
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
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78 Chs

Melody of the Forest

Meanwhile, in the tranquil forest outside of Valoria, a white-haired girl hummed a melody that seemed to resonate with the very essence of the woods. Perched on a moss-covered rock, her voice wove through the trees, a soft, enchanting tune that beckoned the creatures of legend.

As her song filled the air, a gentle rustling could be heard. One by one, birds of every hue and size gathered, their heads tilting in curiosity. They were not the only ones drawn to her call; from the shadows emerged figures of myth—a unicorn with a mane glistening like moonlight, a phoenix with feathers aflame, and a griffin, proud and regal.

She opened her lilac eyes, and they sparkled with a knowing light.

"Welcome, friends," she whispered, her connection to these mythical beings as natural as the forest's breath. The animals moved closer, a silent pact of trust and kinship forming between them.

As the girl's song tapered off, the gathered birds chirped harmoniously, as if to accompany the final notes of her tune. The mythical creatures lingered.

With a gentle smile, the silver-haired girl reached out her hand, and the unicorn stepped forward, nuzzling her palm with its velvety muzzle.

The girl giggled. "Say, what's your name?" she said, petting her new friend.

The unicorn, with its ethereal presence, seemed to whisper a name to the wind, a name that resonated with the ancient magic of the forest.

She listened intently, her heart understanding the silent language. "Aeris," she said softly, the name a perfect fit for the creature of air and light.

The phoenix, a blaze of glory against the night, preened its feathers, and a cascade of sparks spelled out a name in the dark.

"Pyralis," the girl declared, the name as fiery and spirited as the bird itself.

Lastly, the griffin, with its regal bearing, cast a shadow that morphed into letters on the ground, a name that spoke of strength and tempests. "Zephyron," she pronounced, feeling the power that the name carried.

With these names, She felt a deeper connection to Aeris, Pyralis, and Zephyron, as if the act of calling them by name had woven their spirits together in an unbreakable bond.

"I'm Sylvana," she said in response. She listed off the names of her bird and rabbit companions off to them.

"You sure that runt came this way?" a gruff voice called out, snapping Sylvana out of her leisurely conversation.

"I'm certain," another voice said.

The girl tensed up. The animals moved closer to her, as if prepared to guard her from whoever the two men were.

Sylvana's heart raced as she heard the approaching voices. The forest, which had felt so serene just moments ago, now seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. She took a deep breath, drawing strength from the presence of her mystical companions.

Aeris, the unicorn, stepped forward protectively, its horn glowing with a soft, reassuring light. Pyralis, the phoenix, perched on a nearby branch, its feathers shimmering like embers ready to ignite. Zephyron, the griffin, spread its wings wide, casting a formidable shadow over Sylvana.

"Stay calm," Sylvana whispered to the creatures. "We'll face this together."

The underbrush rustled, and two men emerged. One was tall and burly, his face marked by a scar that ran from his temple to his jaw. The other was leaner, with sharp eyes that darted around, taking in the surroundings.

"There she is!" the leaner man exclaimed, pointing at Sylvana. "That's the girl we've been looking for."

The burly man grinned maliciously. "Looks like we found ourselves a little summoner. The boss will be pleased."

Sylvana stood her ground, her lilac eyes narrowing. "What do you want?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the fear gnawing at her insides.

The burly man took a step forward, but Aeris lowered its head, the tip of its horn glowing brighter in warning. He hesitated, clearly wary of the mythical creatures.

"We've been sent to bring you back," the lean man said, his tone oily. "You've got a gift, and our boss wants to make use of it."

Sylvana's heart pounded. She knew she couldn't let them take her. Her connection to the creatures was too precious, and she couldn't risk losing it or letting them be exploited.

"You won't take me anywhere," she said firmly, her resolve hardening.

The men exchanged glances, and the burly one sneered. "We'll see about that."

Before they could make a move, Pyralis spread its wings and let out a shrill cry, sending a shower of sparks into the air. Zephyron roared, its powerful voice echoing through the forest.

The men faltered, clearly unnerved by the display of magic. Sylvana took advantage of their hesitation, reaching out her hands and calling upon the bond she shared with her companions.

They gritted their teeth as their hands glowed with shadow magic.

Sylvana gritted her teeth as chains of darkness wrapped around her wrists.

"Aeris, Pyralis, Zephyron," she whispered, her voice carrying the weight of her determination. "Protect us."

Aeris charged forward, its horn blazing with light which purged the shadow magic away, forcing the men to retreat. Pyralis closed its fiery wings, creating a barrier of heat that kept the men at bay. Zephyron swooped down, its talons extended in a show of strength.

The men stumbled back, their earlier bravado crumbling in the face of the united front. "This isn't over," the burly man growled, but there was fear in his eyes.

Sylvana stood tall, her heart racing but her spirit unyielding. "Leave now, and never return," she commanded.

The men exchanged one last, fearful glance before turning and fleeing into the forest, their threats lost in the wind.

As the forest returned to its peaceful state, Sylvana felt a wave of relief wash over her. She turned to her companions, gratitude shining in her eyes. "Thank you," she said softly. "I couldn't have done it without you."

Aeris nuzzled her hand, Pyralis flew around in circles overhead, and Zephyron bowed its head in acknowledgment. They had faced the threat together, their bond stronger than ever.

Sylvana knew that this encounter was just a glimpse of the challenges that lay ahead. But with Aeris, Pyralis, and Zephyron by her side, she felt ready to face whatever came her way.

She hoped they wouldn't come back with more help. Ever since her grandmother died, people have kept trying to pursue her for one reason or another. Be it to pay off her family's debt or to use her connection to the animals to draw in big game.

As she resumed her song, the creatures around her relaxed, the melody weaving a sense of calm and unity. The forest, once again, became lulled by her tune.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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