
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
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43 Chs

Origins of the Golden Sword

Kite had gotten into the movie when knocking suddenly interrupted his peaceful movie night.

"I'll get it!" Darian said, standing up. He rushed over to the door.

"Dari!" a woman said, wrapping her arms around him.

"Mom," Darian said, hugging the elderly woman.

The warmth of the embrace between Darian and his mother filled the room, a testament to the deep bond they shared. As they pulled apart, the matriarch's eyes swept over the gathered family, her expression a mixture of joy and nostalgia.

"Look at all of you," she said, her voice rich with emotion. "My beautiful family."

Liliana giggled and ran over to hug her.

One by one, she greeted each member, her hugs lingering, her words tender. When she reached Kite, she paused, studying him with a keen eye. "And who might you be? A new friend of my rambunctious granddaughter?"

Liliana hugged Kite from behind and giggled. "Yeah! His name is Kite! I found him in the forest and brought him back home with me!"

Kite chuckled nervously. She it made it sound like she found a lost kitten or puppy.

Her grandma chuckled. "I see." Her eyes widened. "Wait, the forest?"

Liliana nodded. "Yup! He was sleeping in a meadow in the Forest of Whispers. Elian and I were gathering herbs for Grandpa Mirrin. That's when I saw a weird boy slumbering in the flowers, with a golden sword by his side."

She hummed. "A golden sword?"

Mirrin nodded at his wife. "Yes, it has strange inscriptions."

"I planned to show it to the blacksmith in town to see if he might know anything about it, but I keep getting sidetracked," Kite said.

"A golden sword? Sounds rare," a new voice chimed in. A tall, slender man with a well-built physique entered, carrying several crates. His silver glasses caught the light as his cyan bangs fell stylishly over his forehead.

Ludo beamed as soon as he saw him. "Dad!"

"Daddy!" Skyla said.

The man smiled at them. "Hey, kids."

"Here, allow me to help, dear," Cat said, walking over to her husband. She took one of the smaller boxes from him.

"Is that my gift?" Liliana asked, bouncing up and down.

"Maybe it's mine or Skyla's," Ludo said, chuckling.

Ludo and Skyla's dad placed the crates down with a gentle thud, his eyes sparkling with mischief behind his glasses. "Well, you'll all have to wait until after dinner," he teased, his voice carrying the promise of surprises to come.

Liliana pouted playfully, but the gleam in her eyes betrayed her feigned disappointment. Kite found himself swept up in the family's lively energy, their joy infectious and heartwarming.

Grandma, intrigued by the mention of the golden sword, turned her attention back to Kite. "Would you mind if I took a look at that sword? I've seen many things in my time, and I might be able to shed some light on its origins."

Kite agreed enthusiastically, eager to learn more about the mysterious weapon. "Of course, I'll bring it down."

As Kite left to retrieve the sword, the family began to unpack the crates, revealing an assortment of carefully wrapped gifts and trinkets, each one adding to the room's festive atmosphere.

When Kite returned with the golden sword, the room fell into a respectful silence. The blade gleamed in the dim light, its inscriptions shimmering with an almost otherworldly glow.

Grandma reached out, her fingers delicately tracing the intricate patterns etched into the metal. "Ah, this is no ordinary sword," she whispered. "These inscriptions are ancient, possibly from a time before Ald Town itself was founded."

Her son-in-law nodded as he adjusted his glasses. "The style itself isn't like anything I've seen on this continent, and I've seen a lot of ancient swords in my lifetime. The closest thing I've seen to this sword was a polearm that came from the Auroria, the land of the dawn."

Kite gasped. "Really? Is that place far away?"

He nodded. "It's in the far east. The sun is said to rise on its eastern shores."

Elder Mirrin nodded. "While not as vast as Mare Solaris, the Luminous Ocean is still a formidable expanse of water. It separates us from Auroria, the land where the dawn begins. It's a journey that requires courage and resolve, for the ocean is as beautiful as it is treacherous."

Kite stared at his sword again. "But, this is a family heirloom... From another world."

Liliana's grandma's eyes widened a little. "Like another planet?"

"Maybe. It could be another galaxy, or even a different universe all together for all I know." Kite eyes the sword again. "But Elder Mirrin said some of the writing on it is from this world itself."

"Given it seems to be older than Ald Town, it couldn't have been the legendary blacksmith as he was born in this town," Ludo's dad said.

"Yeah the design isn't like any of the weapons sketches we saw, assuming they're accurate," Kite whispered. Although, he didn't get why a sword his mom owned would have elements of this world.

As he stood there lost in thought, Liliana's grandmother observed him with a gentle curiosity. "You seem far away, Kite," she noted. "Is there something troubling you about the sword?"

Kite shook his head, deciding not to voice his wilder theories just yet. "It's just… it's a family heirloom, and I never knew much about it. I'm hoping the blacksmith might shed some light on its origins. And maybe I could find out how to get home..."

Liliana frowned. "You wanna go back?"

Truthfully, he didn't. But it would've been selfish if he abandoned his original world to those mechanical titans. But... right now he was only a child. He still had a lot to learn about this world. But maybe, he could use his time in Eldoria to find something that could help him free his people. Assuming, they were still alive...

"Yeah," he mumbled.

The room fell into a contemplative silence as Kite's words hung in the air.

Liliana's eyes, filled with concern, met Kite's, and in that moment, a silent understanding passed between them.

Elder Mirrin cleared his throat, breaking the quiet. "Home is where the heart is, they say. And Kite, while you're here, you're part of our family, part of Ald Town."

Kite nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Thank you," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "I'll do my best to learn, to grow, and maybe one day, to help both of my worlds."

The family nodded, their faces a tapestry of empathy and support. They understood the weight of Kite's burden, the duality of his existence between two places.

As the family returned to their movie, Kite went ahead and returned to his room. He hung the sword on the wall and laid down.

Kite stared at the wooden-beam ceiling, his thoughts a whirlwind of possibilities and what-ifs. But amidst the chaos of his mind, one thing was clear: he was not alone. He had found a new family, a new home to support him.

And with that thought, Kite closed his heavy eyes. Small tears poked out of them, staining his pillow.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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