
*Title at the end*

For what's seems an eternity, we finally arrive at the camp when the Sun starts to fall. Glenn was here because a Red Dodge Challenger was parked next to the road.

Rick made a big break and exit the van while yelling "Lori! Carl!"

Two people stood out from the crown, a woman with long brown hair and a little kid. Then a happy moment happens, the three hugs each other will crying. Everyone was happy except Shane. I can see jealousy and anger behind this smiling face... Don't worry you won't suffer for long.

Glenn comes toward me and gives me a push on my shoulder.

"Glad to see your still alive man!"

"Me too..." he then presents me to the rest of the group.

"This is John, a freaking strong man! But don't be afraid, behind those overpowered muscle hind a kind soul!" Well, it's a weird presentation... But I guess at least it will make people less afraid of me? And what's the crap with the kind soul!

Then the people of the group present themselves. Jim a solemn man; the wife and child of Morales; Dale the old voice of reason; Amy the young beautiful sister of Andrea. The Peletier Family, Ed warry of me, he brushes me off. Don't worry you will die too. Shane is, happy to see me?

Rick directly took his family in front of me and presents them, Carl was behind is mom shy.

"Thank you for saving my husband John."

"It's nothing" I reply trying to smile but it was ugly because the children hide behind their parents. Well too much attention toward me... I need to escape. I whisper to Glenn asking where I can clean myself. After searching for a while he gives me a bucket and a towel and shows me the road toward the lake below.

"The water is cold but still clean!"

I nod and head toward the lake.

Down there, I found a secluded spot behind some rocks with a full bucket of water. I start to clean myself of the blood, thankfully I still have some soap. 10 minutes later, enjoying a clean body I suddenly heard some steps behind me.

By reflex, I turn and put myself in a fight position. The only problem... I'm butt-naked so Andrea who just arrives can enjoy the full view of my behemoth...

I'm completely paralyzed by shame while Andrea bites her lower lips looking at me. After what's seem an eternity she slowly said: "I brought you some clean clothes that should fit you and we will clean your dirty clothes tomorrow morning..."

She put the clean clothes on the ground, look one last time at my lower body and leaves with fast steps... I regain some control over my body and with my legs shaking, I took the clean clothes.

I put them without looking at them and left the lake heading toward the camp while sobbing inside

I just lost my innocence...

Title of the chapter: Losing his innocence.

So for those wondering, yes there will be sex, but I try to no make the usual, "I smell like an Alpha, on your knee!". I try to create some tension first.

it's going to be a full sex novel? No, there will be Half or Full chapter from time to time and ecchi moment along the way.

Harem? Yep! But not a big one. Only a Hundred? *laugh* I have already some people but for others, it's more complicated. For example, Glenn X Maggie or John X Maggie?

Talzeroshcreators' thoughts