
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Komik
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157 Chs

Revival of the Ryu Clan

The dried blood had started to chip away from Kibo's body, like being reborn the dead skin fell from his body like a shell from an egg. Kibo's skin felt a smooth as a new born baby, not a blemish or imperfection remained on his body, if he was considered handsome before now all he could be called is drop-dead gorgeous.

The energy in Kibo's body began to jump up to almost 3 times the strength of a nine tailed beast; he also felt his Tengan evolving as the Gate of View was blasted open. After opening the gate of View he noticed that his eyes could now see even further than before and even without activating could see Natural Energy and Chakra now. It even evolved his Tengan, Kibo could now naturally train his Do-Jutsu constantly by absorbing energy into them; it was like a limiter removed on his Do-Jutsus development.

His eyes grew three black Magatamas and a ring around them formed at the center of his pupil, when Navi chimed inside his head.

[Congratulation to host to becoming an Immortal; Hidden Quest completed! Reward: Chaos Fragment.]

[Immortal Energy rapidly expanding life span. New Vital Energy: 2,436,000 Years!]

[Congratulations to Host for evolving the Tengan to the Tenteigan (Heavenly Emperors Eyes)]

Magatama Effects------------------

1. Absorb Chakra

2. Absorb Natural Energy

3. Absorb Soul Energy


Kibo was thrilled to say the least his life span had increased by a full thousand times, although he was a little disappointed to find out his life span wasn't infinite, but he could still see how they were called Immortals in the past. While he was reviling in his excitement he asked his sacred beast "Why are you so surprised my Dantian is Golden?"

"Because Kibo, you just formed the highest ranking Dantian, also called the Golden Elixir! Even amongst Immortals it has only been pulled off by a select few, and they all went on to become gods; our master included!" Seiryu shouted when Suzaku finished "There are 4 grades of cores that can form, the White Core being the weakest, the Green Core is next, the second best is the Purple Core, and the greatest is the Golden Core. Unbelievable I knew you were talented but this is beyond my expectation."

Kibo smiled at their compliments as he stared at his Golden Dantian noticing 10 seedlings slowly being germinated by a fusion of his Chakra and Natural Energy. Each of them a different color and had unique markings representing different elements; there was 6 of them that represented the Earthy Elements, Earth; Brown, Fire; Red, Water; Blue, Lightning; Yellow, and Metal was Silver, one was a pitch black ink color in the shape the Kanji for Fūin, the next was in the shape of his body, that had the Kanji for Physique on it. The 9th seed was in the shape of a purple star representing his Star Chakra, and the last was in the shape of a white Magatama that represented Yang.

Kibo was surprised as he didn't know he had an affinity for Yang element when Navi explained "All males are born with an affinity for Yang and all females are born with an affinity for Yin Element. How proficient they are depends on how much they can perceive."

Kibo also understood how to cultivate as an Immortal; by perfectly combining Chakra and Natural energy in his lower Dantian he could send into his Middle Dantian as Immortal Energy, which in return would grow the seedlings.

He noticed that at the rate he was absorbing and merging the two energies it would take many years for him to progress. Even with his new Tenteigan ability to absorb these energies it would still take time. Normally one would have an abundant amount of Immortal energy to directly cultivate, however the world today is not like it once was; although Kibo had to take his time, he had a hunch that cultivating by relying on himself rather than using a constant supply of Immortal energy from the outside, would give him far greater benefits.

He stretched his arms and legs while he looked over to the building, he ran back inside after changing his clothes and proceeded to the 6th floor. He looked back at the dragon of Creation and decided he would take the egg later and hand it over to Akari. Since she was the host last time, might as well give this over to her in this time as well. Except he would be using his last Star Chamber Relic so it would be a perfect fusion, instead of that mess of a ritual.

Kibo entered into a room with a strange and empty open space that went on for as far as he could see, a strange black green and purple background, standing in front of him was a strange Statue of the Ryu Clan's ancestor. He was the Void Dragon's Host; he had long black hair and grey horns, as well as two black ring markings around his eyes.

Kibo was about to approach it when he felt a sense of crisis overwhelm him, Kibo was shocked as he saw the statue open his eyes before shouting "You are no descendant of the Ryu Clan so I cannot allow you to continue without testing you." The statue moved into a fighting stance and powered up shaking the atmosphere around them.

Kibo dissipated and reappeared next to the statue as he was about to attack, the statue grabbed his face and slammed him into the ground, the strange extra dimensional space quaked as Kibo hit the ground, a cough of blood came out before the statue continued its assault. Punch after punch the strange being continued his attacks with incredible force that made Might Guy with all eight gates open look weak.

The statue had stopped because he was no longer punching Kibo, but a wooden log. The statue looked surprised as he looked to Kibo grabbing his stomach while accelerating his healing gate.

"Incredible you don't look a day over 15, yet you've already opened up 5 gates! But it is a bit late for you to become an Immortal though, most children around the age of 5 or 6 reach the Dao Seeking Phase. All your talent is wasted, the earlier one becomes an Immortal the better chance their core will be a higher grade."

Kibo was shocked, when he smiled "True this is probably because of how much energy there was before the God Tree, it might be easy to cultivate to Immortal but you guys completely neglected your Chakra, and were completely reliant on the world's energy until completing the Dao Manifestation Stage." Kibo grunted as he spit out a little more blood and began cycling his Chakra and Natural energy to make more Immortal Essence.

"You can create Immortal Energy inside your own body?" The statue looked surprised when Kibo made a hand sign "Listen up relic of the past, it has been thousands of years since your clan and all other Immortal Clans disappeared." The statue looked surprised when Kibo continued "But humans have not given up, the Guardian of the God Tree has failed her mission, and we humans have been given a chance."

Dozens of clones appeared besides Kibo, making the statue go wide eyed before shouting "What sorcery is this?!"

Kibo smiled and said "Nin-Jutsu; it comes from Chakra; energy that every living thing was born with." The clones ran forward after activating Kibo's new combined Sage mode. Starland Sage mode is a fusion of his Star, Earth, and Wood Sage mode. The energy radiating from his tribal marking made the statue stunned "A multi-layered Sage Mode, child I take back what I said before; you are talented."

The Clones began their assault but the statue was no push over, he used his Immortal energy to summon the elements and do battle, but they were reminiscent of Kibo's blast attack, they had no real control over the elements, and could not shape them into more powerful techniques.

His physique and martial arts however were insane; Kibo only saw a blur as the first wave of clones was defeated. He pulled out Fujin and charged up his energy, the statue seeing this stumbled "Is the Chakra he mentioned the same energy the sacred animals use?"

Kibo started coating the cover of his blade with a Chakra that had a Rasengan like appearance, adding wind and lightning into the technique as well Kibo dashed forward using his Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryū's Kuzuryūsen (Nine-Head Dragon Flash) mixed with his double element Storm release Rasengan blade Kibo's new technique he called Dance of the Storm Gods to strike out at all nine vital points simultaneously while shouting out the numbers on through nine.

"Ichi!" Karatake (Splitting Bamboo/Head) Aimed at above head with downward strike

"Ni!" Sakagesagiri (Inverted Torso Cutter) Aimed at right shoulder diagonally!

"San!" Miginagi (Right Mower) Aimed at right arm's center from the side!

"Shi!" Migikiriage (Right Cutting Lift) Aimed at right arm's bottom right wrist diagonally!

"Go!" Sakakaze (Inverted Wind) Aimed at groin area from below via upward stroke, or straight from front!

"Riku!" Hidarikiriage (Left Cutting Lift) Aimed at left arm's bottom left wrist diagonally!

"Shitsu!" Hidarinagi (Left Mower) Aimed at left arm's center from the side!

"Hatsu!" Kesagiri (Torso Cutter) Aimed at left shoulder diagonally!

"Kyu!" Tsuki Shitotsu (Thorn Thrust) Aimed at center of chest, at breastbone!

At the last second as the beams of bolts and light gushed out from a wind tunnel, Kibo fused together his Natural Energy and Chakra perfectly into Immortal Essence. The energy multiplied as eight swords made out of Storm Chakra slammed into the statue, sending it flying across the void in chunks. Kibo sheathed his sword and bowed to the open space before heading up to the next floor. However just as he was about to reach the next floor a voice rang out in his ears.

"What an impressive Ken-Jutsu Style. It suits you well, but I hope you don't think this is over!"

The statue began to repair its self and morph into a giant void Dragon, Kibo shook as the energy assaulted him, "Damn! Maybe not so easy after all." Kibo began making a Void Release Rasenshuriken when the statue felt a sense of dread. It interrupted him by launching its Void orbs at him, Kibo jumped to the side as he pulled out his blade but this time, he added Dust element to the attack, he struck out but the dragon countered by breathing a black flame, "Amaterasu?!" Kibo backed off when the dragon dove through his own flames to slap Kibo flying across the ground.

A puff of smoke appeared as the clone he swapped positions with died, Kibo swung down chopping off the creatures arm. The dust element not only destroyed the dragons arm, but Kibo's sword as well.

Activating a cylinder 3d shape of Dust element Kibo shot it at the dragons head; the statue dodge sensing it's impending doom, when it tried to recall its arm it was surprised because Kibo had destroyed it with his dust element.

"You!" Kibo didn't wait as he formed dozens of Dust Cubes around its giant body and detonated it. The golem roared as it lost a large portion of its body; it shouted "I surrender!" As it shrank to the size of a small boy. "Agghh look at my beautiful body! What have you done?!"

Kibo was snickering as he thought the little kid looked kind of cute, "So I can continue now?"

"I won't stop you, but I will also accompany you, as long as you're in the Layline." The statue eyed Kibo like a grave robber, when Kibo defended himself "Hey I'm doing this to help the Ryu Clan!"

"Ohh; and I suppose you're doing this with no ulterior motives." The statue replied with a great amount of sarcasm.

"No. I won't lie. I will be taking a portion of the materials, but I won't let the Ryu Clan suffer, I have plans for them after all." Kibo said with an honest tone.

"What do you have in mind for my people?" The Golem asked.

"Revival!" Kibo answered simply.