out with intricate puppets.

As the puppet show came to an end, the puppeteer bowed to the applause of the crowd. Liliana leaned over to Kite. "You know, I think you could be a great knight, like in the story."

Kite laughed softly. "Maybe one day. But for now, I'm happy just being here with you all."

The night was still young, and the festival showed no signs of slowing down. Stalls with games of skill and chance lined the pathways, and Kite found himself drawn to a booth with wooden rings and a series of pegs.

"Try your luck, kid!" the booth attendant called out. "Ring a peg and win a prize!"

Kite exchanged a few coins for a handful of rings and took aim. One by one, he tossed the rings, each throw coming close but not quite landing. On his final attempt, the ring sailed through the air and landed squarely on a peg, eliciting cheers from Liliana, Elian, and Tomas.

The attendant handed Kite a small wooden carving as a prize—a miniature sword that bore a striking resemblance to his own golden blade. "Seems you're destined for the sword, after all," the attendant said with a wink.

Kite examined the carving, feeling a strange sense of connection to the small token. "Thank you," he said, tucking the carving safely into his pocket.

The evening wore on, filled with games, laughter, and shared treats. Kite, Elian, Liliana, and Tomas tried everything from candied apples to spiced cider, their spirits high and their bond growing stronger with each shared experience.

As the final act of the night, a troupe of fire dancers took to the central stage, their flames casting a warm glow over the crowd. Kite watched, mesmerized by the dance of fire and shadow, the heat of the flames a stark contrast to the cool night air.

The festival was a tapestry of moments—each thread a memory, each color a feeling. And as Kite stood there among the people of Ald Town, he realized that this was what life was about: not just the battles and the struggles like those he faced in his past life, but the moments of pure, unadulterated joy.

The fire dancers took their final bow, and the crowd began to disperse, the festival drawing to a close.

"That was so cool!" Elian said, pumping his fist into the air.

Tomas nodded.

Elian grinned. "See you two tomorrow for the end of the festival."

"Yeah!" Liliana said.

Kite, Liliana, and Tomas made their way home, the streets now quiet and the lanterns flickering softly in the night.

Back at the house, Kite placed the wooden sword carving on his bedside table, a memento of a night that had brought him some relief from his anxiety.

He laid in bed, the sounds of the night lulling him toward sleep, his thoughts peaceful and content.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

sun_imperialcreators' thoughts