
Reborn in the Narutoverse

2 Chapters a Weekday, 2,000 Words Minimum! Aron Smith had died a worthy death; diagnosed with a brain tumor that could take his life at any given moment, when a freak incident occurred, he inadvertently saved a future savior of man kind. Due to the mass of Karmic Points he'd earned he was allowed to choose he's reincarnation. “Due to the massive amounts of Karmic points you’ve amassed you can choose to be reincarnated to Earth, sent to a Heaven realm to live out the rest of eternity in peace. Or you can be reincarnated into a Dream Realm world with you memories intact.” “I want to be born into the Naruto Universe.” Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump, and Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Komik
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157 Chs

Graduation Day Part 3

Kibo's body appeared in the wilderness above a large lake. He landed on the surface of the water and began to survey his surroundings.

The land was mostly forested and had clean air. There were tons of shrubbery, flora, and fauna as far as the eye could see.

Kibo activated his, Tengan and began to scour the forest for Chakra beast.

As he was jumping through the trees he saw a group of C-Ranked fanged wolves, "Navi, how many do I have to kill to attract stronger beast?"

"You only need to kill one. Once the scent of blood spreads, more and more monsters will be attracted to your position. This is why most Shinobi ignore Chakra Beasts and usually leave them be. Once they kill one, if they don't immediately leave after, then they risk starting a monster hoard stampede."

Kibo nodded his head while he held onto the Teleportation Relic, all he had to do was crush it and he would return to Konoha.

After placing the Relic in his inventory he pulled out Fujin and Raijin and with a series of flickering movements the heads of the 10 fanged-wolves' heads rolled onto the ground.

Their bodies fell to the earth spilling blood out like a fountain. Within a few minutes, the area was flooded by a bloody scent.

The nearby monsters, sensing a free meal came running. Kibo didn't stand still and wait, after all, he was a Ninja. While waiting, he set up a very particular trap.

Hiding on a nearby tree, Kibo watched as a new group of C-Ranked Chakra beast came out of the forest trees in droves.

After a decent amount had gathered, Kibo leaped into the air and performed a series of hand signs as he inhaled and shouted, "Starfire Release, Great Yang Fire Ball!"

Golden flames quickly scorched the earth around him. It was like a mini sun had appeared, clearing out the forest lines for around 100 yards.

Kibo didn't stop there. With a new set of hand signs, his stomach expanded a bit before Kibo released a water ball that glittered like the night sky from his mouth, "Starwater release; Starwater Bullet!"

The ball of water exploded dozens of feet above his head sending a dousing rain to put out the fire.

Now the only thing in a 100-Yard Radius was singed earth and dead Chakra Beasts.

Kibo activated his Wood Sage Mode and felt a tug on the long strings of Star Chakra he set up earlier.

It was almost like he was fishing. Whenever he would encounter a beast, he would tie them up and continue searching more.

After half an hour, he opened his eyes and stood up.

In his hand was the Star Chakra Wire that split off into thousands of filaments, spreading into the forest from every direction.

From a distance, it looked like Kibo was standing at the center of a massive star-colored spider's web,

Kibo gripped onto the Chakra string and smiled before saying "Let's see how much stronger I am now!"

With a swinging whip of his hand, the thread began to shake a large portion of the surrounding trees.

All of a sudden a massive group of B-Ranked and lower monsters were caught and tangled in his web before they came flying out of the forest.

He clenched his fist as they all began flying into each other, once they had gathered together in a large sphere made of Chakra beast, Kobo smiled and at his catch and said, "Looks like four or five hundred C and B Ranked monsters."

Sending his Chakra new commands, Kibo clinched his fist into a ball while the thousands of strings began quickly circling around the group of Chakra Beasts.

It pulled in everything Kibo caught until the entire environment looked like a massive yarn ball floating above him.

The thick bands then began to rotate while collapsing and condensing into its structure.

"What should I call this technique? How about Lure of Death!" Kibo declared.

The segmented tube-sized wires continued to rip and tear the Chakra Beasts into shreds while the sphere shrank to the size of a basketball, crushing the monsters into a fine pulp.

Kibo then lifted the ball of liquefied Chakra Beasts over his head and ran his sword through it. A loud boom was heard before an obscene amount of blood flew out of the sphere like a tidal wave.

Only the center where Kibo was standing remained untouched by the monsters' filth.

He then began to listen to the earth rumbling as he switched into his Earth Sage Form. Sensing their bodies through the earth, Kibo noticed the dozens of crazed B ranked monsters sprinting towards him as if they were possessed.

The first to charge out of the wilderness was a strange dinosaur-like beast. It looked like a t-rex but had more snake-like features, such as an elongated neck and a long serpentine tongue.

It charged at Kibo in a crazed frenzy.

Kibo flickered on top of its back before saying, "I hate snakes!"

He then drove Raijin into the monster's skull with a single stroke of his sword.

As it collapsed, Kibo jumped off the beast before seeing many other strange monsters and Youkai only told about in myth surrounding him.

Kibo didn't care as a strange tiger-like beast with an elephant's nose started to rush towards him.

"Starlightning Release, Star-Arc!" Dozens of small golden balls of electricity floated around 6 feet away from Kibo in a ring.

They began to rotate rapidly until it looked like a small singular ring of lightning. Kibo then ran towards the beast.

As the monster came into contact with the gold bolts, its body began to shake and quiver as a smell of burnt flesh and hair filled the area. The creature's muscles were sent into a constant spasm while Kibo ran his swords down the creature's belly appearing behind it in a flash of intense speed.

The beast's body split into two halves as it collapsed on the ground.

Before he could react, Kibo was suddenly hit by a flying serpent. Its massive jaws covered half of Kibo's body, and even though it was severely wounded by electrocution, it still managed to shut its fangs on him.

Before the monster's jaw could snap shut, Kibo's hands moved so fast that it looked like a blur.

As the fangs connected a cracking sound followed, next was the sound of the wind being cut.

Kibo's Star Earth Armor and Iron Skin combo had taken the attack and shattered the beast's fangs. Before the creature could respond, Kibo had already decapitated it.

Kibo then stomped on the winged snake's head and crushed it while saying, "As I said before, I hate snakes."

Kibo continued to hack and slash his way through dozens of chakra beast. Every time he flickered around the field, gushes of blood rain would follow shortly after.

While he savagely slaughtering his way around, Kibo had a new idea for a new Shuriken-Jutsu.

To speed up his killing speed, he attached his 4-sets of shuriken to the rotating lightning orbs,

"I think I'll call this one Railgun Star Ring!" Kibo watched as they speed up even faster than the lighting before, making the air around it hum.

Anything that Nin-Jutsu touched was electrocuted before being minced into sections in a matter of seconds.

After hours had passed, Kibo had lost track of time in his state of endless slaughter. His earth armor was in tatters, his iron skin pierced, but thanks to his Earth Sage buff, Kibo had only suffered some minor injuries.

Kibo stood centered on top of the massive pile of large Chakra Beast panting heavily as the sun crept over the hillsides.

He threw a weak healing pill in his mouth and crushed it with his teeth before he swallowed.

After restoring some of his stamina he stood up and said, "How many have I killed so far?"

In response to his question, Navi said, "Still in battle mode, please wait until after combat is over."

Kibo looked around with a confused expression as he said, "I don't sense. . ."

Kibo paused when his eyes drifted to the ground, staring deep into the earth.

Kibo then jumped up and shouted, "Navi began pulling in all the Chakra Beast corpses, and their blood as well."

As Navi began sending the mass of matter into the storage system, an enormous bone claw ripped through the ground, sending the bodies of the Chakra beast flying in every direction.

Kibo landed on a tree branch as he watched the massive creature climb out from within the earth.

The monster looked like an amalgamation of feline-type Chakra Beast Bones that had the rich scent of blood. It stood around 14-Feet tall and was at least 20 feet long.

The only type of monster Kibo could think of that could describe this monstrosity was an Odokuro, also known as a starving skeleton.

The monsters he read about in his previous life were spirits that take the form of giant skeletons that are fifteen times taller than an average person. It is said to be created from the amassed bones of people who died of starvation or in battle, without being buried.

These Yōkai, roam their hunting grounds after midnight, grabbing lone travelers and beast alike, biting off their heads to drink their spraying blood.

But the creature in front of him was an animal form of the legend. According to Navi, this skeletal monster is an A-Ranked beast called a Neko-Odokuro and has pretty much the same back story and statistics as his previous world's myths, only with a beast's body and feral intelligence.

"Looks like all the killing whetted its appetite!" Kibo stated as a bloody and baleful aura invaded the surroundings.

Before the A-ranked Chakra Beast made its move, Navi had just finished gathering the corpses and blood. Now all that remained was the scorched and scared battlefield, Kibo, and the Neko-Odokuro.

The giant beast looked around for the scent that lured it here. When it saw the source of the scent had vanished and Kibo standing in the distance, it assumed that the human had stolen its meal.

An intense Killing Intent focused on Kibo. Normally, one should feel fear, but Kibo's body was shaking out of pure excitement.

His bloodline began to boil and his eyes began to itch.

"Navi?" Kibo called out while jumping out of the tree, "How much longer till class starts?"

"Host has 4 hours until graduation ceremony begins!" Navi replied.

Kibo pulled out the half-used dragon's tear, "I'll keep the other one for my future weapon."

With a surging suction power, the massive 5-Foot Chakra Crystal turned into a speck of dust in his hands.

Suddenly, Kibo's entire body felt like it was on fire. If not for opening the Profound Gate of Limit, this would have made his body explode from Chakra overload. However, now, all he felt was raw power running through his veins.

Kibo's eyes began to show the full might of the Tengan as he cast his Mark Misfortune upon the beast.

First, a dark cloud appeared on the horizon and gathered over the Neko-Odokuro body. Kibo's Tengan Ring that represented his eye of misfortune's ability began to dim ever so slightly.

Before he knew it, a bolt of negative energy struck the beast in his sight while Kibo felt like a tiny bit of something was taken from him.

"Navi what was that feeling?"

"Host has to use your own Karmic Points to intact a curse upon the target. The Host still has a great quantity of Karmic Virtue. The deeds you have performed for Konoha have added greatly to this stock as well. The reason the host's use of positive Karma is minuscule is because of the Karmic Sin collected on this beast. If you attempted to use the Eye of Misfortune on a person with great Karmic Virtues, then many more of your Karmic Points would have been lost."

"So is it gone for good?" Kibo questioned.

"No. If the host kills the Neko-Odokuro, the spent Karmic Virtue will be returned to the host. Not only will you Karmic Merit return by slaying the monster cloaked in sin, but the Curse Mark will return while granting additional Positive Karma in the process."

Kibo re-entered his earth sage mode, re-equipped his Star Earth Armor and Iron Skin Combo. While he faced down the beast it a fearless attitude, the monster hissed at him in anger.

The creature then tried to swipe at Kibo with its paw. When Kibo placed out his hand to block, the creature was an A-rank monster so it had a bit of intelligence. Though, it was still unrefined intelligence.

With what little intelligence it had, the Neko-Odokuro thought,"'Is this tiny being a moron? Did it not see the difference in our bodies or size?"

However, the moment it came into contact with Kibo's hand, the Neko-Odokuro felt like it had struck a mountain made of steel.

Kibo released his gravity suit's weight, as he felt 20 times lighter. He surrounded his Katana in Star Chakra and cut savagely at the Neko-Odokuro's bones.

A loud 'Clang!' was heard as a chip formed in Fujin.

Kibo was surprised as saw the fracture spreading throughout his katana and backed off.

Pumping Star Chakra into the hilt, Kibo maintained distance until the sword finished repairing itself.

"Okay, this might be harder than I thought. It's rumored that Odokuro's are indestructible, let's put that to the test!" Kibo thought before he began his lengthy and difficult battle with the monster.

It swiped and pounced at him numerous times, but Kibo countered with his bare fist.

Blow for blow the ground ruptured and sent debris in every direction.

Sometime's the Neko-Odokuro would get close to critically damaging Kibo, but Fate always seemed to intervene. The monster would have bad footing and slip, and sometimes pieces of foliage or earth blinded it's vision long enough for Kibo to evade.

The creature tried to shovel the earth beneath Kibo's feet into its mouth. However, Kibo jumped up with a powerful flying kick "Leaf Storm Dragon God's Kick!"

A powerful roar was heard as violent lightning, and a leaf-covered tornado appeared in the shape of a dragon.

The attack was so powerful that it obliterated the front and top half of the creature's snout.

As the force of the kick carried Kibo into the air, he floated above it, inhaled a large breath of air, and performed a set of hand signs.

"Star-Lightning Release; Star-Arc!" The creature was surrounded by a few dozen globes of plasma around the size of an adult's torso.

"Starfire Release; Great Yang Fire Ball!"

After the two Jutsus met a large and terrifying explosion of golden flames and lightning covered the creature's body.

"Yang Fire and Lightning are the undead's biggest bane in most stories back on old earth, let's hope that legend holds true in this world as well." Kibo watched as the being cried out in pain before collapsing in a fractured pile of bones.

It seemed that the lightning and fire didn't just target the beast's body, but its soul as well.

After a few seconds, a white wispy aura rose from the bones and Kibo finally heard that sweet chime Navi made when he completed a quest.