
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
78 Chs

Family Gathering

Kite opened his eyes. Surprisingly, there was no tackle. He rose from his bed. Had Liliana slept in this time?

He rose from his bed and cautiously opened the door. There was no little girl running at him. Maybe she was still helping her mom out or sleeping.

The kid tiptoed into the hallway and rushed over to the kitchen in the hopes that Liliana wouldn't jump scare him. He stopped and laughed at himself. Was he really afraid of a little girl jumping him? Not like she had a bomb on her.

His eyes darted forward. A gasp escaped his lips. Liliana dusting off the living room, humming. While Elara cleaned the kitchen.

"Doing chores so early?" Kite asked as he walked into the living room.

"Kite!" she yelled, jumping at him.

Kite braced himself for the impact, but instead of the usual tackle, Liliana's arms wrapped around him in a gentle hug. "Good morning," she said, her voice muffled against his shirt. "I wanted to get a head start on cleaning before Grandma and uncle arrive."

Kite chuckled, returning the embrace. "I see someone's excited."

Liliana pulled back, her cheeks flushed with enthusiasm. "You have no idea! Grandma tells the best stories and makes the best pies!"

Elder Mirrin chuckled as he joined them in the living room. "Is that the only reason you're excited, Lilia?"

His granddaughter giggled. "She is also bringing me, Tomas, Ludo, and Skyla presents!"

Kite blinked. "Skyla?"

She nodded. "She's my little cousin, Ludo's little sis. She's the same age as Tomas."

The sound of tiny footsteps approached, and Kite turned to see Tomas toddling into the room, his blue onesie adorned with little pinwheels that seemed to dance with each step he took.

"Morning, everyone!" Tomas chirped, his voice a cheerful melody that added to the symphony of laughter already filling the room.

Liliana bent down to scoop her five-year-old into her arms, spinning him around as he giggled. "Look at you, all ready for the big day!"

Kite watched the scene, a warm feeling spreading through his chest. The two were so adorable.

As Liliana set Tomas down, the doorbell rang, heralding the arrival of more family. Liliana's excitement was palpable as she raced to the door, with Kite and Tomas close behind.

The door swung open to reveal Ludo, his beautiful mom, and a little girl in a wheelchair.

Liliana's face lit up with joy as she saw her family on the doorstep. "Ludo, Auntie Cat, Skyla!" she exclaimed, her voice a mixture of excitement and warmth.

She stepped forward, giving her aunt a tight hug.

Cat snickered and patted her niece's head. "My, your hugs are getting stronger by the day. You better watch it, else you might break someone."

Liliana gasped and backed away.

Her aunt laughed. "I was kidding. Well, partially. You truly inherited my little brother's strength."

Turning to her cousins, Liliana knelt down to Skyla's level. "And look at you, Skyla! You're getting so big and strong!" she cheered, beaming at the little girl who responded with a shy smile.

Skyla's shy smile widened as she reached out to Liliana. "Lili, I missed you!"

Liliana hugged her gently. "I missed you too, Skyla. We're going to have so much fun today!"

Kite smiled. This family, though not his by blood, had taken him in and made him feel at home.

Elder Mirrin hugged his oldest child.

"How are you doing, Dad?" Cat asked.

He patted his daughter's back and smiled. "Well, dear. Been busy with shop?"

She nodded. "Yes. If not for Ludo, I probably would have had to reduce the hours we stay open until Mom returned."

Elder Mirrin smiled at Ludo and ruffled his grandson's cyan hair. "You've grown to be a dependable lad."

Ludo blushed. "Aww, I'm just doing what any kid would do."

Kite smiled. Elder Mirrin was right, though. Ludo was dependable. All of his friends were. Even Liliana was.

As the family settled into the cozy living room, the sound of footsteps heralded another arrival. Darian, peeked around the corner. He had a mischievous glint in his eyes akin to Liliana's.

"Is it safe to come in, or is the hugging brigade still in full force?" he teased, stepping into the room with a grin.

Cat rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, come here, you big baby," she said, pulling Darian into a hug that was equal parts affectionate and teasing. "You know you love it. Also, you're the biggest hugger in the family!"

Darian chuckled, embracing his sister tightly. "I can't deny that," he admitted, looking over at his daughter and wife who had just come out of the kitchen. "Looks like the cleaning brigade did an excellent job, too."

Liliana beamed with pride. "We wanted everything to be perfect for Grandma and Uncle Marco's return."

Elara nodded.

"And perfect it is," Darian agreed, his gaze sweeping over the spotless room.

The laughter and conversation continued, with each family member sharing stories and updates on their lives. Skyla listened intently, her eyes wide with wonder as she absorbed every word.

As the morning turned to afternoon, the family gathered around the dining table, where a feast of homemade dishes awaited them. The aroma of freshly baked pies filled the air, and the table was a vibrant display of colors and flavors.

"Let's eat!" Elder Mirrin announced, and the family joined hands, sharing a moment of gratitude before diving into the meal.

Ludo cut a piece of apple pie for his sister and for himself. 

"Hmm, still not as good as Grandma's," Ludo said, a teasing smile on his lips.

Elder Mirrin sighed. "I'm trying, but she's just that good."

Ludo snickered. "But it's still delicious."

Skyla nodded her head. She really wasn't much for words, was she?

The afternoon sun streamed through the windows, bathing the dining room in a golden hue as the family enjoyed their meal. The chatter was light and full of laughter, each member taking turns to share their latest adventures and mishaps.

Skyla, though quiet, had a sparkle in her eyes that spoke volumes. She communicated her joy with small gestures and nods, her presence as integral to the gathering as anyone else's.

After the meal, the family moved to the living room, where Elder Mirrin had set up a projector. "I thought we could look at some old photos," he suggested, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

If not for the television in the living room, Kite would've been surprised to see a projector. This town didn't have much in the way of technology. Perhaps it was because they had magic they could use to move around if they needed to go great distances. Or maybe they were just that chill.

The room dimmed as the projector flickered to life, casting images of the family's past onto the wall. There were pictures of Liliana and Ludo as toddlers, their faces smeared with birthday cake; photos of Skyla taking her first steps with the help of a walker; snapshots of family holidays, with everyone bundled up in winter gear.

There were even pictures of Cat and Darian as kids. Darian was chasing his older sister with mud covered hands. Poot Cat was screaming as she ran.

Elara chuckled. "Darian sure was a troublemaker."

Cat snickered as she glanced at her brother. "In a way, he still is."

Elara laughed and nodded, prompting her husband to blush.

"Can't deny or confirm," Darian mumbled.

Each photo brought a chorus of "awws" and laughter, and even a few tears of joy. Kite felt a lump in his throat as he watched the family relive their cherished memories. He realized that these moments were the threads that wove the fabric of their lives together.

As the evening approached, the family decided to end the day with a game night. Board games were spread out on the floor, and teams were chosen amidst friendly banter.

Liliana and Kite teamed up against Ludo and Skyla, while Elder Mirrin and Cat formed a strategic alliance. Tomas and his mom rounded out the pairs. The games were competitive but always in good spirits, with high-fives and cheers echoing through the room.

At one point, Skyla managed to outmaneuver everyone in a game of strategy, earning her a round of applause and a proud hug from her brother. "I told you she's got a sharp mind!" Ludo boasted, ruffling Skyla's hair affectionately.

Skyla blushed at the praise.

Tomas giggled. "I'll win the next one!"

As the afternoon wore on, the games gave way to tired yawns and stretching limbs. Blankets were fetched, and the family settled down for a movie, the room filled with the soft glow of the screen and the gentle sound of shared contentment.

Kite looked around at the faces around him, illuminated by the flickering light, each one etched with a calm joy even as they waited for their loved ones to show up.

He wasn't sure why he had been reborn into this world yet, but he was glad he was. It was peaceful and fun. In a way it felt like paradise after death. Perhaps it was.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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