
Reborn In Chicago Fire

Colt Evans an ex Fire fighter dies and gets reincarnated right after the first plane hits the World Trade Center, when his senses com back to him without a second thought he rushes into the tower to save as many people as he can on his way up he awakens a system. {Rescue System is now activated} __________________________________________ Fic will include Chicago Fire/Med/PD. The fic is based off the Manwha Rescue system.

HiTherefic · Televisi
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22 Chs


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"Colt?" Boden asks, he has a look of shock on his face.

"Y-Yea, It's me." As I finished saying that Boden walked toward and hugged me, which surprised me and everyone else who is now starring in disbelief.

'Since when does Boden hug people' is what almost everyone in the room was thinking.

Boden pulls away.

"It's been a while, how have you been?" He asks.

All I responded with is.

"I did it." only he would know what I was talking about.


"Hey kid, where are you gonna go after this?" Boden asks.

"I have decided that I will join the navy seals in hopes of being able to find and kill whoever did this."

"I was once a navy seal, it's not an easy route, are you sure this is what you want?" he asks not looking at me.

"Yea, I'm positive."

"Alright, I know that when you set your mind to something it will be done, so promise me that when you leave the navy you come find me in Chicago, I will always have a place for you." after that he walked back to his truck.

[Flashback end.]

"Are you ok?" he asks, it stumped me because he is the first to ask if I'm okay.

"Y-Yea why wouldn't I be?" I ask.

"I know what it's like Colt if you need help talk to me If you just bottle up all your feelings they will eventually overflow trust me," he says, and at that point, he realizes that everyone is staring at us.

"51, this is one of my old friends, Colt Evans. He is well known for saving-" before I could finish Colt cuts me off.

"I'm just a normal guy who used to know Boden, that's all."

Shay POV.

I watch as Boden starts to talk with this guy that came in, I am gay but even I know this guy is a Looker.

"He's cute." Dawson whispers from over the bar.

"Yea he is." I mistakenly say.

Dawson looks at me quickly with a raised eyebrow.

"I thought you only like girls." she says.

"Well can't a girl change her mind?" I ask.

"Shay!" Dawson says with her mouth open hitting me in the arm.

"What? All I said is he is cute."

Boden turns around

"51, this is one of my old friends, Colt Evans. He is well known for saving-" before he could finish Cult cuts him off.

'Colt.' I think to myself.

"I'm just a normal guy who used to know Boden, that's all."

"Ok, I'm in love." I say jokingly to Dawson, his voice is just perfect.

After a couple of minutes of getting to know everyone Colt went into a corner of the bar and sat there with his two dogs who are so cute.

Boden told us why he brought us all here and it turns out that Donna is pregnant we all congratulated them.

Soon it was just Cult, Boden and me and Dawson.

Cult POV.

"You remember when I last saw you, you said that you would always have a place for me?" I ask and he nods his head.

"I want to make a new team." I say.

"What kind of team?" he asks.

"I want to make a team that has about 4 to 5 members and every member is certified in every aspect of a first responder, to put it plainly I want to make a elite fire fighting team that could handle anything that is thrown at us." I say.

"have you put much thought in this?" he asks.

"Yes sir."

Well not really much thought, but the moment I strepped in the bar I got a quest.


[Make a new team of highly trained firefighters (Smoke eaters.)]


[5 pills that will enhance the users body to the absolute peak of human capabilities.]

(no they will not be stronger than him and no they are not invincible and neither is he all the pill will do is make them stronger, and he will never ever ever ever tell anyone about the system.)

Once I saw that I new that if I was able to have a team that was stronger, faster and better, I would be able to save more people.

After I talked with Boden about what happened during my time as a seal he left.

I noticed a girl at the bar with blonde hair, she has very pretty eyes.

I look at my watch and see that it is late.

I stand up and put some money down I then start to walk out the bar.

"Ghost, Blitz lets go. Thank you for the drinks I say before I walk out the door.

I walk out the door and grab my bag that has everything I own inside of it, I start to walk down the street until I get to a alley behind the Bar.

I throw my bag down and lay down. I gave almost all of my money to the famlies of the brothers that were on my team.

After about 10 minutes I was about to fall asleep when both Blitz and Ghost looked over to the road and I could see that same girl with Blonde hair walking toward me.


She gets in front of me and asks.

"Why are you sleeping out here?"

"Didn't have time to look for a place to rent." I respond.

She seems to contemplate something for a second.

"My roommate and I have a spare room that you could use till you are on your feet." she says.

"I wouldn't want to intrude." I say.

"Kelly won't care." she says extending her hand to help me up.

"On two conditions, one my dogs have to come, two Boden can't know that I was sleeping outside." I say.

"Done, now come on it's cold."

She starts to walk in front of me and we follow her.

"What did you do before you ended up here?" she asks.

"I was a navy seal for about 11 years. How about you?" I ask.

"I have bee a paramedic for about 8 years, what was being a seal like?"

(I could not find out when she became a EMT so I guessed.)

"I'm sorry, don't answer that." she says to her question.

"It's fine, I joined thinking that I will be able to solve all my problems."

"Did you?" she asks.

"Not even close, if anything I have more," I respond.

"How's that?" she asks.

"It's hard to explain but a friend of mine said that nothing is stronger than a broken man rebuilding himself."

"What does that mean." she asks.

"I am right there with you, he told me that once I understand what he means to give him a call, and I am still lost."

After a couple minutes of walking we make it to an apartment building, we walk inside and she shows me to the room I am staying in it's nothing crazy but it's a bed and has a desk which I am happy with.


After I put my things in the room I walk out into the living room and see Shay talking with Kelly and telling him that I have nowhere to stay. He turns to me and says.

"Any friend of Bodens is a friend of mine. Beer?"He asks.

"Please." he tosses me a can from the fridge and that was how I ended up finding a place to stay.

2 weeks later.

I asked Kelly to give me a ride to 51 because Boden called and said he had some news about my idea, after I got here I walk straight to his office, well I got lost and a girl named Connie had to point me the right way.

I walk into his office.

"Ahhh, Colt your here so I have talked with HQ about your proposal and they said-" before he could finish a bell rang and over the PA system we heard.

*Ambulance 61, truck, squad, there has been a bombing at a hospital.*

Boden and I look at each other.

"Got room for one more?" I ask.

"For you always." Boden responds as we walk to his fire car, Blitz and Ghost hop in as well.

To be continued.


A.N hope ye enjoyed.