
Reborn in Edgerunners with the Madness system| Cyberpunk:Madness

Disclaimer: I don't own madness combat or Cyberpunk edgerunners everything that is not mine belongs to their original creators

Dr_Rework049 · Derivasi dari game
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


And with that everything went white as I shielded my eyes (The fuck just happened?) and then the white began to dim as it slowly turns to black and when I slowly put my hands down I'm in a pitch black void it felt... normal and weird

What the hell is going on? And then I was face to face with a clown wearing a mask, blood stained his clothes wielding a stop sign. I then puked... nothing?

After I'm done throwing up I looked at the clown with a sick look.

Uh... Who are you? Responding the clown pointed their hand behind me and when I looked at what their pointing I saw a screen

Please enter your name:_

Confused I looked back at the clown. Ok, what the hell is this shit? is this a prank?

Responding the stopsign disappeared and an AK-47 appeared out of thin air they aimed at me as I began to panic.

OK! OK! CHILL! CHILL! I said in a panicked voice as they then pointed at the screen before the weapon disappeared and they crossed their arms across their chest and tapped their foot, seems they are not patient. I then gulped and turned towards the screen.

Ok name? I can do this uh... Scooter? Then the screen typed Scooter and then disappeared as I heard a bell sound looking back I saw the clown with a grey scooter laughing at me.

Oh, fuck off! Who dresses up as a clown? Then to make a counterargument the clown pulled out a rocket launcher and aimed it at me.

OK! OK! SORRY!... jeez sensitive I muttered as another screen appeared

[Welcome to the madness system dumbass! for the purpose of helping your dumb brain, I will help you... can't believe I fucking said that.]

Well, this one has some personality. I remarked as another screen appeared

[Fuck you! Anyhow the Madness system helps you, Blah blah blah! Basically, those fanfiction you creeps make involving "The system" Basically that with a few life changes]

Ok came to that conclusion too Mr.Sass.

[Once again, Fuck you! Now choose your damn appearance]

And there a screen appeared showing a person in a T pose and there I browsed through the options eventually ending up with a good-looking appearance (MC 5 Hank's Jacket and shirt, Black cap with a red stop sign on the middle, Grey pants, and black shoes, has peach colored skin with red eyes and black hair)


[At least your following Nevada's dress code! Next up your stats!]

And there another screen appeared

[10 points remaining]

Health:100 [Your health before you die]

Tac:100 [Dodge meter on Matrix level]

Body:5 [Strength And your health dumbass]

Reflexes:5 [Your speed and flexibility]

Intelligence:5 [Me smart you dumb]

Cool:5 [Be calm and chill like cucumber]

Hey, where's Tech? I asked

[Dumbass! You use Tech by being smart it's combined with Intelligence get it through your skull! Now go and customize your stats]

And there I add my points the stats while grumbling about the system's Rude personality







[Once again following the ways of Nevada! Fun fact: Did you know that Nevadeans cannot get scared sure surprised but not scared. Lastly Your perks.]

[Perks: 3 remaining]

[Skilled] Increases skill point gain by 50% But decreases exp gain by 50%

[Last Stand] Increase stats by 3 when below 30% Health

[Scrapper] Increase the amount of loot


It's almost finally over! I sighed as I choose my perks

[Adaptionist] Increases exp gain by 50%

[Stamina-Freak] Increase Tac Bar and Tac bar regen by 25%

[Special] Increases your cyberware limit by 50% (Scales with Body)

[And now that is done be ready for the final ride!]

And then the screen disappeared and there a giant marshmallow, a cannon, and a sign that says "Marshmallow Madness" Appeared I was confused at the sight when I no longer felt the ground.

What the- I then turned and saw the clown they then put me over their shoulder as they carried me towards the ride

Hey! Let go! I tried kicking at them but it was useless I was then placed into the cannon and the space there is tight. I then looked back and saw the Clown with a lit matchstick

Don't you-

And he lit up the fuse and the cannon launched me at the marshmallow and everything went black.