
Reborn in Castle (John Wick, Castle)

I stayed up all night watching the old show "Castle," and when I woke up, I found myself transformed into the main character, Richard Castle. Well, thank goodness, even though my mom is unreliable and my daughter looks down on me every day, and the cheat I got from transmigrating isn't very proper, at least I can use my knowledge of the plot to pursue the beautiful detective. That's good news! But, who on earth is this 'John' calling me, saying his dog was killed and his car was stolen? Did I end up in a different show? What should I do? Waiting online... I'm not just a little flustered, I'm very flustered...

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138 Chs

Chapter 30: Unforeseen Complications

At that moment, Castle, in his room at the Four Seasons Hotel, was hacking into New York's surveillance network, trying to pinpoint Bryan's location from the recent phone call he'd made to Kem. His plan was to constantly monitor Bryan Mills' movements and send him various pieces of information, pretending to be a powerful 'old man' figure.

It turns out, Bryan was no ordinary target. Despite Castle's best efforts, he couldn't hack Bryan's phone, only to discover that Bryan didn't use a smartphone at all, making real-time GPS tracking impossible. Castle had to resort to citywide CCTV feeds to get any clue of Bryan's whereabouts.

Using his prescience, Castle successfully located Bryan outside his ex-wife's house. But what unfolded next left Castle utterly dumbfounded and helpless.

Just as Bryan had calmed his ex-wife and received support from Kem's stepfather to head to the airport and fly to Paris on a private jet, disaster struck. As Bryan rushed through an intersection, ignoring a red light, his car was hit squarely by a semi-truck.

The surveillance footage showed Bryan likely losing consciousness immediately and subsequently being rushed to the hospital by ambulance.

"Damn, the world's fiercest dad, the protective father from hell, gets knocked into the hospital just as he's about to set off! Now what? Who's going to save Kem and Amanda? Am I supposed to rely on the mercenary team I hired? The system requires me to assist Bryan in rescuing Kem, and to take down the puppet master. If Bryan isn't there, do I let the mercenaries step in? What if the system doesn't recognize that? Do I have to go myself?"

Stuck in a state of shock in his luxurious hotel room, Castle had been bewildered ever since Bryan's accident.

Just then, his phone rang. It was Black Fox.

"Sir, we've just monitored their conversation; those scum are discussing how to handle the two girls they've kidnapped. They seem to be planning to inject one of the girls with a high dose of drugs soon. Should we intervene immediately and rescue them?"

Black Fox's voice snapped Castle out of his daze.

"Maintain the highest level of alert. If those scumbags make a move, break in and rescue the girls. Make sure to keep your identities hidden. And if they start using force, I... want no survivors."

Castle had no sympathy for these criminals, especially after Bryan's mishap and facing the likely prospect of having to step in himself. He ordered the mercenary team to eliminate the traffickers.

"Understood, sir. You won't be disappointed," Black Fox replied casually, almost as if being ordered to carry out a massacre was no different from being sent on a picnic.

After issuing the grim command, Castle felt a slight relief. He sat back down and began to ponder the situation.

"The car accident was obviously Bryan's fault for running a red light. His psychological fortitude shouldn't have allowed that, but as a father myself, I can understand his desperation... Now it looks like this mission has landed squarely on my shoulders... Well, as a fellow dad, I guess I'll just have to carry this burden. It's a good opportunity to test my enhanced physical abilities."

Resolved, Castle decided to contact Bryan's ex-wife to assure her he was a friend of Bryan's and would handle rescuing Kem.

Watching Bryan's ex-wife hurriedly leave her house after receiving the news, Castle sighed, looked up her phone number, and dialed: "Please stay calm, and listen carefully. I'm a friend of Bryan's. I'm aware of everything that's happened, including Kem's kidnapping in Paris and Bryan's accident. He can't come himself, but I will handle it."

The distraught woman on the other end, barely holding herself together, managed to ask, "Who are you?"

"I'm a friend of Bryan's. I called to tell you not to panic. I know what's happening, and it's not as bad as it could be! I'm on my way to Paris now. You can rest assured, I will handle rescuing Kem.

Now, go to the hospital. When Bryan wakes up, have him call this number!

Did you get that?

I promise you, I'll bring Kem back safe and sound."

The conversation did little to soothe her, given the gravity of her daughter's kidnapping and her ex-husband's hospitalization, but the mysterious promise gave her a glimmer of hope.

With the phone call ended, Castle prepared for any further unforeseen events by deciding to head to Paradise Street and personally extract Kem and Amanda.

"Black Fox, keep a close watch and be ready to strike. I'm on my way to Paradise Street. Once I arrive, we'll breach and rescue the girls!"

As he gathered his weapons and gear, Castle instructed the mercenaries still monitoring the traffickers' actions and then left the Four Seasons, driving straight to Paradise Street.

On the way, Black Fox relayed more troubling news: "Sir, a group of people just arrived here, and they seem to be from the D'Antonio family—yes, the Italian one. Are you sure about this?"

"What? The D'Antonio family? From Italy? Are you certain?" Castle asked, his surprise almost causing him to swerve off the road.

"Yes, sir, I'm certain. I've seen the leader before; he's definitely from the D'Antonio family," Black Fox confirmed.

This news only heightened Castle's resolve. The fact that the D'Antonio family was involved and Black Fox recognized them meant the situation was more complex than a simple rescue mission. It indicated deep connections, possibly tying back to the 'High Table.'

"Darn it, now I know why the goon in the original drama in that elevator scene was so brazen—he was working for the D'Antonio family!" Castle quickly connected the dots.

"Black Fox, you can see inside from your monitors, right? If they try to move the girls before I get there, intervene immediately. Otherwise, wait for my arrival."

Castle was ready to face anyone, whether it was the D'Antonio family or the French authorities. Whoever stood in his way of saving Kem and Amanda was going to face his wrath.

"Understood, sir. We'll be ready either way," Black Fox responded, prepped and waiting for further instructions.

Castle continued his drive to Paradise Street, ready to take on whatever awaited him. This mission had transformed from a simple rescue into a full-blown confrontation involving one of the most influential crime families in the world.

Upon arriving, Castle found the street eerily quiet, the calm before a storm. He parked his car and loaded up, checking his weapons one last time before contacting Black Fox.

"I'm here. How's the situation?"

"We're all set. The traffickers are inside, and it looks like the D'Antonio's men are holding back for now. They might be waiting for something or someone," Black Fox reported.

"Good. Give me a live feed to my phone. I'm going in. We strike on my command. Remember, no loose ends," Castle instructed, determination clear in his voice.

Equipped and ready, Castle approached the building, blending with the shadows to avoid drawing attention. His heart raced, not just from the anticipation of the rescue but also from the potential confrontation with the D'Antonio operatives. Today was not just about saving two young girls; it was about proving himself against formidable foes.

As he neared the entrance, he paused, taking a deep breath. This was it—the moment of truth where planning met action, where he had to trust his skills and his team to succeed.

"Ready, Black Fox. On my mark... Now!"

With that, Castle burst through the door, ready to confront whatever and whoever lay ahead in the shadows of Paradise Street.


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