
Reborn Into A Relatively Peaceful Life, But How Long Will It Last?

After sacrificing himself to save his comrades from an invading mecha fleet, Kaito 'Kite' awakens in a new, rustic world that harbors supernatural forces akin to his former home. Remarkably, the golden sword he clutched in his final moments also traveled with him. Could this blade be linked to his mysterious resurrection? Is he fated to be a warrior once more? Although all Kite yearns for is a tranquil existence, free from high-stake battles.

sun_imperial · Fantasi
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78 Chs

Blade of Lumina

Kite raised his sword, brow furrowed. What was his sword doing? Why was it reacting like this? He could feel a strange energy pulsating through the blade, a warm, comforting sensation that spread through his hand and up his arm.

Sylvana took a step closer, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Kite, I think your sword is reacting to something within you. Maybe it's trying to help you discover your attribute."

Elian nodded, his excitement palpable. "Yeah, it could be a sign. Maybe your attribute is something connected to the sword."

Kite took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. He focused on the energy flowing through the sword, attempting to understand its message. As he did, the glowing markings began to pulse in a rhythmic pattern, almost like a heartbeat.

"I think… I think it's trying to tell me something," Kite said, his voice filled with a mix of wonder and determination.

Ludo adjusted his glasses, his analytical mind already working. "Maybe you should try channeling your prana into the sword. See if you can communicate with it."

Kite nodded and closed his eyes, concentrating on the flow of prana within him. He directed the energy into the sword, feeling the connection between them grow stronger. The glowing markings intensified, and suddenly, a soft hum filled the air.

The sword's glow enveloped Kite, forming a protective aura around him. He felt a surge of power, a sense of clarity and purpose that he had never experienced before. It was as if the sword was revealing a hidden part of himself, unlocking a potential he hadn't known existed.

"Kite!" Liliana exclaimed, her eyes wide with amazement. "You're glowing too!"

Kite opened his eyes. "Yeah, but this was normal for me in my old world. I could use both fire and light powers."

Ludo hummed. "And Light isn't an attribute, but an element..."

Elian crossed his arms and sighed. "But why did it start glowing all of a sudden?"

The bespeckled boy stared at the markings. "Grandpa said the writing on it was ancient. Maybe this is an ancient spell awakening?"

Kite stared at his sword. It could be, but Kite felt it was something else.

The light gradually died down.

Elian sighed again. "Seems we didn't figure a thing out."

"Maybe Grandpa Mirrin might know something," Ludo said.

Liliana nodded. "If anyone does, it would be Grandpa would know! Or that bard."

Kite blinked. "The one who gave the knight story?"

She nodded. "Yup! He knows a lot of stories."

He smiled and shook his head. "You should've said so earlier."

Liliana scratched her head and giggled. "Sorry, it skipped my mind."

Kite chuckled, the tension in the air easing a bit. "Alright, let's make our way to Grandpa Mirrin first. If he doesn't have the answers, we can try the bard."

The group nodded in agreement, their curiosity piqued and their spirits lifted. They quickly gathered their belongings and set off, the golden sword carefully sheathed and strapped to Kite's back.

The journey continued through the day, filled with anticipation and speculation. Each member of the group offered their own theories about the sword's sudden reaction, ranging from ancient curses to hidden powers waiting to be unlocked.

Despite the uncertainty, the excitement of discovery kept Kite and his friends motivated.

As the sun began its descent, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape, the group decided to make camp for the night. They found a suitable clearing by a small stream, the sound of flowing water adding to the tranquility of the evening.

Liliana gathered herbs and wildflowers, using her plant magic to ensure she picked only the most beneficial ones. She also took the time to get some flowers for Fluffy and to make her cousin a flower.

Skyla loved it.

Elian, Ludo, and Mako set up the tents, while Sylvana and Kite worked together to gather wood and set up a makeshift cooking area.

After a hearty meal, they sat around the campfire, the flickering flames casting shadows on their faces. The conversation inevitably turned back to Kite's sword and the mysteries it held.

"Grandpa Mirrin is a wealth of knowledge," Liliana said, her voice filled with pride. "If anyone can help us understand the sword, it's him. He's always had a knack for ancient languages and artifacts."

Ludo nodded in agreement. "Yeah, Grandpa has seen and studied so many rare things. He'll definitely have some insight."

Skyla, cradling Fluffy in her arms, looked up at Kite. "Grandpa Mirrin's really smart. Grandma too!"

Kite smiled, grateful for their support. "Thanks, everyone. I just hope we can figure this out soon. The sword's reaction felt important, like it's trying to tell us something."

Sylvana placed a reassuring hand on Kite's shoulder. "We'll get to the bottom of this, Kite. Together, we can uncover the truth."

As the night grew darker and the stars began to twinkle in the sky, the group settled down to sleep, the sounds of the forest providing a soothing backdrop.

The next morning, they woke to the soft light of dawn. The promise of discovery filled them with renewed energy. After a quick breakfast, they packed up their camp and continued their journey towards Ald Town.

The landscape gradually became more familiar, the rolling hills giving way to the outskirts of the town. By midday, they could see the distant outline of Ald Town, and the excitement of nearing home spurred them on.

As they approached Liliana's house, the scent of herbs greeted them. Elder Mirrin and his wife were tending to the garden when he saw them approaching. His eyes twinkled with recognition and joy.

"Ah, welcome back, my young adventurers," Grandpa Mirrin said, his voice filled with warmth. "Good to see you back. Made any magical discoveries in Valoria."

"I did!" Skyla said, showing her grandparents her new bunny.

Michiko smiled. "Aww, what a cute little one." She took the bunny and petted its head.

Skyla giggled and mumbled something. Her grandparents gasped as the bunny returned to Skyla's arms.

"Woah. Skyla, you're a summoner?" Elder Mirrin said, smiling.

She nodded.

"That wasn't all we discovered on our trip," Elian said, glancing at Kite.

Kite stepped forward, unsheathing his golden sword and holding it out for Grandpa Mirrin to see. "Grandpa Mirrin, something strange happened with my sword. The markings started glowing, and I felt a powerful energy. We were hoping you might know something about it."

Grandpa Mirrin's eyes widened with interest as he examined the sword. He traced the ancient markings with his fingers, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Hmm, this is indeed intriguing. Like I told you before, the markings are from a long-forgotten language."

Ludo adjusted his glasses, his curiosity evident. "Do you think it's an ancient spell awakening, Grandpa?"

Grandpa Mirrin nodded slowly. "It's possible. The sword may be responding to Kite's unique prana and the journey he has undertaken. Ancient artifacts like this often reveal their true nature when the wielder is ready."

Liliana's eyes sparkled with excitement. "So, does that mean Kite's attribute might be something really special?"

Kite gasped as he remembered it began glowing after his attempt at healing magic.

Grandpa Mirrin smiled kindly. "Every mage's attribute is special, my dear. But Kite's connection to this sword suggests that he may possess a rare and powerful form of magic. We must delve deeper to uncover the truth."

Sylvana, who had been quietly observing, spoke up. "Is there a way we can learn more about the sword's enchantments?"

Grandpa Mirrin nodded thoughtfully. "There are ancient texts and tomes that might hold the answers we seek. I suggest we visit the library of Ald Town. While not as vast as those of big cities, it still holds a collection of knowledge, some of which may shed light on the mysteries of this sword."

Ludo grinned, his excitement palpable. "A trip to the library? Count me in!"

The group, rejuvenated by the prospect of uncovering more about Kite's sword and his potential attribute, set off for the library. The towering structure loomed ahead, its grand entrance flanked by statues of legendary mages and scholars.

Inside, the library was a labyrinth of shelves filled with ancient scrolls and books. The scent of aged parchment and the soft rustle of pages created a sense of wonder.

Ludo smiled and ran to look at the medical section.

Lilliana chuckled. "Oh, Ludo."

Grandpa Mirrin led the rest to a secluded section of the library, where the oldest and most sacred texts were kept. "Here, we may find the answers we seek. Let us search for any references to the markings on Kite's sword."

Hours passed as they pored over the ancient texts, each member of the group contributing to the search. Just as they were beginning to lose hope, Liliana's voice broke the silence.

"I think I found something!" she exclaimed, holding up a dusty tome. "It mentions a sword with similar markings. It's called the 'Blade of Lumina,' and it was wielded by a legendary female hero who possessed the power of light."

Kite's heart raced as he read the passage. The Blade of Lumina was said to be a beacon of hope, capable of dispelling darkness and protecting the innocent. The hero who wielded it was renowned for her bravery and unwavering spirit.

Grandpa Mirrin's eyes twinkled with recognition. "Ah, yes, the Blade of Lumina. It is said to resonate with the purest form of light magic. Kite, if your sword is indeed the Blade of Lumina, then you possess a truly extraordinary weapon.

Kite's mind raced with possibilities. He still didn't know how this sword end up in the hands of his original family. Or even how it ended up in his original world.

"Thank you, Grandpa Mirrin. This means so much to me."

Elian placed a reassuring hand on Kite's shoulder. "We've only just begun to uncover the mysteries of your magic, Kite. Together, we'll explore its full potential."

The group left the library with a renewed sense of hope and excitement. The journey ahead was filled with uncertainty, but with the support of his friends and the power of the Blade of Lumina, Kitefelt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As they walked back through the streets of Ald Town, the sun was high up in the sky casting a warm, golden glow over the cobblestone streets. The familiar sights and sounds of their home filled them with a sense of comfort and belonging. The air was filled with the scent of freshly baked bread from the local bakery and the distant laughter of children playing in the town square.

As they reached Liliana's house, Grandpa Mirrin turned to them with a warm smile. "You kids made some progress in your journey to become master mages. Remember, the path of discovery is long and filled with challenges, but with your combined strength, knowledge, and determination, there is nothing you cannot achieve."

Liliana hugged her grandfather tightly. "Thank you, Grandpa. We couldn't have done it without your guidance."

Skyla, still holding Fluffy, looked up at her grandpa with wide eyes. "Will you help us train, Grandpa? So we can get stronger?"

Grandpa Mirrin chuckled, his eyes twinkling with pride. "Of course, my dear. I will do everything I can to help you all grow and master your abilities. Although Sylvana might help you better than me." 

Kite glanced at Sylvana who was in the back of the group, looking around the town with awe.

"Hey, we should give Sylvana a tour after lunch," Kite suggested.

Elian grinned. "Good idea!"

Liliana giggled and ran over to Sylvana, giving her a tight hug. "Yeah! Wait until you see all Ald town has to offer, Sylvana! It might not be as big as Valoria, but it's still a great place to live."

Sylvana smiled slightly. "I-I look forward to it."

Kite nodded. Sylvana was still shy, but he hoped that by showing her the kindness of Ald Town, she could feel like he did when he got his tour. He wanted to create the same feeling of belonging they gave him. A new home, one where one didn't have to worry as much about the shadows of the past.

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