
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
78 Chs


Liliana and Eliana took him to the apothecary next, a small shop filled with jars of herbs and potions. The air was thick with the scent of lavender and mint.

"This is where we get medicine when we're sick," Liliana explained. "The apothecary knows all about healing herbs."

"Hey, Cuz!" a voice called out.

The trio looked at the counter and saw a boy with cyan-blue hair. Kite remembered him as one of the kids they played tag with. He still hadn't learned all of them names.

"Hey, Ludo," Liliana said, waving at him.

"Didn't know you two were cousins," Kite said.

Ludo nodded. "Yeah. My mommy is her auntie and her daddy is my uncle."

"So, you're a grandson of Elder Mirrin?"

He nodded and put his hands on his hips. "Yup! I learned all of my stuff from him and Grandma."

Kite hummed. This was the first he heard about her. He hadn't met her yet. Could she have passed away?

"Same!" Liliana exclaimed. "Can't wait for her to return."

Oh, so she was alive.

Elian nodded, drool oozing from his mouth. "Your grandma makes the best pies."

If her son was a good cook, Kite could only begin to imagine how good her food was.

"Hey kids," a blond woman said as she stepped out from the back.

Kite felt his face warm up. She was very pretty. Her eyes were a nice lilac and full of the same warmth as the rest of Mirrin's family.

"I'm making some cookies. Who wants one?"

"Me, Auntie Cat!" Liliana said, jumping up and down.

"M-me too!" Elian said, smiling.

Kite fidgeted.

Liliana giggled and turned to look at her aunt. "Kite does too!"

She smiled at Kite, making his face warm up even more. "So, this is the famous Kite? He seems shyer than I expected."

"He isn't much for words."

Elian chuckled as he looked at Kite, giving him a knowing smile. "I don't think that's why he's so quiet."

Kite felt like digging up a hole. Even in his old life, he would sometimes crush on his friends' moms. Maybe it was because his own mom had him later in life. He had read that the daughters of older men tended to be attracted to more mature men. Maybe the same went for sons of older women?

Good thing none of them were actual mind readers. That he knew of, at least.

Liliana's auntie Cat snickered. "It's okay. I'm used to reactions like this."

"Auntie is very pretty, so she's popular," Liliana said, glancing at Kite.

Kite sighed. So, they figured out what he was thinking after all. Guess he wasn't very good at hiding it.

The scent of baking cookies filled the apothecary, a sweet counterpoint to the herbal fragrances that lingered in the air. Auntie Cat's laughter was a melody that seemed to make the jars and bottles dance on the shelves.

Cat chuckled. "You flatter me, Lilia. You little charmers can sit at the table. I'll bring the cookies out in a jiffy," she said, her lilac eyes sparkling with mirth. With that, she returned to the back of the shop.

Kite, Liliana, and Elian took their seats at the small table near the window, the sunlight streaming in and casting patterns on the wooden surface. Kite's embarrassment began to fade, replaced by a growing curiosity about the apothecary and its many wonders.

"So, Ludo," Kite began, eager to shift the focus from his earlier discomfort, "what kind of things have you learned from your grandparents?"

Ludo's face lit up, proud to share his knowledge. "Oh, lots! Grandpa taught me how to identify healing herbs and Grandma showed me how to make simple potions. Both of them taught me some spells too."

Liliana nodded, her eyes wide with admiration. "Ludo's going to be a great healer one day!"

Elian leaned forward, his earlier drooling forgotten. "Can you make a potion that makes you super strong?"

Ludo chuckled. "Not exactly. But I can make one that helps you recover faster after training!"

The conversation turned to tales of Liliana and Ludo's grandparents and the remedies they had concocted over the years. Kite listened intently, absorbing every detail. This world's power system was similar yet different than that of his own. He was eager to learn all he could.

Auntie Cat returned with a tray of cookies, the delicious aroma causing their stomachs to rumble in anticipation. "Here we go, fresh out of the oven!"

The cookies were golden brown, their edges crisp and centers soft. Kite took a bite, and the flavors of butter and vanilla exploded on his tongue. "These are amazing," he said, his earlier shyness forgotten in the face of such a delicious snack.

Liliana giggled, her mouth full of cookie. "Told you Auntie Cat is the best!"

Her auntie sighed. "Liliana, don't talk with your mouth full."

She gulped and nodded.

Elian and Kite snickered, causing Liliana to glare at them. The boys gulped and shrunk a little. For such a cute girl, she really packed a mean glare.

As they enjoyed the cookies, Kite felt a sense peace wash over him. This was a moment to savor. Hanging out with friends and enjoying a snack together.

After the last cookie was devoured, Cat came out with a basket. There were only a few leaves inside. "Sorry to bother you kids, but could I ask you four to get me some more herbs?"

Liliana jumped out of her seat and nodded. "No problem, Auntie! You asked the right girl." She snickered to herself. "No one is better at picking herbs than yours truly."

Ludo gave his cousin a side-eye. "Big head Lilia strikes again."

She pouted. "Who are you calling a big head, dummy!"

Elian sighed and got between the two. "Let's not fight. We need to get going before the sunsets."

Kite glanced out of the window. The sun still had a long way to go before setting, but who knew how long they might take finding herbs.

The sun hung lazily in the sky, casting a warm glow over the town as Kite and his friends set out on their new task. The streets of Ald Town were quieter now, the hustle of the day giving way to the calm of the afternoon.

Liliana led the way, her confidence as a seasoned herb-picker evident in her stride. "We'll head to the meadow just beyond Elder Mirrin's house. That's where the best herbs grow," she declared.

Kite followed, intrigued by the prospect of learning more about the local flora. "What kind of herbs are we looking for?" he asked.

"We need lavender, chamomile, and some yarrow," Ludo listed, ticking them off on his fingers. "They're for Mom's calming potions and healing salves."

Liliana giggled. "And if we find some mint, we can make tea!"

The group laughed, and the tension from earlier dissipated like mist in the sunlight. They reached the meadow, a vast expanse of green dotted with colorful wildflowers. The air was fresh, filled with the sweet scent of nature.

Liliana knelt by a cluster of purple flowers, her hands deftly picking the stems. "Here's the lavender," she said, holding them up for Kite to see.

The lavender was short. It reminded him of how people back home picked green tea early for the best properties and taste. The older green tea was, the more bitter it was.

Kite took the stems, the fragrance immediately soothing. He watched as Liliana moved with ease, her knowledge of herbs apparent in every choice she made.

Ludo and Elian split off, searching for chamomile and yarrow. Their voices carried across the meadow, a playful banter that made Kite smile.

Kite stared at the staff on Liliana's back. "Say, why do you carry that oversized staff?"

She smiled and took it. "It belonged to Grandma. She gave it to me to use should I get attacked by any wild animals."

"Can you use spells?" Kite asked.

She nodded and stood up. "Wanna see?"

He nodded, curious about this worlds power system. Back in his world, they used ki, which involved combining inner and outer energy.