
Reborn in Boruto as itachi's son

Profession: Mercenary CODENAME: 001 Mercenary 001 has the best track record on the battlefield, with a 99.9% mission success rate. He died in action in his mission in Africa because of the atomic weapon used, and he didn't get any report about the missile. He understood it was a plot made by his superior, who feared his power. He promised himself if he could get another chance, he would never bow to anyone. He was a war orphan, so he never got to experience parental love, and he doesn't even have a single memory of his parents. After his death, he got reincarnated in boruto as Uchiha Itachi's son. He watched naruto if he had nothing to do on vacation, and it was his only source of enjoyment. He even helped him feel better and never give up. It also played a huge part in helping to the top of his world in power. BUT Itachi had son what? It seems he died while his son had not been born yet. If anything happens to Sasuke, he had it not to let the Uchiha clan be exterminated.

i_am_augustus · Komik
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54 Chs


A group of five tigers surrounded Itachi.

'How am I going to get out of this?' Itachi pondered.

All five of them had taken their stance and were observing him. Itachi took out his sword and held it, taking his stance.

Both sides were staring at each other, then

"ROAR!" Tiger 1.

"ROAR!" Tiger 2.

The 5 tigers looked like they were discussing something, itachi took the time as opportunity yo find an escape route.

A tiger stepped forward after they were done with their discussion.

"ROAR!" screamed three times around me. With a tomoe spinning like crazy, I activated my sharingan.

The tiger leapt into the air, its razor-sharp claws slashing through the air. Itachi leapt forward as well, exchanging blows.

Itachi was exhausted from the previous fight. He knew he wouldn't last more than 5 minutes in this fight if he was lucky.

Itachi drew his shuriken from another seal in his hand and held it in his right hand while holding his sword in his left. Itachi threw the shuriken at the tiger while cloaked in lightning. It was easy for the tiger to avoid it. Itachi jumped in front of the tiger and threw kunai. The tiger took a 10-step backward.

Itachi transformed his sword back into a shuriken and threw it at the tiger, who jumped. as if it had just leapt from the ground Itachi jumped as well, but in the opposite direction. The tiger was aware of it, but he couldn't react because he was in mid-air.



Itachi landed on a tree afloat in the water, flowing towards the sea.

"I'm hoping we won't have to meet again anytime soon."

Battle flashback:

I observed my surroundings, trying to figure out how to flee, while they debated who should fight me. I noticed a tree bending towards the river from afar.

It purposefully sent him to the side of the tree while I stood on the opposite side during battle.

I cloaked my shuriken in lightning to make it appear as if I was attempting to strike the tiger, but my intended target was the tree. When the shuriken struck the tree, it began to flow down the river.

I pushed him back with my kunai and sword so I could jump onto the tree. It was a gamble as to whether the other tigers would stop me or not.

It worked out in the end, and I'm now unable to stop it because I'm holding the trunk with my hands and half of my body underwater. It's also too fast.

"Well, it was my risk for a better chance of survival," he thought as he lay on the tree's trunk, near death from the battle with tiger.

End of flashback.

My body is in extreme pain. I pushed it a little too far. 'I feel like I'm going to pass out at any moment.'

I had completely forgotten that I was only five years old.

'If this goes on, I'm going to die, and what the hell is this place?' 'It seems to have a lot more than I've seen.' Itachi pondered his thoughts.

Now I only have one option for getting out of this hell hole, and if it fails, so be it. Itachi was enraged by his bad luck.

"Here goes nothing."

Itachi performed "Boar Dog Bird Monkey Ram Summoning jutsu," covering his hand with blood from his face.

Itachi remembered Jiraya performing the summoning without being contracted and being transported as a result of the reverse summoning. So he took a chance: if he had a fated animal, he'd be transported; if not, he'd have to find another route.

Itachi was suddenly transported to an unknown location after a summoning seal appeared on the ground. He saw the scene and exclaimed, "Success! Haha!" before passing out.

The animal residents of that location suddenly realized someone had infiltrated their territory and went after the unknown chakra they sensed.

When they arrived, they discovered a 5-year-old boy unconscious on the ground, as if he had just been in a battle.

There were two of them and they were confused about what their next step should be. They contacted their elders and they took the boy and treated him as per the elder's instructions. They also kept a close watch on him.

At Itachi's house.

"I almost night, I wonder where he is now. I will give him a good lesson when he gets back."


Black mountain.

"Elder, may I inquire as to why you allowed that boy to remain in this location?"

"Of course, leader," the elder replied calmly, "it's just that I had a dream about someone coming here injured and later helping Rukh overcome his inferiority complex."

"What! Is it really possible? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" With a smile on his face, the leader hurriedly inquired.

"I wasn't sure if it was real at first, but after he arrived, I was certain." elder

"Ahh, I see," says the leader, smiling.

"You must be overjoyed for your son." elder

"He has been depressed his entire life. It makes me happy to learn that someone can assist him." leader

"Let's not get our hopes up too high," says the elder.

The leader did nothing but nod.


After a couple of hours,

Itachi awoke from his deep sleep, his entire body covered in mud-like medicine.

He didn't feel any discomfort, and the wound was mostly healed as a result of the medicine's effects.

How long had I been out in the cold? 'I succeeded since I am covered by medicine.' Itachi pondered his situation.

"Hello, anyone there?" Itachi yelled at the top of his lungs.

"What do you want, stop yelling?" said a figure from outside.

"I'm curious as to the name of this location." Itachi inquired earnestly.

"It's called Black Mountain,"

"When will I be able to leave this place? I'm not going to be able to stay here for very long." Itachi inquired, knowing that his mother would be concerned.

We've informed the elder and clan leader that you've become conscious. It is entirely up to them.

"They appear to be calling you. They communicated by sending a signal. Let's get this over with."

Itachi exited the house and noticed the person conversing with him.

He wasn't a human, after all.'

If he was, it would be surprising.

They entered the conference room.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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