

"Hello again".

"It seems like fate wants us to meet each other every second "

"But I have a life, that I don't wanna waste meeting your ugly face every day so I must do something to ends this torture"

"Oh I know I know, I can just kill you and give both of us a relieve in life".

"Oh wait your gonna get a relief in the afterlife and I'm gonna get my relief in this life, so we must give each other our parting gifts".

"I got a good gift for you, here have this double sundae" (its double Sunday but I wrote it as double sundae so it seems like he's giving him the double sundae ice cream"

Tumi shootout radditz skill double Sunday that he had used at the beginning of dragon ball z.

The two attacks shoot straight towards tumis opponent and hit him.

The two ki blasts exploded and totally destroyed his opponent's organs and muscles but he still was intact.

Tumi picked him up and quickly flew towards spaceship.

The spaceship was flying up in the sky.

Tumi went to get inside but the whole thing was closed the only thing tumi thought of was going in front of the spaceship and let pilot see him so that he could open the spaceship.

He went in front of the spaceship and three Saiyans sitting around table playing cards, tumi thought "wtf is these guys doing while the kids are putting their lives in danger to fight these monsters.

Tumi started to knock on the window of the spaceship and caught the attention of the pilots.

He started yelling out "open the door".

The pilots couldn't hear him but they did understand what he meant, so they opened the door of the spaceship.

Tumi immediately went in and looked for the teacher that brought him here, he looked around everywhere until he found someone.

He went to that person with the criminal he had captured and went to the person,

"Hello there".

The person looked at Tumi and replied "hi".

"I have captured a criminal and would like to give him in and go home".

"Okay, I can do that for you".

"give me the criminal and tell me your name".

"My name us Tumi"

After saying his name tumi gave the criminal to him.

"You can use the transportation button to go to planet sadal and after 1 week come back to school and we will give you your result".

"Tumi immediately gave his criminal in and teleported himself to planet sadal"

After reaching planet sadal he sees towards his house and went to eat something.

He entered his house and saw that there was no one in there.

Tumi started to make some random stuff from the ingredient that was inside the fridge.

Back to the spaceship

The Saiyan that had taken the criminal that Tumi had captured and brought it to the cell that was inside the spaceship.

He put him inside there.

He went to grab the scouter to check out the criminal's power level, so he could make a report on what class they should put Tumi in.

He went outside and looked for the scouter and while he was doing that, inside the cell the ugly creature opened his eyes and got up.

He had been pretending to that he was unconscious since the time Tumi brought him here and now that the person that captured him wasn't here was the time for him to escape.

He went to the bars and put all of his strength in them, he broke the bars easily as they were only meant to keep people with a power level of a million and under.

He broke the cell and looked for the guard that brought him here, he waited for him to come in.

It took a while but finally, the guard came the moment he did he saw that the cell was broken.

He was about to turn around and to press the alarm but before he could do he was hit by a huge force on his neck.

The guard passed out and when he did the ugly creature started to strip him of his clothes and started to wear it himself.

30 seconds passed and he changed to the Saiyan armour and clothes.

He quickly went out of the cell and got ready to escape.

He was now completely unnoticeable and no one would find him, the reason for that being not many people came on this spaceship.

Only 10 low-class Saiyans and with 1 elite Saiyan, luckily for this creature the spaceship was very big and all of the people were spread very far from each other.

The ugly creature went to the launching station and found a small space pod, he entered a small space pod and quickly made it go as far from this place as


While the space pod was on its way, the ugly creature was thanking God for making his luck high for him to not meet any Saiyans and for finding the launching station of the spaceship so fast.

After thanking God he started to curse Tumi for beating him up and was planning his revenge for later.

Now his one and only goal were to find a planet inhabited by people so he could absorb them and increase his power, so he could come back for his revenge on the cockroach that nearly killed him.

But that was from happening as he could not control his body properly and could only release a power level 1.2 million from the original 3.6 million.

Back to Tumi

He had made some lunch and already finished it in an instant, he was going to the training area for Saiyans.

When he got there he saw many people fighting and other going inside gravity rooms.

Tumi really wanted to increase his power by fighting them but he first needed to stabilize his power first and after that, he would fight some people in his power level area.

He went inside the gravity room that was closest to him and entered it.

He did not have to pay since he was an elite Saiyan and could stay inside as long as he wanted to.

I can't post anything else as I'm tired as hell today.

L1_acreators' thoughts