
Reborn in Hollywood

For me, movies are first and foremost a tool for making money, and secondly, an entertainment tool. As for art? what is that! Regarding the topic of art, she and I have been debating for a lifetime. Who wins or loses? It’s too easy to tell. Look around the world and see who is more popular, she or I! A cinema projectionist was reborn in the City of Angels, and the whole of Hollywood changed because of him. From then on, the world gained a superstar. He has left countless classic moments in the history of movies, and the combined box office of his works has exceeded 10 billion US dollars. He is the most special one... He is the king of the world! [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This story is translated

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55 Chs

Chapter 13 A gorgeous turn

 Entering the small living room of the apartment, Ryan sat down on the sofa and buried his somewhat pale face in his hands.

  As he said, he knew very well what the problem was, but the reasons were so complex that outsiders could not understand them.

  No acting skills? How is that possible? Even a pig, who has been acting non-stop for nearly ten years, can become a master of acting, let alone a clever boy with two lives of experience.

  In fact, he himself understood what the other problems were besides not being able to help looking at the camera lens.

  First, the image of Haley Joel Osment in his previous life was so profound. Whenever he thought of starring in "The Sixth Sense", his image would pop into his mind, making him want to imitate him, and in his mind Another voice said that imitation is incorrect and one should go his own way. One can imagine the consequences of this.

  The second and most important reason is that from a baby to a toddler, and then from a toddler to a boy, he has been acting all the time. After more than nine years of acting, he has already been deeply involved in this role, and there is no way out. , up to now, especially after Nicole appeared, he has been inseparable from this world. He can't tell whether this is a dream or reality, and he can't tell whether he is Ryan Jenkins or Lu Ming. If there is no abnormality in normal times, , but the problem was revealed when performing another scene.

  what is this? Another play on the show? Is there a play within a play? Ryan could only smile bitterly in return.

  "Ryan." Nicole Kidman couldn't hold it back in the end, and walked into the apartment at some point and came to Ryan's side.

  "Nicole." Sniffing the familiar aroma, Ryan leaned over and naturally placed his head on Nicole's soft belly. Warmth and peace instantly filled his heart.

  Relying on the second closest person to him in the past life and this life, the confused and restless heart seemed to have regained its clarity. When Nicole's soft and sweet red lips were printed on his forehead, Ryan gradually gained some insights. It has become the past, and we need to grasp this life. Whether it is Lu Ming or Ryan Jenkins, I am me, the only one in this world!

  Can past lives really become the past?

  "Nicole, thank you, I think I understand a lot of things." Ryan jumped directly onto the sofa and kissed Nicole on her fair face before she could react.

  Nicole Kidman only thought that Ryan was expressing his attachment to her and didn't care, "This is the extremely confident Ryan I am familiar with."

  "Let's go out, don't keep people waiting. "Ryan held Nicole's hand, as if he was holding the entire world in this life.

  No one expected that in only ten minutes, the boy who seemed to have no acting skills at all and looked like a complete layman would actually make a gorgeous turn. Not only did the stuck shot pass in one go, but he also took the shot. In the scenes that followed, whenever there was a shot of him, the number of ng shots was never more than three times.

  It would be fine if the director's requirements were not strict, but they knew very well that although David Fincher never lost his temper once, he pursued every detail to the extreme, even a monologue by Al Pacino, He had told me to stop nearly twenty times.

  Under such circumstances, the boy still maintained a very high lens pass rate. Initially, they thought that the other party was possessed by a soul, but on the second or even third day, it was still the same. This made many people think that the other party was possessed by a soul. I started to smack my tongue secretly.

  Most of the shots taken in these three days were very fragmentary shots, and not many of them belonged to Nicole. But just like Ryan thought, Nicole not only wore old makeup, but also restrained her cool temperament. After performing a stage play in London for more than a year, and discussing the script with him many times, the effect became apparent. At this time, her acting skills were much better than at the same time in her previous life.

  Especially after listening to Ryan's initial nonsense, she almost regarded herself as the single mother, which undoubtedly helped her a lot.

  Seeing that Ryan and Al seemed to be getting better and better, David Fincher changed the shooting plan without hesitation and moved forward several scenes between the two.

  After seeing David Fincher's gesture, the clerk shouted, "Scene 11, Scene 22, begin!"

  "Cole!" In the empty corridor, Al Pacino squatted in a purple school uniform. Around the boy. "I didn't see anything."

  Ryan's lips murmured, with some fear and hesitation, and his body seemed to be shaking with fear, "Don't move! Sometimes you will..."


  The boy talking to himself seemed to David Fincher's voice was not heard, and he was still murmuring. Only after finishing this line, he shook his head vigorously and looked in the direction of the camera with confusion, "Did I make a mistake? "

  It's not you, it's Al's expression that's not right!" David waved his hand.

  Ryan let out a breath without saying another word. He lowered his head and sat on a chair to the side. However, he heard the voice of a staff member teasing Al Pacino, "Al, this shot is because of you." ng three times, work harder, don't let this brat Ryan compete."

  "Would you like a drink of water?" Pie Kingsley handed over the water glass.

  "No, thank you, Pat." Ryan said it quite sincerely. Because Nicole was often away, Ms. Kingsley acted as both an agent and a nanny.

  "Ryan, you are a little too deep into the scene, and the time you spend out of the scene is getting longer and longer." Kingsley reminded.

  "No problem, Pat, don't worry, you know what this character is based on."

  Ryan sighed and mentioned the reason again. There is no doubt that the substitution method is the most commonly used and is used by most actors. Acting method, but the shortcomings of this method are very obvious. Once he gets too involved in the play, it will be a big trouble. Especially for a person like him who can't distinguish between fantasy and reality once he gets into the play, it is much more difficult for ordinary people to get out of the play.

  Of course, the benefits are obvious, just listen to the voices of those in the crew praising him.

  It seems that he was stimulated by Ryan. In the next filming, Al Pacino showed his actor-level strength. This scene was passed in one take, and during the filming of the scene where the two of them were guessing riddles in the room, At that time, Ryan seemed to be shocked by Al's acting skills, and Ryan's condition suddenly disappeared.

  "The state thing is as unreliable as the Chinese men's football team's shooting. You score an own goal when you shouldn't score, and you don't score when you should!"

  Ryan sat on the sofa and kept mumbling. It seems that the actor's state is as inexplicable as that of a football player. When he is in good condition, he can score goals with an overhead kick from outside the penalty area. When he is not in good condition, even a one-meter empty goal will be turned into an anti-aircraft gun.

  "Ryan, that's what acting is, there will always be ups and downs." Al Pacino, who was sitting opposite, said calmly.

  "But, Al, you have to bear half of the responsibility for me being out of shape this time." After three days, and having become familiar with each other, Ryan put a big hat on the handsome old man's head without hesitation. go.

  "Okay, as the responsible person, do you need me to help you get back to your best state?" Al didn't mind, but joked with the boy.

  "No need, I have the best way to get back into shape."

  Ryan looked at Nicole, who had just walked out of the dressing room, "The human cannon, fire!"

  With a "swish", Ryan sprinted 100 meters. He rushed out quickly, and in the surprised eyes of the crew, he jumped up and threw himself directly into Nicole Kidman's arms.

  His strength was too strong, and Nicole was too tall and slender, so he took several steps back until her back was against the wall, and she stabilized her body.

  But even when she was retreating, she did not stretch out her arms to maintain balance. Instead, she hugged the boy in her arms tightly, for fear that he would be hurt at all.

  "Your relationship is so good!" the assistant director next to him said in admiration.

  Nicole smiled, but didn't say anything. She just patted the boy who was holding her tightly on the back and placed him on the high-backed chair on the other side.

  As the filming process progressed, people in the crew gradually understood the relationship between them. While lamenting about Ryan's life experience, they also lamented the deep relationship between the siblings who are not relatives but are better than relatives.

  "That's caused by exercise." Faced with the question from the doctor played by David Fincher, Nicole defended, but the doctor opposite obviously did not agree with this statement. In his questioning eyes, Nicole waved her hand with all her strength. She started, "Do you think I did this? Do you think I'm a bad mother?"

  After the doctor's doubtful words again, Nicole finally broke out. What flashed before her eyes was Ryan's timid look at the Walk of Fame. Facing her thin figure, for a moment, from the initial encounter, to the lawsuit that exhausted her heart, to every bit of the relationship between the two over the past few years, all came to her heart at the same time, the strong feelings and mutual feelings for each other. Ryan's sexual addiction is something that an outsider can doubt.

  "He needs help! You know, he needs help! He is the person I love the most, the most important person to me. Even if I die, I will not hurt him, nor will I let anyone hurt him! Anyone!"

  Nicole's face was covered with tears, and the lines she spoke were beyond recognition, but they were so appropriate.

  Faced with her emotional outburst, everyone was stunned on the spot. When the assistant director who was taking the photo for David came to his senses first and shouted "cut", he didn't know who it was and clapped his hands. , followed by applause that could almost knock off the roof.

  Everyone was applauding Nicole's wonderful performance. Only Ryan knew that Nicole was not performing at all. She was just stimulated to express her love for him in a more intense way. come out.

  Ryan didn't even notice that he actually walked to Nicole's side, and after hugging her tightly, he sighed in his heart, "Nicole, you treat me like this, what should I give you in return?"