
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Komik
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157 Chs

New Age Part 3

Kibo smiled as he stared at the emblem, he could feel an incredible source of Chaos Energy being emitted from the surface of the Emblem, the circular emblem had an image of a chaotic plane of multi-colored energy, the longer Kibo stared at it, the more he studied the object the deep his compression towards the Chaos Element started to grow rapidly. Just like his world fragment, this would allow him to study the Dao of Chaos, it could even be used to make a powerful item, but Kibo considered that wasteful; because an Item to speed up training doesn't come along every day.

He decided to place the Emblem within his training along with the World Fragment, and Heavenly Fragment.

He also decided to throw out tiny fragments of the Infinity Stones for them to study as well, of course, they were all protected by several defense Arrays, so no one could attempt to steal them, at least not without Kibo realizing that his Arrays had been intruded upon or altered.

Jian Chen barely noticed the clone Kibo sent off with his prize as he was surrounded by his loved ones and allies, Kibo walked up to him and said, "Congratulations, you are now part of this world."

Jian Chen's Flame Mercenaries all looked to him for guidance, they were all confused and disoriented, Jian Chen's three wives and child were the most confused, one was the princess of a small kingdom known as the Gesun Kingdom, named You Yue, the second was the Young Lady of Huang Clan, one of the hermit families in the vicinity near the Gesun Kingdom, the last of his wives was a famous Zither Cultivator known as the Heavenly Enchantress Shangguan Mu and their son, Shangguan Aojian, he was born of was born with an Innate Chaotic Physique, so his potential was even greater than his father's.

Dugu Qiubai was the second strongest compared to Jian Chen's sword skill, so Kibo was glad to receive such an expert in his ranks, Kibo then turned to Jian Chen and watched him explain who Kibo was, and where they were, "This is our great benefactor, Kibo Hoshi, he is the leader of the land in which you now reside in. He has hired our Mercenary group and paid me with an entire country for us to prosper in."

Dugu Qiubai laughed as he said, "Jian Chen, you impress me again, it has only been a year since you arrived and you already claimed a country of your own."

Jian Chen laughed and began to introduce everyone to Kibo, he started with his family first, Kibo was very respectful and introduced himself, "I am Kibo Hoshi, the leader of the City of Immortals and Gods, my title is the Immortal Shadow, I brought you here because of Jian Chen, this world is countless times better than the one you lived in before, the energy is richer and so are the resources. You are free to live in this world as long as you don't cause trouble for the ones living here. As Jian Chen's family and allies, I know you are well behaved, however, I wouldn't be me if I didn't warn you."

Kibo powered up to his Super Human and God-Mode, his energy rippled throughout the time chamber, causing everyone to go wide-eyed.

"I'm not a weakling for you to play around with." Kibo powered down and smiled, he raised his hand and said, "In order for you to understand this world with more ease, I gift this knowledge to you."

Before they could move, Kibo gave them all a swift poke in the forehead, after receiving the information needed to live in this world, everyone showed shocked expressions, this world was so different than their own, they had never seen technology on this scale, so it was important that they had the knowledge to fit in amongst the others and live in their society.

Xiao Bao was still a young man, his eyes widened in anticipation, his adventurous spirit was burning through his eyes as he tugged his mother's sleeve and said, "Mom, this place is amazing!"

The Heavenly Enchantress smiled and said, "Aoijin, please calm yourself, I know you want to explore, but we should wait until we develop our power in this world."

Xiao Bao's cheeks puffed up, making Jian Chen laughed, "Relax son, soon you will be able to see our new land, I think it will impress you and keep you busy for a while to come."

Kibo laughed and said, "He's right, you have a whole nation to explore, and if you desire combat, you can enter the world of Fallen Demi-Gods to claim a beast to partner with."

Kibo led them outside and showed them his world, "This is Earth, the origin for cultivation in this universe, you are free to explore as you wish, Jian Chen has been given a fortune and owns the Land of Iron...Sorry, he owns the Land of Iron Flames, so, currency, isn't a problem right now."

Kibo handed out a single Star Chamber to each of the other-world-ers, he gave out around a hundred of them and said, "Use these when you find a suitable partner, if you hunt in the world of Fallen Demi-Gods, you can sell the materials in Exchange for time in the Room of Spirit and Time, money, techniques, or other goods."

Jian Chen bowed and thanked Kibo, the rest of his group followed his lead and paid respect to Kibo, Kibo waved his hands, "Please, raise your heads, I see you all as valuable and trustworthy allies, this is just something that I should do."

Jian Chen smiled and patted Kibo's shoulder as he said, "From now on we are brothers, your kindness will not go unrewarded."

Kibo smiled and said, "Well, go on, go make me the strongest army you can train."

Jian Chen laughed, "I'll do just that!"

Kibo handed him a top tier Training Facility that hadn't been set yet, after handing the relic over to him, Kibo told Jian Chen how to place it, and what to expect.

Jian Chen thanked Kibo once again and left with his group, Kibo watched them leave and smiled, "Now to deal with my wives' training and fusing these skills."

Kibo returned home to discover his wives sleeping next to their children, Kibo smiled and placed a few drops of the Ancient Legendary Super Saiyan's blood over their body and used it to augment their human Genetics with the Chimera technique, once the glow of their new powers set in, Kibo noticed that the Infinity Dao Fruit in Shion's soul, evolve.

Like his, it shifted from infinity to eternity, a much stronger version of the Dao Fruit, Karin's Physique Dao also evolved, Kibo was so swift with the technique, that they didn't even wake up, he cuddled up next to his wives and let his children lay on his arms.

Kibo rested knowing that they would only continue to grow stronger in the future, as long as nothing outside his expectations happens. However, no matter how much Kibo planned, he could have never imagined the future set out before him.


Deep within the recesses of space, a small, godly platform, existed near the gate to the heavenly realm, large slabs were erected, each of them containing the souls of the Otsutsuki Clan that were ravaging this universe, if their mortal bodies died, their souls would return here and wait for their next host body to finish gestating.

Once their Karma Marking completely devoured the host, they would inhabit that body so they could explore this universe without being destroyed by Heaven's Punishment Lightning. Most of the tablets were intact, however, Kaguya's was cracked down the middle and showed no sign of her soul like the others.

A tall man with white hair and a fully evolved yellow Renisharingan sitting in the place of his third eye, he stared at the tablet with fury in his veins as he shouted, "HOW DARE YOU, MORTALS! HOW DARE YOU KILL MY SON'S WIFE!"

The energy rippled off of his body causing massive quakes throughout the region of space, the power of a True-God started to cause the universe to take notice, the young-looking man calmed down as storm clouds gathered over his head, with a simple wave of his hand, the clouds dispersed and he looked to the location of the Milkyway Galaxy.

The Otsutsuki's branch clan leader started to feel the rage build up as he stared at the universe that Kaguya was responsible for, "I will have my vengeance."


Kibo woke up the next day with some explaining to do, his wives felt the change in their bodies and excitedly asked him to explain, Kibo smiled and picked Genji and Rei up and placed them in their crib, the barely year old kids started to wake up, but after rocking them back to sleep, Kibo gave them a kiss and began explaining the changes to their genetics.

Shion and Karin jumped Kibo and planted dozens of kisses on his face, Kibo laughed and enjoyed the moment, his wives had made great progress with their chosen weapon, and Kibo found that they were close to making their own Weapon Intent.

Karin chose to use a chain whip, by mixing her own Adamantium Chains into the mix, the weapon became more than dangerous, and Shion, she chose a Bow and Arrow to focus on, with her future sight making her the deadliest sniper in existence, it was the perfect choice for her.

Kibo forged the two Chaos Relics, one called the Harbinger the Indestructible Sealing Whip, with a single crack of the whip, one could create a powerful multi-layered array of her choosing, and the other was called Sun Shooting Bow, a name based on the legends of Hou Yi, when he made this bow, Oro was terrified of its power and seemed to show disdain for the weapon.

The bow could create its own arrows that hit like speeding planets, it could shoot down the stars and much more.

While he trained, Kibo heard about Guy and Lee challenging Korin's tower, Lee was adamant about taking on the training as he spoke to Guy, "Although I can use Nin-Jutsu now, I have no talent for it because I'm too old to start retraining from scratch, but, martial techniques are perfect for me!"

Guy hugged Lee while crying, "It's okay Lee, I understand, let's show this tower the power of our YOUTH!"

"Gai Sensei!" Lee cried out.

The two were the first to successfully climb the tower without the aid of supernatural power, Korin began their training, and ever since then, the two have yet to come down.

Kibo's Shikigami Estus was given a Spatial Ring he obtained from Jian Chen for studying purposes, alongside Tenten, Estus worked day and night to uncover all of the spatial ring's secrets, Kibo was proud of the Kunoichi, she was his true successor to his Forging technique, it didn't even take them a day to break down the Spatial Rings mechanics and reproduce them in a creation of their own.

Since Tenten had a solid grasp of space seals, she had little to no problem discovering how to make a high-quality Spatial Ring.

Once the item hit the market, business for Tenten exploded, her clan was literally swimming in money, Shikamaru and Temari got married and moved into a nice house on the Nara Clan's property, Tsunade was busy preparing for the next Hokage to take his place, but Kakashi was being reluctant with offer, he was starting a life with his new family, and because Kibo had given a resurrection sword, Kakashi brought back his father and mother from the beyond; Konoha's White Fang lived once more.

The Immortal Uchiha clan was doing much better, the strongest of the Senju and Uchiha had been resurrected as well, with Obito leading them, they didn't have a chance to raise a complaint before they were beaten into submission, Hashirama did something similar, however, most of his clan revered him as a God, even Hashirama's father couldn't get a word in edgewise.

It was hard at first for the once warring clans to put aside their past transgressions, but once they learned of Black Zetsu and his plots, their fury was directed at the gods more than each other.

The nine tailed forces and the Akatsuki all reached the peak of the Immortal Realm and were close to discovering their path to godhood, Naruto, in particular, was the closest one amongst the groups, with Sasuke running a close second.

The previous Kage were all preparing to move to Kibo's city, however, that would have to wait until they found a suitable successor and trained them up before leaving.

Kibo continued to enjoy his life while thinking of the last challenges that existed on this planet, he didn't know enough about Boruto's main villain and what his purpose was, but at least he knew that Moon-Man would prove to be no challenge at all, at least, that's what Kibo thought.

Kibo's biggest present was hearing his children's first words, they called him papa, and both Karin and Shion mama, the trio gushed as their babies walked towards them calling their names.

He spent the next year in a slow-life period, he had stopped training to rest both his mind and body while he watched his children grow. The only training Kibo did was fuse countless techniques, with the sheer number of skills at his disposal, it would take dozens of years for Kibo to merge them all.

Other than that, Kibo enjoyed his time with his family, and while they held their party for Genji and Rei, a particular man was watching the earth from the moon, and beside him was a member of the Otsutsuki Clan.