
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
78 Chs

Out with Friends

After grabbing his sword, Kite headed back downstairs.

"Ready!" Kite said, smiling at Liliana.

The girl grinned and grabbed his hand. "Alright, let's go!"

"Take care, kids!" Elara said, waving.

"Bye, Mommy!" Tomas said before he ran after us.

Kite blinked and glanced at Liliana. "Wait, Tomas is coming with us?"

"Yeah, he wanted to come with his big sis." She chuckled. 

Kite couldn't help but smile at the young boy's enthusiasm. "Well, the more the merrier," he said, ruffling Tomas's hair as they stepped out into the fresh morning air.

The streets of Ald Town were bustling with activity, merchants opening their stalls and townsfolk going about their daily routines. The sound of the blacksmith's hammer rang in the distance, a steady beat that guided them through the winding cobblestone streets.

As they approached Cassius's shop, the scent of metal and fire grew stronger. Kite felt a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The golden sword was a mystery, one that he hoped the blacksmith could help unravel.

Liliana, holding Tomas's hand on one side and Kite's on the other, led the way with a skip in her step. "I bet Cassius is gonna be super impressed with your sword," she said confidently.

Kite chuckled. "I hope so. But I'm more interested in what he can tell us about it."

They reached the blacksmith's shop, the sound of metalwork growing louder as they entered. Cassius, with a soot-blackened face, looked up from his work and greeted them with a broad smile.

"Ah, the young adventurers return! And who's this little warrior?" he asked, nodding at Tomas.

"This is my brother, Tomas," Liliana introduced. "He's gonna be a great healer one day!"

Tomas beamed with pride, standing a little taller at his sister's words.

He laughed. "Wow, you've grown a lot, Tomas. Last time I saw you, you were still a baby."

Kite blinked. Did Tomas not go out much? This was his first time seeing him out and about now that he thought about it. Maybe his parents doted too much on the little one?

"Well, let's see what we have here," the blacksmith said, turning his attention to Kite. "Brought me something special, have you?"

Kite nodded and carefully handed over the golden sword. The blacksmith's eyes lit up as he examined the blade, his experienced hands feeling the weight and balance.

"This is fine work… very fine work indeed. The inscriptions, though… they're like nothing I've seen before. Give me some time with it. I'll do my best to uncover its secrets."

Kite felt a sense of relief. Finally, he might get some answers. "Thank you," he said. "We'll be back later."

As they left the shop, Liliana turned to Kite with a wide grin. "Let's go visit Elian and give you the rest of your tour around Ald Town."

He nodded. "Lead the way."

Liliana, with the same boundless energy she had shown all morning, led the way through the streets of Ald Town. Tomas clung to her other hand, his little legs working double time to keep up with his sister's pace.

As they walked, Kite took in the sights and sounds of the town. The market was a kaleidoscope of colors and noises. Vendors called out their wares, from fresh fruits and vegetables to handcrafted trinkets that sparkled in the sunlight. Children ran between the stalls, their laughter mingling with the chatter of the crowd.

They passed by a stall with an array of colorful fabrics, and Liliana paused. "Elian's mom works here," she said, pointing to a woman who was expertly negotiating with a customer. "She makes the best dresses in town!"

Tomas tugged at Kite's hand, pulling him toward a stall with wooden toys. "Look, Kite! Dragons!" he exclaimed, his eyes wide with wonder at the carved creatures.

Kite crouched down beside Tomas, examining the craftsmanship. "These are amazing," he said, picking up a dragon with wings spread wide. "You have a good eye, Tomas. Let's come back and buy it later."

He nodded.

Liliana beamed at them both. "Come on, let's go see Elian now. He's probably at the training grounds."

They made their way to the edge of town, where the sounds of the market faded into the distance, replaced by the rhythmic clashing of wooden swords and the occasional shout of instruction. The training grounds were alive with activity, young warriors honing their skills under the watchful eyes of their instructors.

Elian spotted them first, waving enthusiastically from where he was practicing. "Kite! Liliana! Tomas!" he called out, jogging over to them.

"Hey, Elian," Kite greeted, standing up. "Looks like you're working hard."

Elian grinned, wiping sweat from his brow. "Gotta keep sharp. You never know when you'll need to defend the town."

Kite worried hearing those words come from a ten-year-old.

Liliana nudged Kite playfully. "Elian's the best swordsman in our age group. He's going to be a great warrior."

Elian blushed at the praise. "I'm not that good," he said modestly. "But I'm getting better. If anything, Kite's better than I am."

Kite snickered mentally. Well, he was a soldier back in his old world. 

Kite's modesty prevented him from boasting, but he couldn't deny the muscle memory of his training that still lingered in his movements. "I've had a bit of practice," he said with a smile.

Elian's eyes lit up. "You'll have to show me some moves sometime!"

"Definitely," Kite agreed. "But for now, Liliana says you're giving us a tour?"

"That's right!" Elian said. "We were gonna do that yesterday, but you became busy with cleaning up the house for Liliana's grandma."

"Oh, right. Sorry about that," Kite said.

Elian swung his hands behind his back and grinned. "It's alright! At least you're here now. Let me just tell Gramps!"

He rushed over to his instructor who turned and nodded before Elian could even say a thing.

Grinning, the blond ran back over to them. "Let's get going!"

As they walked, Elian pointed out various landmarks and shared stories about each one. They passed the town's library, a grand building with tall windows and shelves upon shelves of books. "They say the library has books on every subject you can imagine," Elian boasted.

Did they? Or was that a children's exaggeration?

Liliana pulled Kite's sleeve excitedly. "We should come back here later! They might have books on sword history or magic!"

Kite nodded, intrigued by the idea. "Good thinking, Liliana."

Their next stop was the town's garden, a lush oasis filled with flowers and trees. The air was fragrant with the scent of blooming plants, and the sound of a nearby fountain added to the peaceful atmosphere.

Tomas ran ahead, laughing as he chased butterflies. "It's so pretty here!" he exclaimed.

"It's a place of tranquility," Elian said. "A perfect spot to relax after training."

As the day wore on, Kite felt a growing connection to Ald Town and its people. The sense of community, the pride in their town, and the warmth they showed to one another—it was a stark contrast to the world he had left behind.

Finally, as the sun began to dip toward the horizon, they made their way back to the blacksmith's shop. Cassius was waiting for them, the golden sword laid out on his workbench.

"I've learned a lot about your sword," Cassius began, his expression serious. "It's an exceptional piece, and the inscriptions... they're ancient, from before this town was even founded."

Kite's heart raced with anticipation. "What does it mean?"

Cassius handed the sword back to Kite. "It means you've got a piece of history in your hands. And I think it's going to be a key part of your journey here in Eldoria."

With the sword back in his possession, Kite felt a renewed sense of purpose. The mysteries of the blade were slowly unraveling, and with each new discovery, he felt closer to understanding his role in this world. 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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