
Reborn in One Punch Man

What if you were reborn into the wolrd of OPM? As amazing as it sounds it can be hopeless if you do not have the advantages many others have. Come along with me exploring the marvelous wolrd of OPM

AureonW · Komik
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16 Chs

Chapter 4 Bullying and getting a home

After going back to the orphanage and reminiscing the hospital food while crying a bit internaly at how bad the orphanage food is and how heaven looked like for days, Havent found any other serious friend like Camille through, I promise if i get strong enough or have enough power to do it i'll go find what happened to her.

Continuing my life after the coma has been a little akward but with the government funding my welcome to the school system its not a problem, I continue school on a acelerated course so i can catch up to students of my age and uronically i love school, No jokes i used to hate school in my last life but here the school is so nice or atleast well, When you have the funding and no worries about things its amazing.

However i have to maintain some requisites so i dont just stay idling up, A good play by the government for those thinking they can just idle through and be carried through life, Through some of the students that used to have some problems with me and Camille basically bullying principaly her since she's been with them longer and they always joked about how she was lonely many other insults even through im sure most of them had either a crush on her or liked her appeareance but im done with this bull shit principaly when one of the main bullies asked me something.

''Where is Camille?, She left you?, What a lonely face you have you look like an abandoned dog it was obvius she was going to leave you after all she could have been with better people such as us!'' While the others laughing while i had a serious face.

''What?, Your gonna cry now abandoned dog?, Thats right thats you are a guy who thinked he was so above us and got dumped by his lonely girlfriend, I bet she is with another guy right now.'' At that my patience decided to call bull shit.

''Dont get too cocky after i lost my arm because i can still beat the shit out of you if you get on my nerve.'' I say with a obviusly annoyed look on my face, ''So the dog talks back?, Huh how strange i bet that bitch must've changed you real hard after she dumped you to the point even now you still have loyalty that she will come back to you.'' he says.

Me knowing the real story of what happened over the years my face grows dark with anger,hatred and the absolute need to punch this asshole to another planet, To which i compel myself to do since this guy even knowing we suffered a lot from the disaster to the point she may even be dead now.

Then i deal the greatest punch with the most intent on caving someone's face i've ever done in my two lives, ''You asshole you know she could be dead right now you know?!'' I say loudly with unspoken hatred and anger in my voice, While he falls to the ground while his friends come to help him and when they help him get up all of them start to gang up on me since they know now that im handicaped i probably can't win this fight.

I say with the same feelings from last same but in a focused hatred and anger not letting it blind me, ''You know something?, Last times Camille was always here to stop me saying it was enough of a beating i gave you guys, But now you really pissed me off i'll beat the ever living shit of you all to the point you can't even talk.'' When i finish saying that one of the other bullies say ''I'd love to see you try that you dog.''

I dash to the same asshole that insulted me just now and gave him a side punch to his jaw with all my might no more holding back im letting away my feelings on these punching bags, They asked for it after all.

He falls to the ground while the other 3 rush toguether the 2 try to grab me and they suceed before i headbutt one directly in his nose and punch the other in the same spot, Seing the only one left standing for now is the the leader asshole i say ''I said to you, i'll beat the ever living shit out of you today, And no one is gonna stop me.'' I say that with righteous fury in my eyes i dash towards him and kick him in the nuts since he was with his lower guard down.

I kicked him so hard i could've heard the sound like an egg was busted, To continue i grab his shoulder and headbutt his face the hardest i've ever felt i hit someone with the intetion to kill, I've felt his nose disfigure itself when touching my forehead And to top it off when i see him kneeling over the ground with a hand on his crotch and nose i kick him like hes a foot ball right in the chest.

''My mercifullness has ran out, Every single one of you will regret with every single day of your life that you've pissed me off.'' I say that while looking with a angry expression on my face at the other ones that are still relatively fine.

Their faces are filled with fearfull expresions seing the fate of their leader that will happen to them, They all start getting up and group up knowing that if they stay separated they will be beaten respectively and without chance of escape or retaliation.

I rush at the 3 while checking their fearfull expression i then use the shoulder where my left arm was supposed to be to ram one of them i knock the air out of him while preparing to hit in the gut another one when the one that i've rammed Grabs my neck from behind and the others catch up another holding my arm while another is punching me i still mad as ever if not more,Headbutt the one thats holding me from behind on a stranglehold position a little too close while i prepare a sweep and hit the ribs of the one that is in my front and he keels over and then i look at the one who is currently holding my arm and see hes shaking nonstop then i get my hand out of his hold and grab his arm and with all my might i kick him in the stomach with my knee making him get out of his shock while grasping his stomach while being a little bended to which i use to my advatage to kick him squarely in the face.

When i look backwards i see every single one on the ground either crying or whimpering and then after my anger goes away i go away,And i've gotta admit i never felt so good i feel so relieved i feel like a weight was removed off my back.

And then i continue the rest of my days in school without any problem,Since those bullies learned their lesson after that gruesome beating,Principally the leader bully that im pretty sure i ended the lineage off.

When i finish school completely i have 16 years its kinda nice that in this world's school is done really fast and there isnt 3 divisions like school, Highschool and faculty and its a all in one which i've done the maximum i could to use my funding of the government and now its time to find a job so i can get money to leave this damned city to evade those aliens.

When i get enough money i guess i'll go to City Z,Sometimes the most dangerous place is often the safest one because people are so scared of going out there is hardly any threat,Sure there is still monsters,Nothing City ending through and sure Saitama doesnt exist yet but Silver Fang sure as hell does and he lives on City Z so he wont let it get destroyed.