
Chapter 955: Qin Yun is Here_1

Qin Yun came to visit Qin Yu in the evening, wishing to know whether Qin Yu would be going home for the Chinese New Year, so they could travel together.

"Xiao Yu, what are you busy with?" Qin Yun entered the shop to find Qin Yu hard at work, prompting him to call out.

"Cloud, what brings you here?" Hearing the beckon, Qin Yu looked up to find Qin Yun standing before him.

"I came to find out when you'll be going home for the New Year. We could go back together, that way we'd have each other for company," Qin Yun explained with a smile. His usually rugged face now lit up with an irrepressible grin. He and his sister had earned a decent amount over the past six months. Letters from home told of their uncle joining in their little business venture, which suggested better times ahead for the family. He could now look forward to settling the wedding details with his sister. The mere thought filled him with joy.