
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs


As the trio left the blacksmith's shop, the sky was painted with the warm hues of the setting sun. The day's revelations about the sword had left Kite with a lot to ponder, but Liliana and Elian's chatter about the upcoming festival brought a welcome distraction.

"Kite, you can't go to the festival in your regular clothes!" Liliana exclaimed, her eyes wide with excitement. "We need to get you something that shines!"

Elian nodded in agreement. "Everyone dresses up for the festival. It's a tradition!"

Kite, still new to the customs of Ald Town, allowed himself to be swept up by their enthusiasm. "Alright, where do I get your festival attire?"

"I know just the place!" Liliana said, grinning.

The shop, nestled between a bakery and a cobbler, was adorned with vibrant fabrics that fluttered gently in the evening breeze. The sign above the door read "Mirabelle's Finery," and as they entered, they were greeted by the rich scent of dyed cloth and the soft sound of music.

Mirabelle, the shop's owner, was a woman of impeccable taste, her own attire a testament to her craft.

"Welcome, welcome!" she sang out, her eyes twinkling as she appraised Kite. "Ah, a new face! Here for the festival attire, I presume?"

"Yes," Kite replied, a bit overwhelmed by the array of choices. "I'm not quite sure what I'm looking for, though."

Mirabelle clapped her hands together. "Fear not, for you are in the hands of a master. You're here for festival clothing?"

Kite nodded.

Liliana and Elian busied themselves browsing through the racks, pulling out potential outfits and holding them up for Kite's inspection. There were tunics embroidered with silver thread, trousers with intricate patterns, and cloaks that shimmered like the night sky.

After trying on several outfits and much deliberation, they settled on a deep blue tunic that brought out the color of Kite's eyes, paired with black trousers and a cloak that caught the light with every movement. Kite had to admit, he felt different in these clothes—like he was truly becoming a part of this world.

"Perfect!" Mirabelle declared, her hands on her hips as she surveyed her work. "You'll turn heads at the festival, no doubt about it."

"Thanks," Kite said, blushing slightly. With that, he went to look for the others.

He spotted Tomas staring at some shirts with prints.

Kite walked over to Tomas, who was intently examining the shirts. "See anything you like, Tomas?"

Tomas looked up, his eyes wide with excitement. "Look, Kite! These shirts have animals on them! Can I get one?"

Kite smiled, ruffling Tomas's hair. "Of course, buddy. Which one do you like the most?"

Tomas pointed to a shirt featuring a majestic, winged lion. "This one! It's so cool!"

Kite picked up the shirt and took it to the counter, paying for it along with his own attire with money Elder Mirrin had given him for the festival some days ago.

Mirabelle gave Tomas a warm smile. "A fine choice, young man. You'll look very handsome in that."

Tomas beamed, clutching the shirt to his chest. "Thank you, Kite!"

Kite smiled back. "Don't thank me. Your grandfather's the one you should thank. He gave me the money."


Liliana and Elian rejoined them, their arms laden with their own festival attire. "We should head back now," Liliana said. "We still need to get ready and help with the festival preparations."

As they made their way back to Tomas and Liliana's place, the streets were already bustling with activity. Once empty stalls were being set up, decorations were being hung, and the air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of food being prepared.

Kite felt a sense of excitement building within him. This was his first festival in Ald Town, and he was eager to experience everything it had to offer.


Back at Liliana's house, they quickly changed into their festival clothes. Kite couldn't help but admire how everyone looked. Liliana's dress was a vibrant green that matched her lively personality, while Elian's outfit was a rich burgundy that complemented his calm demeanor.

Tomas proudly wore his new shirt, his eyes shining with anticipation. "I'm ready!"

As they stepped outside, the village had transformed into a wonderland of lights and colors. The lanterns hanging from every tree and stand, cast a warm glow over the festivities. Accordion filled the air, and the sound of laughter echoed through the streets.

Liliana took Kite's hand, leading him towards the heart of the festival. "Come on, Kite! There's so much to see and do!"

They visited various stalls, sampling delicious treats and playing games. Kite was amazed by the variety of activities and the joy that permeated the air. He watched as children ran around, their faces painted with bright colors, and adults gathered in groups, chatting and laughing.

At one stall, they met a fortune teller who insisted on reading Kite's palm. "Ah, I see great potential in you," she said, her eyes filled with mystery. "Your journey is just beginning, and you will face many challenges, but you have the heart of a hero."

Kite smiled, feeling a renewed sense of determination. He was ready to embrace whatever the future held.

"Although, be wary with women when you're older. You might get more than you can bargain for."

He blinked. What did she mean by more than he could bargain for?

"Can you explain?" Kite asked.

Before the fortuneteller could explain, Liliana grabbed him and dragged him away.

As the night wore on, they found themselves in the town square, where a large bonfire had been lit. People danced around it, their movements synchronized with the rhythm of the music.

Liliana pulled Kite and Elian into the dance and laughed. Kite found himself moving to the beat, laughing and enjoying the moment.

The festival continued late into the night, and as the stars twinkled overhead, Kite felt the anxiety from last night melt away.

As the festivities began to wind down, Elder Mirrin approached them, a satisfied smile on his face. "Enjoying the festival, Kite?"

Kite nodded, his heart full. "Yes, Elder Mirrin. This has been an amazing day."

Mirrin placed a hand on Kite's shoulder. "Remember this feeling, Kite. Memories are important. Live a virtuous life and be sure to have fun while you still can."

Kite looked around at the smiling faces of his friends and knew that Mirrin was right. Thinking of the past and the future all of the time wasn't healthy. It would prevent him from making memories.

"Hey, Kite, there's an archery competition! Come, let's join!" Elian said, grabbing his hand and dragging him away.

"H-hey!" Kite yelled. He began to laugh. His friends were too high energy... much like his childhood friends back home...

He shook his head and sighed. His golden eyes darted to the sky. The past wasn't easy to forget. It was a whole different life, after all.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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