
Reborn in a crossover

Daoisty4n49c · Lainnya
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

A man of great stature and height, muscled yet slim, with brown hair, soft brown eyes wearing a tight red shirt, with black jeans. He was laying with blood breaking from his sides, as a bloody wound still wept red streams of its pain and tears. 'Why did this happen to me, a victim of a runaway robber' said the man whose name was Tom houseman. He was a 25 year old man who was going to work at the local cafe he visited frequently. He was almost there as he saw a man running towards him ragged. He thought the man was being chased by someone who wanted to hurt them, until he felt the man divulge the knife into his side as he ran and Tom collapsed unto the ground. 'I do not want to die, I want to live and create, to travel the worlds beyond' thought Tom in silly thought to try and smile to alleviate his pain. << Noticed, target has been found. Target Id [Tom Houseman] identified. Wish detected, attempting to grant..... done, User has received [Absolute immortality] and [Omnificence], establishing connection to reincarnation network.... successful, beginning reincarnation>> 'What was that, reincarnation, A voice, is it the VOTW from tensura, no it had more emotion' thought Tom as he felt consumed by infinite darkness.

(Tom Pov)

I awoke in a grassy plane, indifferent to one might find in the countryside. However this had something normal grass would never have. The grass was more luscious and clean, it felt more energetic or chock full of energy he has never seen before. "Where am I" I said to myself as I wondered where I was. "I remember a voice spouting terms like [Absolute immortality] and [omnificence] and reincarnation.... Wait I reincarnated"I shouted like a surprised howler monkey. So me being a fan of some isekai books, I imagined what my powers were and wanted know what world I was in. "So I have the strongest form of immortality and the ability to create anything, what hi-jinx will ensue" I said to myself. "But I must figure out where I am, but not through power, through the classic foot travel" I said as I created a sack filled with essential supplies like an expanded inside tent and endless supplies of water and food.

"Well lets get going" I said to myself as I walked forward into a new life.