
Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Give me some ideas or references for the future plot of the story! If you wanted to read 15 Chapters ahead and more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 >English is not my main language as you all will see >Will try my best to make the story enjoyable and can not promise that everyone will be happy as let's be real not all can be pleased >The early chapters will be a bit slow-paced for the continuity of the story From, Author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lie Fan was a Normal High School student who loves The Three Kingdoms History, He already plays all of the three kingdoms games and read the Romance of the three kingdoms. When he was walking home from school he encounters a very strange necklace in the street, when he takes the amulet he was reincarnated to the three kingdom era which was 17 years before the beginning of the yellow turban rebellion “Finally I can change the course of history!” Follow Lie Fan in his struggle to rewrite history with the help of a system

Tang12 · Sejarah
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522 Chs

401. Yan Yan Meets Meng Huo

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After confirming the news with Lie Fan and Diao Chan, both Ying Yue and Cai Wenji clapped their hand joyously hearing the good news and flocking around Diao Chan pushing Lie Fan out, who could only shake his head as this was happening. Lu Lingqi on the other hand was also happy for Diao Chan, she held her abdomen with some dilemma as she wanted to give a child to Lie Fan as well, but she also wanted to accompany Lie Fan on his campaign against Cao Cao.

Lie Fan noticed Lu Lingqi standing alone near the door, her expression shifting between hope and frustration. Concerned, he made his way over to her, gently placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Qi'er, what's on your mind?" he asked softly while caressing her shoulder, trying to ease her mind with small massages.

Lu Lingqi looked up at him, her eyes filled with conflicting emotions. "I'm happy for Sister Diao Chan, truly. But... I also want to give you a child, Husband. Yet, I can't help but feel torn. I want to be by your side in the campaigns, to fight alongside you. I'm not sure what to do."

Lie Fan gave her a reassuring smile. "I understand, Qi'er. Your strength and support mean a great deal to me, both on and off the battlefield. But it's important to remember that raising a family is also a form of strength. So you can do whatever you want, don't mind me. Choose what you think is best for you now."

Lu Lingqi sighed, still conflicted. "But what if I miss out on the action? What if I'm needed by you and I'm not there by your side? And what if your parents or my mother wanted a child born between us and because of me we don't have one yet?"

Lie Fan took her hand in his, giving it a comforting squeeze. "It doesn't matter what they think, as long as you do what you want I will give you my full support. Whether you wanted to be on the battlefield or at home. And our campaigns will continue for many years to come, there will be time for both."

Lu Lingqi looked into his eyes, finding solace in his words. "I suppose you're right. I just don't want to feel like I'm abandoning my duties, both as your wife and a partner for you on the battlefield."

"You're not abandoning anything," Lie Fan assured her. "You're simply adding another layer to your role for our family. Also shows the world that Women can do much more, and at the same time the famous Lie Fan had a taste in a feisty woman also, hehe."

A big blush grew and a smile finally broke through Lu Lingqi's worried expression after Lie Fan finished his words. "Oh please be serious! And Thank you, Husband. Your words have helped me see things more clearly."

He nodded, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Anytime, Qi'er. We're a husband and wife who were partners for life, and together we'll face every challenge that comes our way."

With Lu Lingqi calmed and reassured, alongside Lie Fan she joined the others in celebrating the joyous news of Diao Chan's pregnancy. The room buzzed with excitement and laughter as everyone shared in the happiness.

Far from the celebratory atmosphere of Lie Fan's residence, Yan Yan was on a more serious mission. He led a group of envoys through the rugged terrain from Chengdu to the frontline near Jianning, which was in the southern part of Yi Province.

Where negotiations with the Nanman tribes were to take place around those areas, as the people there understand some of the languages the Nanman tribes are using, which will help them in facilitating the ceasefire talk they will hold.

The journey had been long and arduous, with the landscape shifting from the fertile plains of Chengdu to the mountainous regions surrounding Jianning. Yan Yan's mind was focused on the task ahead, knowing that the success of these negotiations could greatly influence the stability of Liu Zhang's rule.

As they made their way through a narrow mountain pass, Yan Yan turned to one of his trusted officers. "We must ensure the safety of the envoys. The Nanman tribes are known for their unpredictability. We need to be vigilant."

The officer nodded, signaling the men to stay alert. "Yes, General. We've doubled the guards around the envoys and are prepared for any ambushes, especially when we enter the mountainous terrain."

Yan Yan nodded in approval, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Good. We can't afford any mistakes. The future of our Lord's army depends on these talks."

As they continued their journey, Yan Yan couldn't help but think about the significance of this mission. The Nanman tribes had been a thorn in their side for years after the initial success of the first invasion against them.

If they could secure a temporary peace with the Nanman Tribes, it would free up resources and manpower to focus on the more pressing threats from Zhang Lu in the north and end the conflict sooner.

As Yan Yan and his group arrived at Jianning, they were immediately struck by the tense atmosphere. The city was on high alert, with soldiers patrolling the walls and gates, and the common people moving with a sense of urgency and caution.

Jianning had been the frontline for the ongoing skirmishes between Liu Zhang's Army and the Nanman tribes, and it bore the scars of numerous battles against the Nanman Tribes.

Yan Yan and his group made their way through the bustling streets to the governor's residence. The governor, a stern and seasoned man named Chong Yan, greeted them with a mix of relief and wariness.

"General Yan Yan, welcome back to Jianning," Chong Yan said, bowing slightly. "Your presence here brings hope to our battered down city. The Nanman have been relentless in their attack when you were gone."

"Governor Chong Yan, it's good to be here," Yan Yan replied, returning the bow by coupling his hand. "I returned with a mission to seek a temporary peace or ceasefire with the Nanman tribes. We need to focus our efforts on the threats from Zhang Lu in the north, and ending this conflict for now greatly aid our cause."

Chong Yan nodded thoughtfully. "It's a difficult task, but one that could bring much needed recovery and rest for all of us. How do you plan to initiate these talks?"

"We will send a messenger to the Nanman, requesting a meeting on neutral ground to discuss a ceasefire," Yan Yan explained. "We must show them that we come in peace, but we will not compromise our dignity or strength."

After a brief discussion, a messenger was dispatched to the Nanman tribes with a formal request for a meeting. The message emphasized the desire for peace and cooperation, suggesting a neutral location where both sides could come together to negotiate.

While waiting for a response, Yan Yan and his officers inspected Jianning's defenses and spoke with the generals to better understand the current situation between them and the Nanman Tribe.

The soldiers and common people of Jianning looked to Yan Yan with hope, knowing that the outcome of these negotiations could determine their immediate future, one that could allow them to take a rest after long years of fighting between both sides.

A few days later, the messenger returned with news that the Nanman had agreed to a meeting, where they were asked to meet on a neutral hill which was located right in the middle between Jianning and the Nanman Tribes encampment.

Yan Yan gathered his envoys and prepared to journey to the designated neutral ground. "Remember," he instructed the envoys, "we are here to secure a ceasefire that benefits both sides. We must be firm but respectful, showing them that peace is in everyone's best interest."

The group set out, heading toward the designated location. As they approached the neutral meeting site, they saw the Nanman delegation waiting for them, its formidable chieftain Meng Huo alongside his council.

Meng Huo, a towering figure with a large body causing him to have an intimidating aura, watched Yan Yan and his group approach with keen interest.

King Duosi, King Mulu, and King Wutugu who held the largest tribes below Meng Huo stood by his side joining him and watching Yan Yan and his group, analyzing the body language they had.

Reaching the location, Yan Yan dismounted from his horse and walked forward followed by the envoys, cupping his hand toward Meng Huo and his council, in a gesture of peace.

"Chieftain Meng Huo," Yan Yan greeted, his voice steady. "I am General Yan Yan. We come in the spirit of peace and cooperation, seeking to end the bloodshed between our people." as Yan Yan finishes his words, the translator beside him translates Yan Yan's word.

Listening to what the translator said, Meng Huo regarded Yan Yan for a moment before laughing out loud and cupping his hand to Yan Yan. "Haha! General Yan Yan, I have heard of your fabulous name! Your name strikes fear in the heart of my men! I respect people like you!" the translator translates his words for Yan Yan.

Yan Yan nodded, a slight smile playing on his lips. "Thank you, Chieftain Meng Huo, for your kind words. It is an honor to be recognized by a man as esteemed as yourself.", as the translator translated for Meng Huo, Yan Yan signaled to his attendants, who stepped forward with beautifully adorned chests containing various gifts.

"These gifts," Yan Yan continued, "are a token of respect and goodwill from My Lord, Chieftain Meng Huo. We hope they signify our sincere intentions for peace and cooperation." The translator relayed his words, and the chests were opened to reveal exquisite silk fabrics, fine porcelain, and other treasures from Chengdu.

Meng Huo's eyes gleamed with appreciation as he examined the gifts. "Your lord is indeed generous," he said, his tone more measured now. "These are fine offerings, worthy of our respect. We will accept them in the spirit they are given." The translator conveyed his response, and Yan Yan could see the shift in Meng Huo's demeanor, a promising sign before the start of their negotiations.

After some small talk back and forth between Yan Yan and Meng Huo, King Duosi whispered to Meng Huo that they should start the negotiation now, to which Meng Huo agreed and conveyed his words to Yan Yan. The translator conveyed Meng Huo's words to Yan Yan, who immediately accepted as it was better for them to finish early and so Yan Yan and Meng Huo took a seat on each side of a long table, marking the start of the negotiations.


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Three Heroes Who Defeat Lu Bu

Age: 31 (198 AD)

Level: 16

Next Level: 462,000

Renown: 825

Cultivation: Yin Yang Separation (level 9)

SP: 1,121,700


STR: 936 (+20)

VIT: 598 (+20)

AGI: 583 (+10)

INT: 587

CHR: 96

WIS: 509

WILL: 397

ATR Points: 0

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