
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
78 Chs

Construct Magic

Elian grumbled as he felt something in his mouth. He opened his eyes and realized it was a foot. Kite was sleeping all weird.

"Ugh, gross, dude!" Elian said, pushing his foot off.

Kite groaned in his sleep and spun around. He would've whacked Ludo if Elian hadn't grabbed his leg.

"Hey, wake up!" Elian yelled.

The strange boy's golden eyes opened. He looked around and blinked. "Why are you two upside down?"

"You're the one who changed directions!" Elian snapped.

Kite sat up and noticed his feet were on his pillow. "Guess I did."

Elian sighed and raised a hand to his blond bangs. "And I thought Lilia was a bad sleeper."

Kite crossed his legs and smiled. "How does Lilia sleep?"

"Look for yourself," Elain said, pointing at Lilian who slept between Ludo and Skyla. The girl was snoring away.

"Doesn't seem too bad."

Elian chuckled. "For now. Sometimes, her snores are loud enough to wake up a whole forest!"

"Eh? Seriously?"

He nodded. "Yeah, and sometimes, she even hugs others all of a sudden. They're very painful hugs."

Kite glanced at Skyla with worry.

Elian smiled. "Don't worry too much," Elian reassured him. "Ludo's always been protective of Skyla. He's got reflexes like a cat."

Kite nodded, still watching Liliana for any sudden movements. "I'll take your word for it."

As the night deepened, the campfire's glow dimmed to embers, and the sounds of the wilderness filled the silence. Elian found himself fighting off sleep, his eyelids growing heavy.

"Hey, Elian," Kite whispered, breaking the quiet. "You ever think about what it'd be like to meet a summoner?"

Elian yawned, stretching his arms. "Sometimes. I wonder what kind of creatures they can call forth. Must be amazing to see."

Kite's eyes were distant, lost in thought. "Yeah, it must be."

The conversation lulled, and soon, Elian gave in to sleep.

When he woke up, he felt a pair of arms around him, but they weren't Lilia's, but Kite's. The black-haired boy appeared to be crying as Elian's shirt sleeve was wet.

Elian's initial shock gave way to concern as he gently shook Kite. "Hey, Kite, are you okay?"

Kite's breathing was uneven, his face streaked with tears that glistened in the faint light of dawn. He blinked, coming back to reality, and quickly released Elian, wiping his face with the back of his hand. "Sorry," he mumbled, his voice hoarse. "Bad dream."

Elian sat up, fully awake now. "It's alright. Do you want to talk about it?"

Kite shook his head, a silent plea to let the matter rest. Elian respected his wish, giving him a supportive pat on the back. "Okay, but if you ever do, I'm here."

The rest of the group began to stir, the quiet of the morning disrupted by the sounds of waking. Liliana stretched, her snores ceasing as she blinked sleepily at the two boys. "What's going on?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Nothing, just an early start," Elian said, covering for Kite.

Ludo yawned and sat up, his protective gaze immediately falling on Skyla, who was still asleep. "Did we miss the sunrise?" he asked.

"Not yet," Elian said, standing up and stretching. "Let's watch it together."

The group gathered their blankets and made their way to a small hill nearby. As they sat down, the horizon began to brighten, the first rays of the sun painting the sky in hues of pink and orange.

Elian smiled as Kite watched the sunrise, the beauty of it soothing his friend's troubled thoughts. The warmth of the sun's rays must've felt like a balm to whatever nightmares he just had.

As the sun climbed higher, the new day promised fresh beginnings. Kite turned to him and the others, a smile slowly forming on his lips. "Let's make today a good one."

Liliana grinned back. "Every day's a good day when we're together!"

Elian nodded and chuckled as he put an arm around Kite's neck. "Yup!"

Kite smiled slightly and looked down. "Thanks."

"Kids, help me make breakfast!" Ludo's dad yelled as he grabbed firewood from the back of the wagon.

Elian smiled and ran down to help. Kite trailed behind him.

The morning air was crisp, and the scent of the firewood promised a comforting start to the day. Elian reached for the logs, stacking them neatly by the campfire pit, while Kite knelt down and formed a small flame in his hand. This time, there was no hesitation in Kite's movements; the fire sparked to life, a testament to his growing mastery.

Ludo's dad returned with a pot and a pan, setting them down beside the now crackling fire. "We'll have eggs and some of that smoked bacon I got on my previous trip," he announced, already getting to work.

Kite watched, impressed by the efficiency. "Need any help?" he offered.

Ludo's dad waved him off with a smile. "Just keep that fire steady for me, will you?"

Elian chuckled as he sat back, watching the older man cook. "He's always been the cook of the family," he explained to Kite. "Says it's his way of showing love."

Kite nodded, understanding the sentiment. "Food has a way of bringing people together," he said, his eyes on the flames.

As breakfast cooked, the rest of the group woke up fully. Liliana stretched out her limbs, her previous night's snores a distant memory. Skyla, now awake, watched her father cook with eager eyes.

"Smells good, Daddy," she said, her voice soft with sleepiness.

"It'll taste even better," he replied, flipping the bacon with practiced ease.

The sun rose higher, bathing the campsite in golden light. The group gathered around the fire, plates in hand, ready to enjoy the first meal of the day. The food was simple but delicious, each bite savored under the open sky.

After breakfast, they packed up the camp, dousing the fire and loading their belongings back into the wagon.

"Valoria, here we come," Elian said, pointing a finger toward the horizon.

Liliana giggled.

Elian blushed as he turned to look at her. "What?"

"You looked like a hero with that pose."

Kite chuckled. "Yeah, he did."

The blond boy's face heated up. 

The laughter from his friends did little to ease Elian's embarrassment, but it was the kind of embarrassment that came with the territory of close friendships. He shook his head, trying to play it off.

"Alright, alright, let's get going before I become the next town's jester."

Ludo's dad, who had been securing the last of the supplies, gave a hearty laugh. "You kids are the best entertainment on this journey," he said, climbing onto the driver's seat. He held out his hand, forming the wind horses. With a gentle command, they began to move, pulling the wagon along the dirt road that would lead them to Valoria.

Kite hummed.

"What's up?" Elian asked.

"What category of magic can your dad use?" Kite asked, glancing at Ludo and Skyla. "It doesn't seem to fit the five main categories."

Skyla blinked. The girl was five, so she probably didn't know more than Kite did.

"It's because it doesn't belong to the main five," Ludo said, smiling as he watched the wind horses. "The wind horses are an example of construct magic."

Elian leaned forward, intrigued by the conversation. "Construct magic? That's pretty rare, isn't it?"

Ludo nodded. "Yeah, it's a specialized form of magic that involves creating structures or creatures from elemental forces. Dad's been practicing it for years."

Kite's eyes followed the graceful movements of the wind horses. "So, they're not alive, but they're made to act as if they are?"

"Exactly," Ludo confirmed. "They're constructs, so they don't have thoughts or feelings, but they can perform tasks and follow commands."

Skyla, still watching her father with admiration, added, "Daddy says it's like giving form to the wind and telling it what to do."

Kite smiled. "I'd love to learn more about it," he said, his mind already racing with the possibilities.

Ludo's dad overheard their conversation and turned to them with a smile. "Perhaps I can teach you a thing or two when we make camp tonight," he offered.

Kite's face lit up with excitement. "I'd like that, thank you."

As the wagon continued its journey, the landscape around them changed. They passed through fields of tall grass that swayed like waves in the ocean, crossed small streams that gurgled cheerfully, and skirted the edges of dense forests that whispered secrets in the wind.

The day passed with ease, the journey uneventful but for the laughter and stories shared among friends. When they made camp that evening, Ludo's dad kept his promise and showed Kite the basics of construct magic, explaining the principles and demonstrating simple forms.

Kite practiced under his guidance, his attempts clumsy at first but gradually improving. Elian and the others watched, offering encouragement and the occasional good-natured tease.

As night fell and the stars emerged, they gathered around the campfire once more. Kite, his hands still tingling from the magic he had practiced, felt a deep sense of satisfaction.

Elian smiled as he laid beside him. "You did pretty well. Maybe you're actually like Ludo's pops."

Kite blushed. "You think so?"

He nodded. "Yeah."

The fire crackled softly, casting a warm glow on their faces. Kite looked up at the stars, their light twinkling like distant echoes of the magic he had wielded. "I hope I can be as good as him one day," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Elian's smile widened, and he threw a small stick into the fire, sending a shower of sparks into the air. "With talent like yours, I'm sure you'll surpass him. Just keep practicing."

Kite's eyes shone with renewed determination, reflecting the fiery dance of the campfire. "I will. And maybe, one day, we'll be the ones teaching the new apprentices."

He chuckled. "Maybe."

They sat in comfortable silence, the future as bright and promising as the starry sky above them.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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