
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Komik
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157 Chs

Kibo the Father

Sakura was sleeping at her new house given to her by Kibo, it was located at the base of the village near where the Guardian Clan lived, Kibo also gave her family a house on his hidden village, but since she returned to Konohagakure, this place became a getaway place for her.

As her phone rang, Sakura groaned and rolled over pulling the covers off of Sasuke's bare shoulders, "Sasuke, could you get that, too tired...zzz"

Sasuke smiled and shook his head as he rolled over her waking her up as he reached out for her phone, Sakura laughed as she gave him a jab in the gut that made him twitch in pain, putting the voice on speaker, Sasuke barely managed to speak out, "Cough, Sakura's residence..." before Kibo's yelling voice snapped the two awake like cold bucket of water.

Sakura popped her head up and smiled, "I'm getting ready now!" she shouted as she jumped out of the bed, she knew that she wasn't directly related to Kibo, however, he treated them like family, and helped them reach heights they could only dream of, so when they heard that Shion and Karin were pregnant, she felt like she was becoming an Aunt herself.

Sasuke was no different, he rushed to put on his clothes and started to make some calls, he called up Itachi and his little sister, Miho to head to the hospital.

Kibo called up the rest of his family while his wives went to their room on their beds, all while holding his hands so tightly, that even the mighty Kibo felt like wincing in pain.

After waiting a while, Kibo cut open the space around him and saw Sakura tying up her hair ready to go, hospital scrubs and all.

Kibo looked to Tsunade as well and smiled, he noticed a shirtless Jiraiya trying to sneak away in the distance, Kibo waved his hand and gave Jiraiya a wink as he said, "Relax, I won't mention this to Hashirama."

Jiraiya laughed as pointed to Kibo and said, "You face looks a little pale kid, your hand alright?"

"I have two of the most powerful Immortals squeezing down on my hands right now, what do you think?"

Jiraiya gave another chuckle as he put on his shirt and walked into the room with Tsunade, Sakura and Sasuke came in next, Kibo also made portals for the rest of his family, however, they were in the waiting room just outside.

Kibo shooed away Jiraiya and continued to suffer in silence as he comforted his wives to the best of his ability.

Sakura and Tsunade quickly got prepped to deliver the children, Hinata was on stand by she would monitor the children's bodies from the inside to make sure that they were safe.

Kibo held on to his wives and continued to suffer in silence as four hours had passed, Kibo helped ease his wive's pain as much he could, he continued to put pressure on an acupoint in their wrist and channeled a small stream of Holy Element through their body.

The sound to two baby's crying broke the tense air around them, Kibo's heart felt like it would stop as he gazed at the two newborns being rinsed off, "Congratulations, it's a boy and a girl!" Tsunade announced as she placed the babies in their mothers' arms.

Kibo smile couldn't be hidden, as he took them into his arms he felt like his entire view on the world shifted, the daughter was born from Karin and his son from Shion.

Kibo cradled them in his arms and said, "Genji and Rei it is, hello you two, I'm your father." tears of joy started to form in his eyes as he gave the children back to their mothers.

Outside the room, Naruto was pacing back and forth, the year and a half Umiko was imitating her older brother by following behind him.

"Naruto you're gonna wear a hole into the ground," Kushina said as she picked up her daughter.

"Sorry mom, it's just that, Nii-chan's kids are gonna be my nephew or niece, or both!" Naruto sat back, "This doesn't make sense, why am I the one freaking out? I mean, Kibo is the one becoming a father!"

Minato chuckled as he placed his hand on Naruto's shoulder, "You really look up to him, huh?"

Naruto looked at his dad and sighed, "Nii-chan was there for me when no one else was, I admit he was a great role model, and I feel like I have to be the same for these kids."

Kibo's mother smiled, Niwa then hugged Naruto and said, "Thank you for being his brother."

Kushina walked up to them and patted Naruto on the back before saying, "That just means that you're a good Uncle, but I don't think that's what's worrying you, this is about Hinata!" Kushina said pointing her finger at Naruto, "I saw you buying a ring Naruto! I think you're reflecting your expectations on how Kibo will be as a father, but you don't need to wait, I think you'll be a great father."

"I agree, Naruto would be a very responsible parent, although you were only part of the family for so long, I appreciate the sentiments Kibo is very proud of the man you've become." Kibo's father bragged, "I may not be your father anymore, but at least I can be called Uncle Aka now, right?"

"Oh, and you can call me Aunty Niwa now," Niwa chirped as Naruto's face turned bright red and he nodded it up and down before responding, "Thank you, Uncle Aka, Aunty Niwa, thank you for caring for me."

Minato nudged his wife with his elbow and said, "Honey, I thought we were going to let Naruto ask in his own time?"

"Screw that, I want grandkids!" Kushina said staring down her husband.

Sasuke looked nervous as he prayed that they wouldn't butt into his and Sakura's relationship, however, the traitor known as Naruto sold him out, "Uhh, what about you Sasuke, have you asked Sakura yet?"

Kushina's eyes sparkled, "Oohh! I'm sure Mikoto is very pleased to hear her son is thinking of marriage."

Mikoto nodded her head and placed her hand on Sasuke's shoulder as she said, "Yes I am, all though, it feels weird to become a grandma when we look like we're still in our twenties. Becoming Immortals sure has its perks."

"Damn you Narutard!" Sasuke dissed him through gritted teeth.

Naruto held up his hands in a please forgive me gesture, "I'll make it up to you. All you can eat at your favorite pizzeria!"

Sasuke sighed before he turned around and said, "Mom! Ahahaha! When did you get here?"

"Around when Naruto's future engagement was brought up, what, you know I am a Shinobi right? You think I can't sneak up on my own son?" Mikoto grinned.

Fugaku appeared beside his son, and placed his hand on Sasuke's other shoulder before saying, "Well, Sakura is a powerful and incredibly talented Medical Nin, taught by the medicine goddess, Tsunade herself, I approve of her as my future daughter in law."

Sasuke started to sweat bullets as he saw Itachi and his sister in law Izumi walking over to him, "I say it's about time, I wonder how long you intended to keep that young girl waiting," Itachi teased with a smile on her face.

"You're not one to talk Itachi, you kept me waiting for years!" Izuma joked as she turned to Sasuke, "It's good to see you again Sasuke."

Sasuke nodded his head and blushed a little as he said, "You as well...Nee-Chan."

"Onii-Chan!" Miho ran out from behind Fugaku and hugged Sasuke.

Izuma smiled and saw Sachi and Miho staring each other down like they were enemies, "Sachi..."

"Miho..." Sachi shot back.

"I hope your brother's children live long and with all the happiness life can give." Miho gave a quick bow surprising Sachi, and as she finally thought of Miho as something other than a rival, Miho ruined it by saying, "Don't mistake this kindness for surrender, Negi still mine!"

Sachi growled, "Dream on Miho! Negi's mine!"

Naruto shook his head and laughed, soon everyone else joined in, after they stood around and talked for a while, more influential showed up, the remaining Kages, and even the Daimyo of the land of Fire, Kibo came out through the front door with an excited expression as he shouted, "I have a son and a daughter!"

Everyone congratulated Kibo and crowded around the room to see the two newborns resting on their mothers' breasts.

Kibo sat between the two beds as the children were introduced to everyone, there were happy faces all around and Naruto even started crying, "Don't you cry, if you do you'll...sniff!" Kushina and the rest of the moms started to join them.

Kibo just shook his head and laughed, "This is Genji!" Kibo held his son in his hand, "He's got a bit of my hair color, but it's a little lighter than my dark grey." Kibo smiled softly, "He has my nose as well, he has beautiful purple eyes, and her ears and forehead are all Shion's! Something tells me this guy's going to be a powerful warrior!"

Kibo then gave Genji back and picked up his daughter, "And this little angel is Rei, she has her mom's red hair, and the same purple eyes as Genji, she has a lot of her mother's looks, but my chin! Definitely going to be a nation-ending beauty when she matures."

The women cooed at the infants and talked with the mothers about various bits of advice for mothering them.

Kibo couldn't take his eyes off of his kids, when Naruto saw his expression he smiled and said, "I think I'm ready." He looked to Hinata's elated expression as it was her turn to hold the baby, "I'll ask her tomorrow."

After the crowd had calmed down, Kibo turned to Naruto and Sasuke and said, "I want you both to be the godfathers of my kids. Naruto, if something should ever happen to my family, I'm leaving Genji in your hands."

Kibo turned to Sasuke, "I want you to take care of Rei, something tells me, you'll be able to take care of my daughter," Kibo leaned in and covered his mouth as he whispered, "And scare off any potential suitors as well."

Sasuke gave a short laugh as he made Naruto jump up in surprise, "You laughed!?"

"It was...actually funny." Sasuke admitted, "If I have a daughter someday, I hope you'll return the favor."

Naruto's jaw all but hit the ground, "And he's making jokes, that's it you must be an imposter, what have you done with Sasuke?"

Sasuke showed a disgruntled expression as he said, "Shut it, dweeb!"

"Okay, you are the real Sasuke!" Naruto let out a sigh that made Kibo laugh.

Kibo then turned to Sakura and Hinata and said, "That makes you two the godmothers!"

Sakura smiled with a loving expression while inner Sakura was doing fist pumps, "I gladly accept being these cute little babies mommy, yes I will! You can call me Aunty Sakura, maybe one day you'll have a cousin to play with."

Sasuke's face turned slightly red, it was getting harder to not to do that around Sakura these days, she just kept surprising him by saying things like that, and she's even getting bolder in public, such as asking for kisses before they leave on missions.

Hinata thought of having kids with Naruto and for a second, she turned back into the shy little girl that used to pass out around him when they were younger.

Her face was bright red, but she still managed to enjoy being around Shion and Karin's children, "I would be honored Kibo, Shion, I will take care of him, and will be a good Aunty." She peaked at Naruto.

Shion grinned, "Maybe you should start working on that family of your own."

Karin joined her and said, "Yeah Sakura, I'm looking forward to meeting Sasuke's and your children. We can set up play dates with our kids."

Kibo enjoyed the serenity that this moment brought him, his parents still hovering around their grandchildren with smiles brighter than the sun itself.

They stayed for a while, and Kibo was even congratulated by the Daiymo who officially recognized his city as part of the Land of Fire, Kibo smiled at the crap the Daimyo had tried to pull.