
Reborn in Vampire Diaries

This is a story of a young man in his twenties who was reincarnated in Vampire Diaries carrying with him special abilities to transcend beyond the limits of the world. This is the first time I make a fan-fic note is that some characters will not be present. ----- The Vampire Diaries does not belong to me, nor any of their characters.

Everlasting_93 · Televisi
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3 Chs

Chapter I

October 31, 1846

After 9 months of growing and floating in his mother's belly, today was the day he was finally going to enter this world. His head was pressed onto the birth canal. He that his small body was starting to twist and turn during the labor to find the easiest way to squeeze through the vagina. After 15 full minutes, he was finally free. He screamed with joy but what the midwife heard was the crying.

"Would you like to hold your son Naida"

"Yes, I would," she said weakly. The slave gently places me in Naida's hands.

"What would you name him, ma'am?" inquired the female slave that helped with the delivery.

"I will na….. AHHHH!!" Naida screamed

"SLAVE TAKE THE BABY!!!" the midwife ordered. The slave then swiftly took him from Naida's hands.

"Okay, Naida, I feel a lot of blood coming out. I'm going to try and stop the bleeding, so I'm going to need you to try and stay calm," the midwife exclaimed fearfully. After 45 minutes of the midwife trying to stop the bleeding and failing Naida passed always. The slaves that were helping with Naida's delivery all started to weep for Naida because they all used to work together as kitchen slaves.

"What is going on here?" Lily inquire as she walked into the room. She looks like the actress that played with some minor differences. At this day and time, she was extremely pregnant and could have the baby any day now.

"The slave named Naida gave birth to a bastard son of Mister Salvatore but then complications occurred so she die because of too much blood loss, Madam Salvatore," the midwife explained very respectfully.

"Did she give him a name?"

"No, madam," the midwife said quickly.

"Let me hold him," Lily ordered. The female slave that was holding the baby handed him off to Lily. Lily looked at the baby for one minute before saying, "He shall be named Nathan…Nathan Salvatore and I shall raise him as my own."

As she finished speaking Giuseppe walked into the room. "You dare give a bastard son of a slave my family name," Giuseppe said angrily.

"Giuseppe he has your blood run through him. So I beg of you if you have any love for me in your heart please free him of his slave status and let him carry your name," Lily said tearfully as got on her knees to beg for Nathan's future.

Giuseppe looked angrily at his pregnant wife that was on her knees begging him. "Fine, I will free him of his slave status and let him use my family but just so you know if he does something to embarrass my family name I shall kill him where he stands and you shall follow him thereafter. He will inherit NONE of my family fortunes and when his 19th birthday comes he shall be kicked out of the house. Now get off the floor if other people were to see you on this floor and it would besmirch my family name," Giuseppe stated as he left the room.


April 2, 1858

It's been 12 years since Nathan was born. In those 12 years, he became known as a prodigy because he started to walk at 7 months and started to talk at 11 months. So because of that, his little brother Stafen that was born a day after him was constantly compared with Nathan by their father Giuseppe. Who could believe that bastard he had with a slave was smarter than the child he had with his true wife?

Other than that Nathan also was able to start using his system and that is how he knew that he will become a vampire on his 15th birthday and will still age till he is 20 years old.

On this particular day, Nathan was walking in the woods near his house when he tripped. When Nathan looked down at the thing that he tripped on. He saw that it was a brick. [Why would there be a brick in the forest?] Nathan as he moved forward to examine that brick. That was when he noticed that there were more bricks.

When He was about to begin digging, that was when the ground beneath him caved in and he fell."Ahhh…" he scream! But luckily it was not that long of a fall. Nathan land heavily on his back but surprisingly he was not injured.

[What is this place] Nathan thought. From what he can see from the light coming through the hole that he made in the ceiling was that this place was a super old small house. This place only had one room. In that room, there was one bed, a night table with a book on top of it, a fireplace, and a dining table.

Almost everything in this room was decaying except for the book on the nightstand, which piqued his interest. he slowly walked to the nightstand and picked up the book.

The book was covered in dust, so he blew and wipe off the dust on the book. From what he could see, the title of the book was written in Old Norse. He could tell this because, in his past life, he was a huge history geek. At that time he truly wanted to understand what the people of the olden times wrote, so he started to learn a lot of old and dead languages. It took him a long time to decipher what it said.

"Mikaelson Grimoire," Nathan spoke out loud!!

[Why would a Mikaelson Grimoire be here] Nathan thought confusingly. Even though this should have sent a red flag to his brain, he still opened the book. Although the book only had ten pages that were made from dead animal skin, it took him seven hours to read and understand the whole grimoire. The grimoire only had 20 spells in it and it told him the incantation and/or materials to use for each spell. It also went into detail about what the spells were and some of their counterspells.

Nathan was super excited that he had a grimoire because now he finally had a direction on how to use his magical powers. After getting himself ready, he climbed out of the house through the hole he made in the ceil and ran back home before he was late for dinner.


May 23, 1858

After a full month of studying the spellbook, Nathan learned how to cast a couple of spells. One was an attack spell and the other was a defense spell. A couple of weeks ago today, Nathan started to realize that Lily was getting sick from what people of this time call consumption. Stefan and Nathan both had to take care of her and watch as she suffered. At first, he wanted to learn a healing spell to save his adoptive mother, but the only healing spell in the grimoire was an advanced spell which was something he wouldn't be able to master in a short time.

Everything was going fine so far till one day, Giuseppe told Stefan and Nathan to go pick up some herbs. As they were halfway to the shop Nathan suddenly stopped and turn to look at Stefan. "Stefan you know mother is going to die right," Nathan softly spoke.

"What are you talking about brother," Stefan questionly exclaims.

"Father most likely sent us to pick up the herbs because he didn't want us to disturb the people likely going to take Mother to a place where she could die peacefully," Nathan calmly explained.

"WHAT!! We got to stop them she could get better," Stefan scream as he tried to run back but Nathan step in front of him to block his path and then he put Stefan into a bear hug. "Let go of me she could get better," Stefan cried as he tried to struggle out of Nathan's grip.

"We can't go back now we have to go and pick up the herbs," Nathan said as dragged Stefan with him but if people were to closely look at Nathan's face you'll see some tears slowly coming down as he looks at his little brother that would one day become someone he would Idolize crying in his arm. Nathan at that moment could clearly feel his brother's pain but he knew if they went back now Giuseppe would definitely punish them.

It was as Nathan predicted when they got home Lily was not there and they knew better than to ask Giuseppe where she was, this would start the time when Stefan would stop talking to Nathan for a year.

After a week, Giuseppe told all of them that Lily was dead and told Damon to write a Eulogy for her funeral. A couple of days later, the funeral happened, and because Damon was so torn about writing the eulogy. He decided to directly skip the funeral. Even though Lily was not the best parent to Nathan she still raised him and she try to the best of her ability to protect both Stefan and Nathan, so it was no surprise that Nathan would shed a tear for her in the dark in his room that night.


February 25, 1860

Today was the day that Giuseppe Salvatore, Jacob Lockwood, Jonathan Gilbert, William Forbes, and Thomas Fells officially founded Mystic Falls. This is also the year Nathan unlocked his original vampire bloodline. This was going to be a year of fun for Nathan as he study how to properly use his abilities.