
reborn in modern family with wishes

MC REBORN IN MODERN FAMILY WITH WISHES is about a boy who died and meet a kind god/rob and reborn in modern family to enjoy his second life and find his true love and her crazy family(haley x mc)

shikakusama · Televisi
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8 Chs

Chapter 2: meeting Haley

About 30 minutes later


I've been sitting at the school parking lot for a little while just waiting to go to school I am kinda nervous, well to be honest I don't have good memories of high school in my past life but this time I'm ready and look at me I'm hot, I'm sure I can get away with anything with this face

As I was thinking a minivan pull up to the front of the school and two girls get out one with blonde hair and one with brunette, I recognise that hair and face anywhere it's Haley Dunphy and Claire Dunphy


While I want to talk to them I must not since they don't know me and it will be weird I will try to talk to Haley at school if we have the same class

As I was getting out of my car and starting walking to school I overheard the two Dunphy arguing about something

" Haley Dunphy, today is your first day in your sophomore year I will take a picture of you if you like it on not," said sternly by Claire Dunphy

I started to chuckle

" mom you are embarrassing me in front of the school " I hear Haley reply to her mom while I was walking to school

I went to the office to get my class sheet I start walking to my first class which is English while I was walking through the halls to get to class everyone is staring at me mostly girls looking at me with lust but the boys stare at me with Jealousy but I just ignore and keep walking to my class

I find my English class and take sit at the back of the class, after a while of waiting for the class to start I heard someone sitting next to me I look over and to my surprise, it was Haley Dunphy


She sees me looking at her and starts to blush

" H-Hello I'm Haley Dunphy," she said with a blush on her face while holding out her hand

I grab her hand and start to shake it

" hello Haley my name is Leonardo king you can call me Leo, "I say with a warm smile on my face

' wow she is more beautiful in real life ' I think to myself

" did you just move here? " she asks

" yes I and my mom just move in yesterday "

" why did you move to LA of all places? " Haley asks

" To be honest my mom wants to have a fresh start here and she wants me to go to normal school so here I am why here of all the places I don't know you could ask her yourself " I replied with a smile on my face

' wait am I meeting his mom, that's so fast but I don't mind hehe, when are we going, omg he is so hot and his smile is so much for me to handle ' Haley think to herself

" so was that your mom who dropped you off? " her face goes pale when I mention her mom

Haley puts her head in her hands

" you saw that? " she ask pouting

" yea I saw you arguing about taking a photo," I said looking at her pout

I start to chuckle

Haley look at me and ask

" Why are you laughing? " she asks

" nothing it's just you look cute when you pout "

She immediately looks away but I was

able to see she was smiling and blushing

heavily at the same time.

I was about to say something but the

the teacher walked in.

' He thinks I'm cute hehehehe.'Haley thinks to herself

The class went by pretty fast but I was not paying attention to class I was talking with Haley about things she likes to do

After English class, I had no other class with Haley maybe it's because she not that intelligent in other subjects besides English which was surprising, without Haley all my classes were dull and I daydream about her and remembered her cute pouting face and smile

" guess my third wish is working on me as well hahaha, " I say to myself while chuckling

It is now lunch I found the cafeteria after searching for a while when I walked in everyone was already seated so when I walked in everyone looked at me, I grab my tray and bought apple juice from the vending machine

After I bought my drink I look around and see an empty table in the back of the cafeteria. I walk to the table, and the whole way everyone is staring at me and whispering to each other about something most probably gossiping about me

I sit down at the table and start to eat my food which was a burger. Once I finished my food I look up and see Haley sitting with her friends, of course, they were looking at me as well.

I make eye contact with Haley and motion for her to come to sit with me using my hand (unspoken rizz😉😜)

I see her wave me to come but I shake my head and wave her to come to me instead with a grin on my face, she stands up her friends start teasing her, she walks towards me with her head down and blushing not wanting to draw attention.

Haley reaches my table and sits down in

front of me

"H-Hey do you need something?" Haley


I pull out my phone and hand it to her.

" Just your number," I say with a smile on my face.

I can see she has a happy expression on her face from me asking for her phone number

' Yes I finally get his number I wanted to ask before but I was not confident enough to ask him since he can have any girl's number but why me' Haley thinks to herself.

" Why? " she asks with a confused yet happy


" Want the truth? " I ask.

She quickly nods

" Well it all started when you sit next to me in English and we talked for the whole hour not learning anything, but during That whole time my favorite parts were when I made you Laugh and smile, I don't think I will ever be able to forget those beautiful smile of yours, and now I can't get you off my mind," I say while look at her with my charming smile

' Woah, I mean I feel the same way he made me feel so happy during English class and I can't stop thinking about his charming smile, and he seems great and I want to date him he's so hot 🥵🤤🤤 ' Haley thinks to herself

I notice that Haley starts to Blush and drool a little while looking at me and some of the girls that were sitting around us start to giggle without saying anything Haley grabs my phone and after a couple of seconds hands it back, she stands up and walks back to her table while saying " don't forget to msg me later ".


End of chapter

I writing romance for the first time so pls comment on how to make it better at least if it's bad hahaha

And yea 3 to 4 chapters more to Canon might be lesser idk so pls comment on what to improve and tell me if you enjoy and don't forget to comment on my novel and give me all your power stone hahaha😁😁

1.2k word count