
Information and Spiritual Favors

"In case you haven't realized, we have eyes and ears everywhere. Be careful who you talk to, Skadi would like your help but doesn't need it." Thelora hadn't said anything until we arrived at the Union.

"I'll keep that in mind." I already had the feeling that there were spies in the Union.

The next day I made my way to the Flask and Anvil. Uhtric had finished my shield a few days earlier than expected and had it ready. I also asked if they still had the spider brains I had sold them, only to find out that Vegaror had used them to create motes for himself. In the end I bought a few potions, bright stones, and took the coin they owed me after my various purchases; 13 gold, 4 silver, and 25 copper.

Back at the Union I was approached by Aspasia. She had an invitation from the Archbishop to meet, he wanted to discuss what had happened in the forest. I told her that I was busy for the next few weeks but would let her know when I was available. The fact that I didn't want to meet the Archbishop right away seemed to offend her. It didn't matter to me if I offended her or him, I didn't want anything to do with the church in the first place. Also once we met there was a good chance he'd see my spiritual potential and, if Yngvarr was right, then I'd have to deal with him trying to recruit me.

After lunch I decided to visit someone that might be able to help me with the Archbishop and who should be able to give me some information about my current situation. The Jagged Tankard was winding down from lunch when I arrived. I placed a small order and asked if Floriana was available. It wasn't too long afterwards that I was invited upstairs.

She was wearing a loose robe and after the door was closed, pressed me against it and gave me a deep kiss. As our tongues intermingled, our hands explored the other's body. It didn't take much for her robe to fall to the floor. My own clothes took a bit more to get off but also found their way to the floor.

"This isn't really why I came." I said as we made our way to the bed.

"Sorry, it's been too long. We can discuss that afterwards, along with other things." She ran her fingers over my shield arm that I had touched the apocalypse mist with.

After that she turned me around and pushed me on the bed before climbing on.




A good time later we laid entangled and exhausted on her bed. I made sure to give her special attention due to her comment from last time. There was also the psychic spell that I had learned recently, it allowed me to give sensations to those I was in physical contact with and I made sure to give her pleasurable sensations with it.

"So what is it you wanted to talk about?" She said.

"What do you know about the Bandit Queen retiring?" I asked.

"That's not something you need to worry about." She said.

"Unfortunately, I'm already involved." I said.

"Then I'd recommend getting uninvolved. The three contending for the title are venomous snakes that would eat you alive." She said.

"On my way north I got on the wrong side of one called Wassa." I said.

She sat up, "Don't tell me you're the one that messed up her succession?"

"I just defended the caravan I was hired to protect. More than that I barely did anything." I said.

"Regardless of what you did or didn't do, you've become her scapegoat. If she can somehow handle you, it will get her back in good graces with the Bandit Queen." She said.

"How exactly does she plan to handle me?" I asked.

"From what I hear she wants to try and recruit you. Turning the one who foiled her plans to her side would look good for her. If she can't, she'll just kill you." She said.

"Well, she already failed in trying to capture me and I've since been approached by someone called Skadi." I replied.

"Pretty with black hair." She said.

"That's her."

"Like I said, it's best not to get involved. I'd leave Torinheim for the next few months. Mining towns to the east and north are always looking for adventures to work as guards. You could even head south again as a merchant guard." She said.

"I've already agreed to assist her." I said.

"You're such an idiot." She said.

"She has some information that she's holding over me." I said.

Floriana pursed her lips and waited for me to elaborate. When I didn't she just sighed and lowered her head to my chest. She then traced her finger through my chest hair as she spoke.

"The Bandit Queen let it be known that she was planning to retire last summer. At that time there were five women that were contending for the title. Wassa and Skadi were the only two that survived their competition. Their entire organization nearly fell apart in a matter of months because of it. Wassa's final test was the highjacking of a merchant caravan early in the season. When that failed, Skadi stepped up to challenge her claim again, and a former lieutenant to one of the women who died, Bornhilda, also started to stake her claim.

"Thus far it hasn't been as bad as it was last year but word is they're all gearing up for their showdown in the next month or two. Whatever Skadi promised you, you'll never receive it and in the end she'll betray you. The only reason she even approached you was to make Wassa look bad, by using the man she blames for her failure to further her own claim to the title." She said.

"I'm already preparing for that." I said.

"I hope you aren't counting on my help beyond information. That would have it's complications." She said.

"Skadi already told me who you work for, it was included in the rundown of my recent life events she gave to show how much I'm being watched." I said.

She paused for a moment and I got the sense of regret from her.

"Her and I have similar skill sets in that regard. We're both fairly talented in gathering information. If I had known you were going to get involved, I would have been a little more diligent in learning what they're up to. If you can give me a few days, I can help you out." She gave me a smile.

"In two days time I'll be headed east with someone named Thelora. If my ally Lariss gets back in time, I'll have her to watch my back." When I mentioned Lariss, Floriana's hand tightened.

"Is Lariss the recipient of your increased Spiritual Mark?" She traced a finger on my forehead.

"Lariss is someone I trust. We had each other's backs during a very trying time." Of course she could tell I didn't deny the accusation.

"Well, if you trust her then I wouldn't speak ill of her." Her smile became mischievous as she moved her body against mine. "Is there anything else you need from me?"

"Are you a witch?" I asked.

"That name can have negative connotations." This time I noticed she didn't deny what I asked.

"Not to me. Even if you aren't, I'm in need of someone with spiritual powers." I said.

"Then, depending on what it is, I can help you." She said.

"Followers of the Holy Light have begun to take notice of the depth of my Spiritual potential. I've even received an invitation to meet with the Archbishop of Torinheim. I need a way to hide my true potential." I said.

"If they are already aware of you, I wouldn't hide it completely, they might find that suspicious. But I could hide half of it. Even then you'd be considered above average. There's a park near the Union. If you meet me there shortly after midnight I can help you out." She said.

"Now if that's all you have to ask from me, I'd like to know what happened to your arm. It's a fairly severe spiritual wound."

I spent the next few minutes explaining my most recent quest and what happened in the myvarg nest.

"Until you understand how Spiritual magic actually works don't ever do something like that again. You were literally destroying your own spirit to push back the apocalypse mist. You'll recover in time but it can kill you. Luckily for you, spending time with me will help in your recovery." She leaned forward and kissed me.

After another round in her bed, I prepared to leave.

"Oh, in case anyone asks, you're paying 5 gold for each visit. My employer only allows so many free visits and I don't want her getting suspicious." She said.

"I'll keep that in mind." Before I left I gave her one more kiss. "See you tonight."

Back at the Union I let Raginhard know that I wasn't planning on taking any quests for the next few weeks and that I would be training. After dinner I spent a few hours cultivating in my room before heading to the park. I didn't practice the Lydos Lineage, since I didn't want Floriana to see.

Shortly after midnight a fog rolled into the park. Barely able to see a few feet in front of me I jumped when someone grabbed my hand and only refrained from attacking when I heard Floriana's voice.

"You're being followed, come with me." I couldn't see her even though I knew she was right in front of me. Looking down it looked like I was cupping nothing but could feel her hand in mine.

I allowed her to lead me through the fog and out of the park. After a few streets she dropped her invisibility and I saw her wearing a dark cloak with the hood up.

"It was a woman with short blonde hair and an impressive Cloaking spell." She said.

"That would be Thelora." I said.

"Hmmm, I often wondered how Skadi got her information and there isn't much known about that woman. I also noticed she had a faded spiritual mark on her forehead, you won't know anything about that would you?" She said.

"It seems she's another one intertwined with my fate." I said.

"Just how many other women do you have?" She had a playful smile. I choose not to answer that.

We soon came to a large square with a fountain in the middle. Before we entered she pulled me in close and soon we were surrounded by fireflies. After they winked out she led me into the center of the square. We passed right by a man that didn't acknowledge our existence.

"This works best when we have open access to the moons. And don't worry as long as you stay close to me, no ones going to be able to see us." She kept holding my hand as she pulled a few items from her Storage Ring; a silver chalice, a bundle of herbs, and a necklace with a circle made of twigs that held a single amber ball in the center.

After lighting the herbs on fire she circled them around my head and moved them up and down my limbs all while chanting a prayer to the Spirits. She then brushed some of the ashes from the herbs into the chalice and filled it with water. With her free hand she dipped her finger in the chalice and drew a symbol on my forehead and both of my wrists. Following that she had me drink the remainder of the water from the chalice. Lastly she took the necklace and put it over my head.

It was very reminiscent of the rituals that Svanhildr performed.

"As long as you wear this charm, your spirit will only appear slightly above average. Be careful though because if someone like the Archbishop delves deeply, he'll know that you're hiding your true potential." She said.

"Thank you." I replied.

"Of course I'm doing this to build a trusting relationship with you." She said.

"What exactly do you expect from me in return?" I asked.

"Your genuine friendship. The same I hope to give to you." Her tone of sincerity when she said that took me by surprise. There had always been a bit of teasing mystery from her but this had a bit of pleading to it. Without knowing what her end goal was, I wasn't sure how to reply.

"Again thank you." I leaned in to give her a kiss.

After a few minutes she broke away and led me out of the square. When she let go of my hand I briefly saw a bunch of firefly lights flicker in and out of existence, ending our invisibility.

"Oh I almost forgot. If you are leaving east in two days, I have a feeling what task Skadi wants you to accomplish. One of the groups directly under Wassa's control recently acquired a valuable item from a merchant. They've been hiding out for the past month to avoid adventuring parties looking to get back the item. If my source is correct, they recently started out for Torinheim to sell. There's a good chance you'll be trying to steal the item from them." She said.

"Thanks for the information." I said.

We split up after that and I watched as the firefly lights surrounded her and she disappeared. I made my way back to the Union and stopped right before I entered the building. Thelora stepped out of a shadow as wisps of her Cloaking spell dissipated around her.

"I'm hoping that your little outing tonight isn't something we need to be concerned about." She said.

"If you can believe it, I have concerns that don't involve you or your employer." I said.

"So long as they don't get in the way of the mission." She turned and the shadows around her twisted until it was difficult to see where she was.