
Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Give me some ideas or references for the future plot of the story! If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 >English is not my main language as you all will see >Will try my best to make the story enjoyable and can not promise that everyone will be happy as let's be real not all can be pleased >The early chapters will be a bit slow-paced for the continuity of the story From, Author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lie Fan was a Normal High School student who loves The Three Kingdoms History, He already plays all of the three kingdoms games and read the Romance of the three kingdoms. When he was walking home from school he encounters a very strange necklace in the street, when he takes the amulet he was reincarnated to the three kingdom era which was 17 years before the beginning of the yellow turban rebellion “Finally I can change the course of history!” Follow Lie Fan in his struggle to rewrite history with the help of a system

Tang12 · Sejarah
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522 Chs

First Battle & Visitors From Sea (REWRITTEN & REUPDATED)

Lie Fan managed to subdue more hooligans in the market and some robbers earning the appreciation from the merchants and the people of Huai'An. He finished his patrol because its already late afternoon and ordered his guards to go back to the barracks to tell the twins that they dont need to report to him and go to rest in preparation for tomorrow.

After arriving at home, Lie Fan give Pangu to his stable boy his father had hired today for him then going back to his courtyard and ordered the maids to prepare his bath for him. Lie Fan enter his room, taking of his armor and put them at the armor stand then put his halberd at the empty weapon rack making this halberd its first weapon to be stored there.

After putting his weapon and armor, he enter his bath and take a nice relaxing bath who refreshing his tired body. After taking a bath, Lie Fan joined his Family for dinner which make his mother and sister asking him where has he been as they were looking for him. Lie Fan just says that he go outside to the market and enjoying the city while looking at the wares that being sold in which his mother and sister believe, while his father give him a stern glare as its just the first day and he is almost found out.

After dinner, Lie Fan talk with his family for a while teasing his sister then he make his leave to go rest as he is tired.

The next day, Lie Fan wake up with high spirit. He told his maid he will not take a bath this morning then he training his weapon skill with his halberd for a while then go have a breakfast with his family.

His sister Lie Wannian told him that he smells bad and he has to go take a bath. His father and mother says that to and telling him that training is Important but taking a bath is important to. Hearing that make Lie Fan cry without tears as why he doesnt take a bath because after this he will go out and hunt bandits.

After breakfast Lie Fan told a servant to tell his stable boy to bring Pangu then go to his room, change to a black clothes and wear his armor then taking his halberd leaving his courtyard going to the barracks riding Pangu.

Arriving at the barracks he saw that his personal guards is already in formation with their horses, wearing their armor, and their weapons like bow and swords or spear is ready leaded by Chao Bo and Chao Bai.

Everyone: "We salute Young Master!"

Lie Fan: "Hmm Good morning everyone! Who is ready to hunt some bandits?!"

Everyone: "HUAHHH!!!!!!"

Lie Fan: "Great! come lets march!"

Lie Fan with his personal guards ride their horses toward one of the city gates which is the west gate as yesterday while patroling he heard rumours about a village 25 to 35 Km away from Huai'An that filled with a small or medium sized bandit groups that mask themselves as a normal village then rob people who travel past that village and his father cant send subjugation squad as his soldiers all used to protect the roads and exterminating bandits who is much near to the city.

After showing his insignia to the Gate Guards, Lie Fan and His personal guards left the city riding their horse for about 30-40 minutes of which then they saw the village from a distances then they stop to strategize.

Lie Fan: "Okay now soldiers that village is full of bandits! I to heard that they have locked up some women and men so we have to save them as well, now Chao Bai i want you to take 3 people who are fast and go with you to scout that village."

Chao Bai: "Yes Young Master! you, you, and you come with me give your horses to the others."

Chao Bai then left with 3 guards to scout the village, while waiting Lie Fan raise up the morale of his guards and reassuring them as this is their first battle after all. After waiting for 30 minutes, Chao Bai and the others finally back.

Lie Fan: "How is it? can you predict how many bandits are in there?"

Chao Bai: "Young Master from what me and this 3 saw and heard, looks like there about 50 to 75 bandits with 15 people taken as prisoners in the biggest house in the village. Theres about 4 watchtowers with each guarded by 2 bandits."

Lie Fan: "That means we need to lure them out as we can kill them much faster that way. Chao Bo you lead 20 guards and use speed on our side and snipe them especially the bandits at the watchtower while circling around the village in the mean time Chao Bai and me will lead the other to charge in to make chaos inside then you join in."

Chao Bo: "Yes Young Master! Come 20 people follow me!!"

After receiving his order Chao Bo lead 20 people toward the village preparing their bows then began shooting at the bandits which alerting them and making the bandits leaving their house, seeing that Lie Fan and Chao Bai lead the rest to charge at the bandits who is now grouping.

The bandits who saw that began to panic and some were shooting their arrows but it missed while the bandits at the watch tower were already sniped to death by Chao Bo group. Lie Fan lead the charge at the front with his halberd when he reach the bandit groups he began swing his halberd at the right side beheading 3 bandits at once thanks to his strenght while his group to killing the bandits seeing that Chao Bo group to enter the fray.

The Bandits became more and more panicked as they were never attacked like this, their numbers began to shrink from 75 to 30 in which they began to fight back. Lie Fan seeing this get off his horse and began rampaging with his halberd killing bandits left and right, some of his guards get off their horse as well especially Chao Bai and Chao Bo who then go towards Lie Fan to protect him.

After fighting for more than 1 hour since the start of the attack, Lie Fan manages to defeat the bandits with 5 who surrendered and the rest were killed. Lie Fan then order his guards to release the man and women who were taken prisoners while the rest to search the houses and warehouse for loots.

Chao Bai: "Congratulation Young Master for your first win in battle, one of the many!"

Lie Fan: "Hahaha Thank you Chao Bai, are there any casualties on our side?"

Chao Bai: "Theres no casualties but just a few of the men get small injuries like small cuts and bruises thanks to the bad aim of the bandits."

Chao Bo: "Same here Young Master! theres no casualties and injuries as my group were sniping them faster than they shoot at us Hahaha!"

Lie Fan: "Good! after we finish taking the loot, rewards are going to be given!"

Chao Bo+Chao Bai: "We thank the Young Master for his generosity!"

After 45 minutes, Lie Fan guards manages to round up all the valuable things from the bandit village. there were 55.000 taels, 20.000Catty of foods, and jewelries worth 15.000 taels shocking Lie Fan as small slash medium bandit groups have this much how about the big one or the super mega big one. Lie Fan then take 10.000 taels and split them among the 15 people he freed which making them feel touched and full of gratitude.

Seeing so much things need to be taken, Lie Fan then ordered his guards to take the bandits wagon which there were 5 of them. 1 being used to transport the freed prisoners while the rest take the loot back.

After 45 minutes of loading, Lie Fan and His groups then leave the village which before that burning them so it will not be used by other bandits as their hideout.

After more than 1 hour of riding thanks to the wagons, Lie Fan and his group finally arrived at Huai'an who they saw looks panicked.

Lie Fan: "Hey you! whats going on here?"

Gate Guard: "Ah Young Master! theres some foreign ships near the harbour trying to dock! The Lord already gone there with his personal guard and Captain Ling Dao."

Lie Fan: "Foreign Ships?! how many?!"

Gate Guard: "Theres 5 ships Young Master!"

Lie Fan: "I see okay thank you, Chao Bai you take 15 guard and let the people we freed enter the city then bring the loot to the barracks! Chao Bo and the rest follow me to the port!"

Everyone: "Yes Young Master!"

After giving the order, Lie Fan then ride towards the port of Huai'An with Chao Bo and 35 guards attracting peoples attention toward them.

After riding for 20 minutes they finally arrived at the port, after seeing the ship structure and the symbol that were on the ship Lie Fan realise who is arriving at Huai'An.

Lie Fan: "The Japanese? that should be the Yamatai symbol according to history, what are they doing here?"

While looking at the ships, Lie Fan heard his father sound calling him

Lie Shang: "Fan'er come here!"

Lie Fab hurried toward his father and began asking him some questions

Lie Fan: "Father do you know who they are?"

Lie Shang: "No i don't know they suddenly arrived here making people panicked thats why I ordered all soldier except the gate guards to come here."

Lie Fan: "I see, Father let me handle this for you."



Name: Lie Fan


Age: 15 years old (33 years old)

Level: 9

Current EXP: 479.000

Next Level: 512.000

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)









ATR Points:0