
Reborn In Demon Slayer, 100 Years After Yorrichi's Death

Fast Paced, Not Good Grammer

Jadan_Sanchez · Komik
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

I'm fucking burn and scorched everywhere, as Sekido is smiling at me. He was stunned, as I charged at him, even with being half-dead. He dodged my slash, but was stunned when he saw me draw another sword. I cut his arm off, kicking him in the chest, sending him flying. He stopped himself from crashing any further, as looked at my sword that almost cut his head off. He flipped over me, as he sent an lightning bolt right at my chest. ' I ' was staring at him, with both of my eyes white, slayer mark here, and bleeding from eyes. ' What the hell, ' Sekido thought, as ' I ' disappeared at an fast speed. He punched me in the ribs, as I appeared behind him. ' I ' was sent flying into an house, but kicked off of it as soon as ' I ' reached it. He then watched, as my speed got faster, as ' I 'sliced multiple blades he made from his flesh.

' I ' looking at Sekido that is healing, and he notices my breathing isn't normal. His right arm has healed, as he sent twenty lightning bolts at me. " Third Form: Scorching Fog, " ' I ' said, as he felt the entire area burning up. He watched as the fog covered the entire area. ' Where is he, ' Sekido thought, as he blocked my sword, but was pushed deeper into the scorching fog. ' The sun is coming up, ' Sekido thought, but it was the fog making it feel like the sun. He jumped in the air, trying to escape from the fog, but was hit back into the ground. He made an sword appear from his flesh, as he blocked my thrust, and noticed my eyes were bleeding even more than earlier. BOOM. He was sent flying, as my kick broke his ribs. " Final Form: The Malice Of Liyo, " ' I ' said, as he watched an figure of Liyojiro appear, but he was made from the scorching fog.

Sekido blocked Scorch Liyojiro's sword, but his hand was burnt. Scorch Liyojiro sliced Sekido's arms off in the blink off an eye, stunning Sekido. Sekido ducked under an claw like wind that appeared from Scorch Liyojiro sword. I appeared behind Sekido, stabbing him in the chest. " GAHHH, " he let out yell of pain, as Scorch Liyojiro stabbed him in the heart, burning him from the inside out. I pulled my sword out of his chest, and swung at his neck. " This is for my mentor, " I stated, slicing his head off, killing him, as Scorch Liyojiro disappeared and so did the fog. [4205902 XP Earned, Leveled Up Several Times]. I passed out from the pain of my slayer mark, and my eyes bleeding, along with being scorched and zapped multiple times.

I opened my eyes, and I was back in the blank space. " Yoriichi, what is my purpose if its not to defeat Muzan, " I asked, as Yoriichi looked at me. He drew his sword, showing me the proper way to use sun breathing. After looking at him use every form, he touched my chest with the sword. " Your purpose of being born is to defeat my brother, not Muzan, " Yoriichi answered, which stunned me. " He's basically as strong as you, I won't be able to defeat him anytime soon, " I said, as Yoriichi laughed a bit. He lowered his sword, as he put it back in its sheath. " Soon, you'll know the perfect time to defeat my brother, until then, kill every demon in your path, for your mentor, and the people before you, " Yoriichi stated, as I was taken out of the blank space.

Sunmire, Seraph, and Kima looked at me who jumped out of the hospital bed, wrapped in bandages. " I succeeded, " I said, as they all jumped on me, hugging me. A couple minutes later, they're telling me how I'm now the Scorch Hashira. " Who will you teach your breathing style too, " Kima asked, as I looked at her. " I know that you and Seraph have feelings for me, so will you two become my lovers along with Sunmire, " I questioned, which made both of them kiss me. After two minutes, they stopped kissing me, as I sighed. " I won't teach anyone Scorch breathing, as it's something that nobody but me can handle, in a few months, I'll teach you three it, " I answered Kima's question, which made them nod.

The next morning, I'm in the room with Taguya Ubuyashiki, as he's studying me. " Do you have an question, " I asked, as I could tell he's close to the age of 30. He coughed up some blood, before he looked at me in the eyes, well where he thought he could see my eyes. " Jaylen Tsugikuni, I*UHUH*I know your end, wi*UHUH*will you like to kn*UHUH* it, " Taguya asked, as I sighed. " No, you shouldn't be here at the Demon Slayer Corps, you should be home, resting in your final months, " I answered, which made Taguya smile, before he coughed up some more blood. I went to his side, laying him down carefully. " Yo*HUHU*You will sa*HUHU*save this gene*HUHU*generation, " Taguya stated, as I seen his wife coming into the room, running to his side.

' I should teach Kima and them Scorch Breathing, ' I thought, as Kima, Seraph, and Sunmire came towards me. " Do you two have an Tsuguko ready to take over the mantle of Flower and Flame breathing, " I asked, as they nodded. " We started training one when we became Hashira's two years ago, " Kima answered, as I nodded. " Why do you ask, " Seraph questioned, as Sunmire knew this wasn't for her. " It's because I'm going to teach you, Kima, and Sunmire Scorch Breathing, " I answered, which stunned them. " I'm not even an Demon Slayer, " Sunmire said, as I looked at her. " I talked to Taguya earlier, he made you an demon slayer because of what you've done, and I was teaching you three it because I love you, " I replied, which made them hug me.