
Reborn In DxD As Rias Gremory With Rimuru’s Overpowered Powers

A degenerate reincarnated soul who isn’t new to the process of reincarnation was reincarnated once again. This time into the world of DxD as Rias Gremory with the soul, body and powers of Rimuru Tempest. A Devil/Slime/True Dragon hybrid AU, Yuri, Incest

StormWolf16 · Komik
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39 Chs


"Anyways," She ignored them calling her a bully, not that she disagrees. "Big bro, Grayfia-nee, how has your Haki training been coming along?"

Years ago when she first recruited Kuroka and Shirone, after she gifted them the ability to use haki she did the same for her family. In her opinion, haki is a very useful and badass ability to have. After demonstrating and giving her family all three forms of haki, Sirzechs asked if she could do the same for Serafall, Ajuka and Falbium. She agreed since due to her own relationship with Serafall she had already planned on showing her haki. In her opinion, it fits for the current rulers of the underworld to have the ability to flex their will of a king. 

Even though she can give anybody the ability to use Conqueror's Haki, Rias can still easily tell who actually are true natural born conquerors. Obviously outside of herself it's Venelana, Chysis, Sirzechs, Serafall, Ajuka, Falbium, Kuroka, Gabriel, Yasaka and Millicas.

Yes, she even awakened her sweet little nephew Millicas' haki.

Oh and can't forget about Sairaorg, she wanted him to unlock his Conqueror's Haki on his own. As far as she knows, he still hasn't done so yet. Then again it's been awhile since she last saw him so maybe he did. 

Millicas knew about it, but he really didn't care much for it right now. He was just enjoying his life as a kid. 

"For me not the best, I'm good with conquerors but the other two are lacking. I'm at the basic level for armament and observation." Sirzechs admitted, a bit embarrassed by his lack of progress. 

"Well it's not surprising considering how busy you are." Rias said.

"I have a better grasp on observation and armament compared to Sirzechs-sama. My conquerors is considerably weaker than his." Grayfia answered. 

"Hmmm not bad, while nothing compared to my girls progress it's still decent. Mother and father are around the same stage as you two. Are you sure you guys don't want me to train you at my house? Remember I told you about the time ch-" Sirzechs cut his sister off before she could finish.

"Yes! We are very sure. I don't want to go through the same thing you put your peerage members through." Sirzechs shuddered at the thought of going through what Rias calls 'training'.

Grayfia shared a similar feeling as her husband. The best way to put it is that her sister-in-law really knows how to draw out the true potential of a Devil. 

She still remembers how Rias trained Sairaorg to become the monster he is today. Even the current Lord Bael is terrified of his spawn. 

Rias shrugged. "Well it's not like it matters much, you're strong enough as it is. Oh yeah while I'm here I might as well tell you another idea of mine that will greatly benefit our faction. Even those old weak fossils in the council won't complain about this."

Sirzechs honestly didn't know if he wanted to know his sister's idea. He just hopes it's not another plan to start war with a different faction. "Tell me." He bit the bullet.

Rias laughed, Sirzechs may try to hide his feelings from showing through his facial expressions. But he can never hide his true feelings from her sensory capabilities. "Relax, it's nothing as extreme as what you're thinking." 

She conjured a ring of red dragon flames in front of her.

"Fire magic? No that's.." Sirzechs realized.

"Dragon magic." Grayfia finished.

"Yeah recently I've been thinking of creating dragons, I figured it wouldn't hurt for our faction to have dragons loyal to us. Sure Tannin is cool but he's the only dragon with the power of a Dragon King that's actually on good terms with us. It would be easy to make Tiamat loyal but I'd rather bother with her another time. Not really interested at the moment." Rias told them.

"Dragons? Wait, you can create dragons?!" Sirzechs stood up with a shocked expression.

Rias looked at her brother as if he was an idiot. "Hello? Have you been ignoring the fact that I can create an entire universe with a single snap of my fingers? Grayfia, how many times have I causally brought up how easy it would be to destroy the world?"

"From my knowledge excluding the times I wasn't with you, about 289 times counting." Grayfia answered.

"Ok I get it." Sirzechs ran his hand through his hair. "They won't be as powerful as you right?"

The Red Queen of Chaos snorted. "As if, don't compare the weak ass dragons of this world to a True Dragon such as myself, big bro. Great Red might think he's big and bad but he is honestly pathetic. In my opinion there's no way Ophis should lose to him. She's literally the Dragon of Infinity. Then if we are being honest Ddraig and Albion both have potential to surpass Great Red. It's just they were focused too much on their rivalry instead like a pair of idiots." She intends to tell that to Ddraig once she recruits Miki. 

Same with Ophis, she always found it stupid that Rizevim could actually take away half of Ophis' power to create Lilith. 

"Whatever, do what you want. I can't tell you no even if I wanted to." Sirzechs always spoiled his little sister. 

"That's because you're the best big brother anyone could ask for. Every brother in the universe is trash compared to you big bro, no every sibling." Rias grinned.

Her words made Sirzechs feel very happy. "Hey Grayfia-chan, did you hear? My Ria-tan called me the best sibling in the universe." As a sis-con, this was a dream.

Grayfia rolled her eyes at how her husband's behavior, he and Serafall obsess over their siblings too excessively. "I heard Sirzechs-sama, shouldn't you be getting back to work now? You've been taking a break for quite a while now."

Sirzechs sighed. "You're right."

Rias looked at her brother with a confused expression. "Didn't I teach you how to make shadow clones?"

"Yes but Grayfia won't let me use them all the time because I tend to abuse the technique a lot." Sirzechs chuckled embarrassingly.

"Cut him some slack Grayfia-nee." Rias gazed at the silver-haired maid.

"I do, but your brother tends to slack off a bit too much for someone of his status. As a Satan he needs to display a proper example of a hard working leader to the masses." Grayfia answered. 

Rias stared at her for a full 10 seconds before looking back to her brother. "Big bro, be glad that you're a wonderful older brother that I love to death. I am shameless enough to admit I would've stolen Grayfia for myself if she was married to anyone other than you." She shamelessly admitted. 

Hmm would it be weird if she created her own Grayfia?