
Reborn In Modern family as Iron Man!

Our story follows a guy who is the Twin brother of Hayley Turns out he had already once lived before, After getting his memories and realizing his situations he gets a System. The Iron Man System Oh, And the world is also swarming with End Game Boses. ------ For those who want to support me, Here is the Link: https://discord.gg/nPRBd4MD ---------- Full disclaimer: I do not own the orignal Version of the TV shows and Movies I use as crossover material in this fanfiction, All of that belongs to there respective owner, I Am only responsible for the OC in my Fanfic and the unique events that play out due to it being crossover Worlds And if the Orignal Copyright holder wishes for me to remove there Work, I'll be happy to do so I would also like to thank ChatGPT or OpenAI as that has made the entire writing quality of this novel so much better, Credits to them for improving the writing quality at around Ch 76 to 128. ----- This Fanfiction Contains supernatural elements and diffrent shows as well as movies, Currently one such show that is shown in the world is Wednesday, But there are more shows or movies to be found in this world such as the new Arc of Transformers

Karate_master_b · Televisi
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200 Chs



"Believe it or not"

"That's impossible unless everything is being controlled by someone"

"Wednesday Listen, I want you trust me okay, I will never actually ever let you get hurt, I will tell you everything that's gonna happen to you from now on, but I need you to believe me"

She looked as if she was seriously considering what I had just said and she let out a sigh.

"Fine, I will believe you, let's hear the 'Inevitable' why dont we"

I nodded and begun by explaining to Wednesday about her situation everything about her neckless, goodie, about who the Monster was and what it is.

I explained the entire plot of the Season to her.

She didnt say anything the entire time and just listened and let me speak and when I was done talking about how she killed the Joseph Crackstone, The prophecy came true but the story was opposite and it was Joseph carackstone who wanted to destroy Nevermore and Wednesday saved Nevermore.

I explained everything in clear and precise details so she could understand her own thought process as she listened more so it would logically make complete sense to her.

"So... How do you know this?"

She asked in a quiet voice, and I could only smile at her.

"Wednesday here comes the Trust and belief part, Do you believe that i will not do anything to harm you and can you trust me?"

She went quiet for a while before she nodded her.

"I believe through my entire experience with you, I have come to trust you even on such an utterly absurd topic"

"Well everything was gonna play out exactly like this if I wasnt here, Now that I am here it wont take place as long as I interfere"

The reason I told her this was because I didnt need to analyse Joseph Crackstone as I already know what the diffrence between the modern family world and the Wednesdays world have that causes Wednesdays world to have monsters yet the Modern Families world is completely normal.

It's due to the Supernatural particles, Each TV show or movie has it's own unique Supernatural particles that co exist with eachother in there world but since in this world it has multiple diffrent TV shows and Movies Supernatural Particles from diffrent TV shows and movies, that dont coexist with eachother, it causes the clash of them resulting in an Immortal creature being created with special abilities, am I right system?

[That is precisely correct]

But System... actually I'll ask you later.

"So should we kill Laurel Gates and be done with it"

"Hmm we could do that, But dont you think it would be so much more intresting seeing her reactions when a wrench was thrown into her little plans?"

I asked with a raised eyebrow and a smile, which caused Wenesday to giggle.

Wait... She can Giggle?!?!?

"I didnt expect you to be so dark, you certainly dont look like it"

I didnt hear her properly as I was still failing to process what I had just experienced even with all my IQ I was failing here.... Could you even blame me.

Throughout the show it was showed that Wednesday would never do such a thing yet...

Wednesday seemed to notice my absent mindedness and she must have realized why as she had a sudden realization dawn on her face.

She quickly stood up embarrassed and excused her self out of my room, I barely had a reaction as I still could not process this shock.

She shut the door snapping me out if my thoughts, I stood up changed into my sleeping dress and then fell on the bed still trying wrap my mind around what I had just experienced.

"It was such a soft and joyfull giggle"

And it came from Wednesday... Yes The Wednesday.

I didnt even know she was capable of expressing such things.

I always thought of Wednesday as a person whose personality was a constant but it seems I was wrong as Wednesday is also a girl, due to her envoirment she became like this but in the end she is a human, with emotions like these just hidden really deep down.

I just closed my eyes and stopped thinking further into it and rested my already super Mentally and Physically exhausted self.


The next day I woke up later than I usually do and got dressed for the classes in a hurry as I had already missed out my first two classes.

I looked at the timetable and it was time for Laure oops I mean Mrs Thornhills classes to start.

I arrived at the class and students were just getting seated so I quickly took my seat besides Wednesday.

The class proceeded smoothly, Xavier had reported about Rowans Death last night and this caused alot chaos to spread around in the Harvest festival which had caused everyone to evacuated early, I didnt know this happened cause I wasnt even there.

Xavier is also not in class so still must be busy with the whole thing, except Wednesday was meant to be one there in place of Xavier.

"Okay before we start the class, I have to ask Wednesday a question"

Wednesday looked over to Mrs Thornhill with her blank stare waiting for her to continue.

"Wednesday out of obligation I must ask you whether you were there in the Forest at around 8pm last night? And did you see anything strange"

"Yes I did enter the forest but I saw nothing and I was with James the entire time"

Mrs. Thornill was quiet and hard to say what her reaction was after what Wednesday said, afterall she knew exactly what happened last night, she might have even orchestrated it....

Her face soon returned to her normal smiling face as she began teaching the class.

"Alright students so this is popylism"

Mrs. Thornhill brought our attention to the plant.

"It has incredibly strong Hallucination juice and it secretes this really potent hallucinogens to protect itself from animals that want eat this plant"

She started going on and on about this type of plant and I found it intresting even if we are meant to be enemies here, That does not mean I cant gain new knowledge.

Class was passing by and the entire time Wednesday was like her usual self nothing like last night.

The class soon ended and we packed our books and headed out, Wednesday seems to have been ignoring me purposely and try as I might, I could not get her attention..

"Wednesday come on what's wrong?"

She stopped walking and turned around to look at me.

"I just need sometime to process what happened yesterday"

When I heard what Wednesday said I could only sigh and give her time, afterall i cant force something, Wednesday by now had walkes away leaving me alone as i was thinking Xavier appeared infront of me.

Hope you liked the chapter :)

Karate_master_bcreators' thoughts