
Reborn In Another World With RPG Elements

Seamlessly finding myself within a void with a single message floating above me. Reading only three words. [You Have Died] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Come along and read. Also p.s photos is not mine just a random internet picture. Also so far the update scheduled will be every two days, well besides that hopefully you enjoy the read.

Toet0 · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

3: Chores, Interface, and Rue

Children can be seen surrounding what appears to be five crates of various sizes, and different types of wood. A mix mash of sorts, with three brown crates followed by a brighter and darker wooden crates.

"Dammit, I totally forgot about chores. Baron can have the crates again." Said Derek while he was staring at the five crates in front of him.

"He can't have the crates again, he's already had his turn plus it's your turn." Replied Edling.

"I don't wanna move crates again. Flip do you wanna move crates?" Asked Baron, while glancing towards Flip.

"Baron, you're the only one who can move crates by yourself... I know it's a pity but you gotta do it pal." Replying back towards Baron was Flip who happened to be patting his friends back.

'Seems like these children maybe aren't as bright as I thought.' The one thinking these thoughts was none other than Noct himself. 'Plus we still got much more chores to do, besides just moving the create. Actually what's in the crates?'

"what's in the crates?" The one who replied seemed to be yawing and barely keeping his eyes open, of course it's Milton.

"Yeah, what's in them?" Said Noct, while walking towards the crates. The view of the various crates and the supplies within them can be seen, actually there's really only two big crates the lighter and darker ones while the three browns crates were quite small. Child size you could say.

On further inspection of the crates, it seems they contained not just supplies but also clothing? Actually the two biggest crates were full of clothing, children's clothing. While the other two crates contained small amounts of supplies.

'Looking into the crates has indeed proven some usefulness, I'm not moving these crates however. Wait I call dips on this shirt. Didn't Edling say it was Derek's turn anyways, let's have him move and figure these out himself' Confidence filled Noct's thoughts and attitude as he looked at the crates.

"Derek, it's your turn" A sinister smiling took ahold of Noct's face.

"Tch, that's no fair why do I gotta do it. I can't even move those! I'm too small!" The loud Derek, seemed to have found his match. No way in hell was he gonna do these chores, he knew that'd he would be out of commission for the rest of the day if he had to move those crates. At least Baron would be out for a quarter of the day, but him? No way in hell could he keep up with that giant sized man child. "Actually, I believe Noct should do it, or even better Baron!"

'This damm kid?! He's tryna push it onto me and Baron! Not gonna happen.' Looking back towards Derek, Noct once more opened his mouth.

"Nope, me, Baron, and Flip are on animal duty with Alice. No can do. Sorry Derek, it's your turn." Responding back sarcastically yet with the smile plastered across his face.

"He's right, Derek. It is your turn today, plus we can't have Lucinda anywhere near wood." Replied Edling.

"Tch, no fair." Madden by the results of who's turn it was, Derek seemed to be fuming with annoyance. "Fineeee, I'll do it. Dammit, now I gotta go wagon."

"Thank you, Derek. Imma go to the kitchen to help them, make sure to watch Alice carefully." Edling said pointing her finger towards me, Baron, and Flip. "Watch her C-A-R-E-FULLY."

"YeAh, we'l-l k-k-keep her in our sights at all times!" Gulping down his anxiety Flip responded back towards Edling, surprisingly well. Besides his little mess up speak.

Glancing down towards Alice, Baron picked her up and put her on his shoulder. "Come on, Alice let's go see Rue!!" Running pass the all of us.

"woowoww!!!" Seamlessly having the time of her life Alice, was yelling proudly into the air.

"Alrighty, we should get going Flip" Noct said, while they too started to follow after Alice and Baron.

"they totally forgot about me. maybe I should just go sleep again, that tree shade looks nice." Said Milton as he began walking towards the tree.

"HEY!!" Yelled Derek towards Milton and with a big smile on his face, he said one more things. "Milton looks like it's just me and you."

"oh, no!" Milton screamed while running away from Derek. "STAYYYY AWAYYYY!!!"




(Alex POV)

You know, I had the memories of Rue but it really doesn't do him justice. This chicken is HUGE, hell is he even a chicken? Actually wasn't he a rooster? Doesn't matter how huge he is, this guy probably eats rats and mice as snacks.

Now, Rue was different from what'd I expect. He stood about six feet tall, with bright white feathers. It appears he also makes a very distinct sound much like a crow however, with his huge size and vocal cords he sounds much like a rooster. He also have a huge beak, appears to be flightless, mhmmm wait Baron noo....

"Up you go Alice, here you go. Up on the big birdy." Putting Alice on the back of the giant bird, who seemed to have positioned himself to allow Baron to put her on himself.

"Wait... Baron shouldn't you know not have Alice ride Rue right now?" I quickly responded and acted to try and take Alice off.

Caw!! Caw!! Caw!!

Flapping his huge flightless wings towards me, as if to say he's got this. I can only hope she'll be okay.

He then started to walk around in circles with Alice laughing and hanging on.

"She'll be alright, for some reason Rue has never hurt Alice before even when she pulls his feathers. And we know he doesn't like that, so she'll be alright, Noct. We gotta go clean the barn while she gets to play and ride Rue, it's truly a gift to be a baby." Sighing to himself was Flip while he started waking towards the mini brown barn.

Actually to be more accurately it's a coup, a chicken coup. Wait... is Rue our watch dog? Watch chicken? Watch birdy? I don't know.

Wakings towards the coup, I can see a goat? What is he doing? It appears the goat is head butting a tree, alrighty we're just gonna move pass this and act like I've never seen it before.

"Noct, just so you know don't go near the two goats. They'll butt you and it isn't fun." Looking towards the goat, Baron can be seen holding in some pent up feelings. "Expect Alice, animals like her too much the goats don't even butt her. They let her pet them even... i wish I could pet them"

"Alrighty I'll keep that in mind, aka don't go near the goat unless absolutely necessary or with Alice." I responded back. 'I haven't looked at my status since before I came here, I should check that out now, status'






Noct (Alex - Hidden)

Race: Mixed Human (80% Human, 20% Troll)

Profession: Villager Lv 1/25

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Trait: [Hunter's Boon] (Noct), [Star Guided] (Noct)


PHY(+): 3 MIN(-): 9 CHA(+): 5 SPI: 3

STR(+): 3 CUN(-): 9 PRE: 3 POT: 2

DEX: 2 KNO: 12 INS: 3 MYS: 0

END(+):5 WIS: 12 POI: 5 LUK(+): 0

Free Attribute Points: N/A

Potential Points: N/A

Aspect Points: N/A

Energy Level: N/A

Grade: N/A

[A young boy of mysterious origin. Greatly lacks any significant strength besides his regeneration however, the stars seems to shine bright for this one. Maybe he's meant for greatness]





Well that's quite different from what I expected. So my original name was hidden while my new name is shown. Turns out I'm not completely human either given how I have trolls blood, mhm well that is at too bad. It seems my stats across the board are on lower end, or maybe their on the higher end? I wonder what those '-' and '+' mean besides the stats. Mhmm let's check those out.





Growth Bonuses: They are an indication of what the strengths and weaknesses of a species is. This can be taken advantage to further boost those stats or it can disadvantages to boost those stats. '-' means that the amount of stat points needed to boost that attribute is now doubled and the amount received from stat points are reduced by half. While '+' means that stat gains are doubled. Certain traits or talents can give additional one.

Human - '+' to MIN & CHA

Troll - '+' to PHY, STR, END. '-' to CUN, MIN.

[Star Guided] - '+' to LUK





It appears the troll's dumb nature has been inherited, expect that my mental stats are indeed higher than everything else. So I'll probably need more points to become smart, huh? Or maybe just learning natural. What a con-dictionary, what if the trolls are dumber than I thought? Oh well.

It appears that [Star Guided] also gives a boost to my luck. I should probably also check out the [Talents & Skills] tab too. Check out those skills.





[Talents & Skills]

[Traits] ~~~~

[Hunter's Boon] Trait: Born to be a predator, you have the intrinsic gifts needed to find your next meal. Able to see tracks of the marked, see the weaknesses of opponents.

[Star Guided] Trait: You seem to hold a special place within the hearts of the stars, as if they are speaking to you, guiding you along your destiny. Greatly raise affinity to anything related to the stars. Passively guided by the stars, gain a growth bonus to LUK.

[General] ~~~~

[Adverse Resolve • Alex] - Exclusive Talent: The past you've once lived was one filled with surprises around every corner. To live within that type of environment you desired a strength like no other, survival was of the upmost importance. Greatly Increase the chance for lethal or critical hits when ambushed.

[Racial] ~~~~

[Troll's Blood] - Legendary Racial Talent: The famed regeneration of the trolls, said to be able to regenerate limbs, maybe even your head.

[Profession] ~~~~






Alrighty, I kinda expected that I wouldn't have anything expect those three. So [Adverse Resolve • Alex] is the ability generated from my past, definitely makes me wonder what type of life that was. To create a talent based around being in a disadvantages situation, oh boy looks like I lived in quite a rough place. Well I better start doing my job again instead of reading.

Grabbing eggs isn't as hard as I expected it be. Just push them a little bit and grab, tho we gotta be careful because they still snip at us still.

"Alright, let's us get started with cleaning the rest of t..." Mid sentence Fliption stopped what he was doing because...



Almost abruptly out of nowhere a loud screeching was heard outside of the coup.

At the same all three children ran outside, hoping Alice and Rue were okay.

Upon reaching the door with Baron making it pass the door first, while Fliption stopped mid way in the coup sighing to himself. I guess whatever he sees is fine however, I still continue chasing after Baron who was covering the distance within seconds.





A quite big and tall light brown haired child can be seen quickly coming though the door followed by a much smaller brown boy with deep black hair, who happened to have bright orange eyes which shines in the sun.

There in the open field, Rue and Alice can both be seen however, a big hill-like figure can be also be seen standing in front of them.

"ALICE!!" Yelled Baron towards the little girl who happened to be seamlessly thoughtless about the whole situation. While looking towards the figure.

Finally with Noct catching up shortly after Baron. He could see the huge behemoth in front of them, a giant hog with two huge tusks in front. With a massive scar covering his left eye; leaving the giant hog blind.

Lastly with Fliption catching up, with his blue hair swaying in the wind.

"We.. *pant* don... don't... need.. to *pant* worry, it's *pant* just Sir Hog" said Fliption as he caught up to previous children.

Staring in amazement at the huge behemoth Noct couldn't help but suck in some air. 'This HOG IS EVEN HUGER THAN RUE and that's saying something.' Noct thought to himself.

"Ohhh, my bad Sir Hog I thought your screech was a monster." Sighing and laying down on the ground besides him, Baron laid down in a star fish pattern.

'This guy can really run like damn. He completely outclassed me in speed and strength he covered that distance in like 5 seconds. Additional I totally forgot about Sir Hog within my own memories.' Examining Baron's speed and power behind his legs while also checking out his own memories for the hog. Indeed the hog is known for waking around orphanage and village. He's quite a huge hog, from what we understand he just popped up one day but didn't attack anyone.

So the village decided to keep as a protection of sorts.