
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
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78 Chs

Getting a Real Sword!

Kite smiled as he practiced his swings. It had been half a year now since he came to this new world. He had yet to find out his true attribute, but each day had been filled with fun. Courtesy of Liliana and co.

Liliana clapped her hands and cheered.

His face reddened. Why was she acting as if she was in some kind of sporting event?

Sylvana smiled shyly and clapped alongside her. Elder Mirrin had taken her in too.

Looking down, I felt even more embarrassed.

"Hey!" Elian yelled as he looked down from top of the fence. He waved at them and grinned. "Wanna come with me to Cassius?"

Kite blinked. "Are you getting something from the blacksmith?"

He nodded. "Yup! Dad finally agreed to me buying a real sword!"

Liliana's excitement was palpable as she sprang to her feet, her eyes shining with enthusiasm. "That's amazing, Elian! A real sword? This is a big step for you!"

Elian's chest puffed out with pride, and he hopped off the fence, landing with a thud that sent a small cloud of dust into the air. "Yeah, I've been saving up for months! And Dad says I'm finally ready."

Kite sheathed his golden sword and wiped the sweat from his brow. "Well, that's an offer I can't refuse. Count me in for the trip to Cassius."

Sylvana's clapping slowed, and she looked between Kite and Elian with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. "Can I come too?"

"Of course, Sylvana!" Liliana exclaimed, looping her arm through Sylvana's. "It'll be like an adventure! Plus, Cassius always has interesting stories to tell."

The group's spirits were high as they set off towards the blacksmith's, the sound of their laughter and chatter blending with the ambient noises of the bustling town.

"Think we could fight with our real swords?" Elian asked, smiling at Kite.

Kite frowned. It sounded dangerous. He would hate it if he hurt Elian or worse. "I don't know, Elian," he said hesitantly. "Real swords aren't like practice ones. It's easy to get hurt."

Elian's face fell for a moment, but then he brightened up, determination shining in his eyes. "We'll be careful. We'll just practice some basic moves, nothing too dangerous."

Liliana chimed in, her voice filled with excitement. "Cassius can probably give you some tips on how to practice safely. He's been training people for years!"

Sylvana nodded in agreement. "It would be good to learn from someone experienced. I'm sure Cassius will have some valuable advice."

As they made their way through the town, they passed by various shops and stalls, each one bustling with activity. The aroma of freshly baked bread wafted through the air, mingling with the sounds of merchants calling out their wares. It was a lively scene, full of energy and life.

When they reached the blacksmith's shop, the sound of hammering metal greeted them. Cassius, a burly man with thick arms and a bushy beard, was hard at work, his muscles rippling with each powerful strike.

He looked up as they approached, a friendly smile spreading across his face. "Well, if it isn't Elian and his friends! What brings you lot here today?"

Elian stepped forward, his chest puffed out with pride. "Dad said I'm ready for a real sword, Cassius! I've saved up enough, and I'm here to buy one."

Cassius's eyes twinkled with amusement and approval. "Is that so? Well, you've come to the right place. Let's have a look at what we've got." He led them inside, where rows of finely crafted weapons lined the walls.

Kite couldn't help but admire the craftsmanship. Each sword gleamed with a polished finish, the metalwork intricate and precise. It was clear that Cassius took great pride in his work.

Elian's eyes roamed over the selection, his excitement palpable. "They're all so amazing! How do I choose just one?"

Cassius chuckled. "Take your time, lad. A sword is a personal thing. You'll know when you find the right one."

Liliana and Sylvana wandered around the shop, admiring the various weapons and tools.

Sylvana smiled as she examined a beautifully engraved dagger. "Cassius, did you make all of these yourself?"

Cassius nodded, his chest swelling with pride. "Aye, every last one. Each piece is crafted with care and precision. There's a story behind every weapon."

She gently touched the hilt of a sword, her fingers tracing the intricate designs. "They're truly works of art."

Liliana giggled. "Yeah, he's been the town's blacksmith for years! Say, how was Valoria's blacksmith like?"

Sylvana hummed. "To be honest, I never met him. I had no reason to stop by his shop."

Cassius hummed. "Wait, you're from Valoria?"

She nodded.

"Did we not mention that when we introduced her?" Liliana asked.

"Probably not, but she has lived her for half a year almost, so it might be easy to forget," Kite said.

Cassius smiled. "I see. The blacksmith there was one of my pupils from when I was around Elara and Darian's age. Was hoping to find out how he was."

Sylvana frowned. "Sorry that I wasn't of much help."

He laughed and waved his hand. "It's fine. Speaking of pupils, my granddaughter should be visiting soon."

"You got a granddaughter studying to be a blacksmith?"

Cassius grinned and nodded. "Yup. She's pretty energetic. I hope you kids can get along. She could use some friends like you."

Liliana grinned. "Of course! We'll make her feel at home!"

Elian finally settled on a sword, a sleek blade with a simple yet elegant design. He held it up, testing its weight and balance. "This one feels right," he said with a grin.

Cassius nodded approvingly. "Good choice, Elian. I trust your training has prepared you for the real deal?"

He nodded, a large grin on his face. "Yup! Well, I hope so. Oh, yeah! I was hoping to spar against Kite with our swords."

The man crossed his thick arms. "I'm not sure that's a good idea. Well, at least not if Kite's using that golden sword of his."

"Is it because it's special?" Liliana asked. 

Cassius let out a belly laugh. "That it is, but that's not the real reason. It's that a sparring match should feature the same kind of sword. Kite's sword is very different from the one you picked, Elian."

Elian stared at his sword. "I see."

Kite's eyes went to the selection. The swords were all pretty expensive, but their quality made it worth the money. Unfortunately, he didn't have much money to buy a sword similar to Elian's."

Elian sighed. "I see.

Liliana swung her arms over the shoulders of her two guy friends. "It's okay! You two can still continue spar with your wooden swords."

Kite and Elian looked at one another and smiled, nodding their heads. Sparring with wooden swords felt like a safer way to test their skills without the risk of serious injury.

Cassius grinned. "That's the spirit! Wooden swords are perfect for honing your techniques and learning control. Plus, it keeps things fun and safe."

Elian nodded, his excitement undiminished. "Thanks, Cassius. We'll keep that in mind."

Sylvana, having listened to the conversation, turned her attention back to the intricate designs on the swords. "Cassius, do you also teach crafting techniques? These designs are beautiful."

Cassius's eyes twinkled with pride. "Indeed, I do. Crafting is an art form, and I believe in passing down the knowledge to the next generation. If you're interested, Sylvana, I'd be happy to show you some techniques."

Sylvana's face lit up with interest. "I would love that. Thank you."

"So, when is your granddaughter coming?" Liliana asked.

"Later this week," Cassius replied, his grin widening. "Although, I do warn you, she can be rather hot-blooded. She's pretty tomboyish too. It wouldn't surprise me if she asks Kite or Elian for a sparring match."

Elian's eyes sparkled with excitement at the prospect. "She sounds like she'll fit right in!"

Kite nodded, feeling a mix of anticipation and curiosity about meeting Cassius's granddaughter. "We'll be sure to give her a warm welcome."

Cassius chuckled. "I have no doubt about that. Now, Elian, let's get you set up with a scabbard for that new sword of yours. You can't go around carrying it bare."

As Cassius and Elian moved towards the back of the shop to find a suitable scabbard, Liliana and Sylvana continued to admire the various weapons and tools displayed around the shop.

Liliana turned to Sylvana, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "I can't wait to meet Cassius's granddaughter. It sounds like she's going to bring a lot of energy to our group."

Sylvana smiled warmly. "I'm looking forward to it too. It's always nice to make new friends."

Kite smiled and went to see the scabbards. He wanted to see what Elian would pick. He wondered if the ones in this world had a special power. The one he owned could hide his sword's ki. In hindsight, he wondered if it was to hide the relic from those who could sense its extraordinary power.

He sighed. If only he had learned to master said power in his old life, he could've saved his friends and world from those mechanical giants.

He pushed aside the thoughts of his old world and focused on the moment. Elian was holding a couple of scabbards, trying to decide which one to pick.

"Kite, what do you think?" Elian asked, holding up a dark leather scabbard with subtle silver engravings. "Does this one look good?"

Kite took a closer look. The craftsmanship was solid, and the silver engravings gave it a nice touch. "Yeah, it looks great, Elian. It's sturdy and well-made. Those engravings are a nice bonus."

Elian grinned, clearly happy with the feedback. "I thought so too. But there's also this one." He showed another scabbard made of rich, reddish-brown leather with intricate gold stitching.

Kite tilted his head, considering the second option. "This one's nice too. The gold stitching really pops. But it's up to you—go with what feels right."

Elian looked between the two scabbards, thinking it over. After a moment, he nodded. "I think I'll go with the first one. It just feels better."

Cassius nodded approvingly. "Good choice, Elian. A scabbard should complement the sword, and that one does."

Kite clapped Elian on the shoulder. "Glad you found one you like. Now you're all set."

Elian slid his new sword into the chosen scabbard, grinning. "Thanks for your help, Kite. I really appreciate it."

Kite smiled. "No problem, that's what friends are for."

As they walked back towards the front of the shop, Elian's excitement was palpable. "I can't wait to start practicing with this. Maybe one day, I'll be as skilled as you, Kite."

Kite chuckled. "Just keep practicing and stay dedicated. You've got the potential, Elian. I'll be here to help you along the way."

Elian's eyes shone with determination. "I will. Thanks, Kite."

When they rejoined Liliana and Sylvana, Elian proudly showed off his new scabbard. "Look at this! Kite helped me pick it out."

Liliana and Sylvana admired Elian's choice, their faces lighting up with approval. "It's perfect, Elian!" Liliana exclaimed. "You look like a real warrior now."

Sylvana nodded. "It's a beautiful scabbard. It sure makes you stick out.

Elian's chest puffed out a little more with pride, and he looked at Kite with gratitude. "Thanks again, Kite. This means a lot to me."

Kite felt a warm flush on his face. "I didn't do much."

The blond boy chuckled. "Ever the modest guy."

He furrowed his brow. Was he being modest? He really didn't do much but give his opinion.

Kite couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia. Elian reminded him so much of his best friend from his old world—the friend he couldn't save. He pushed the thought aside, focusing on the moment and the friends he had now.

As they left the blacksmith's shop, the sun was starting to set, casting a warm glow over Ald Town. The group walked together, their laughter and chatter blending with the sounds of the bustling town.

Liliana's excitement was contagious. "I can't wait to see you in action with that new sword, Elian! You're going to be amazing."

Elian grinned, confidence radiating from him. "Thanks, Liliana. I can't wait to start training with it."

"Just be safe," Sylvana said, sighing.

He nodded and grinned. "I will. Come on, Kite! Let's practice our swings together!"

Kite smiled back and nodded, chasing after the boy who reminded him of his lost friend.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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