
Chapter 8: Rima's resolve.

Back at the moor, Al' watched in total confusion.He had no idea what was happening and he just watched. He never noticed that the water-born squirming and so approached her. Suddenly ,she woke with panic printed all over her face.She began screaming,

"Max! Max!!-Where are you?-Answer me. Lete hear your voice. Max!- Please tell me you are alright."

"Woah.Woah. Calm down Missy. Max is perfectly fine-for now."

Looking at at Al' with blood shot eyes,she said "What do you mean "for now"? Who are you? Where is he?"

"'for now' because he needs help or he will surely perish. I am Al', the God of Mischief. Some know me as a'djin' but I am mostly known for many other. Where is he?-Still in Rima's domai."

"If you are a djin then save him.-Djin are selfish  and greedy but what ever the price may be I will gladly provide."

Al' smiles then says:"Missy , people think I am a djin. I am aGod so don't degrade me. I will give you the seven seals , place it on his heart and Runic will be calmed."

"Runic?" She asked in shock. " Runic the destroyer?-The God Slayer- The conquerer of the death? The  ...."

"Yes,yes. Sheesh. He is the one I meant."

She swiftly held violently onto Al" then asked,"Didn you give him a curse?"

"Waut. Hold on. Idid but I didn't know theson of the four living creatures would resurrect. His father asked me to it on to him and I had no idea it was Runic I had this whole time. I swear I haven't even seen Runic before until now." She let him go.

"Ok give me the seals and tell me your price."

"For the seals,I placed it in you a long time ago. For my price, it's simple actually, just protect Max and don't tell him of Runic."

"That's it." She asked with doubt in her eyes.

"Yes, don't look at me like that. I told you I am no djin ." He replied smiling. "As  for access to her domain , you can use the pit down there.."He points at it . She begun to run. Running pass the light speed then jumped down the hole .

Al' thought to himself.' How does the water born remind me so much of her.'

In Rima domain , Max began to feel some strength . The blurriness of his vision started to clear and he noticed his head laid on the he lap of a sobbing stranger. He rushed to reposition himself from her, but was stopped halfway through. Nobody stopped him but the accident action did. In the rush to stand, his lips met the lips of the Goddess whose head was bowed.

I tried to put an end to my blunder but couldn't. Sure ,I was bewitched by her beauty and others but I tried to pull away but I couldn't. Apparently,she tapped her hands around my back and wouldn't let go. I couldn have pushed her away but my body wouldn't let me. I felt strength coursing through my veins yet felt so numb. 'Was it enchantment ?- A spell perhaps? Or just my desire ?'. Slowly my eyes closed and slowly down we went. I laid flat on my back and on me she laid. I placed my arms around her and hugged her tightly. I moved a hand to the back of her head and the other to her waist. I felt a new sensation in my mouth then on my tongue . 'Was it her tongue? O asked myself. I couldn't hold tight my urges no more and slowly, gently, I moved the hand on her waist lower. She didn't seem to mind so I moved it all the way to her back side. It felt lukewarm in terms of softness and hardness. I moved the other hand to rest on the other side then with both hands , I delivered asoft gently squeeze. She broke the kiss and in a second . I thought :" Did I do something wrong?- or I move too fast?" None of my questions were neither rhetorical nor sensible. I did get an answer though. She placed her hand on my chest and began to carrass me . Her palm felt so warm and full of compassion. Slowly ,her hand moved lower until it reached my navel,it felt so great. I wanted more and she seems ready to provide. Lower her hand travelled. She got closer and closer to my crouch. It was as if she teased me . Closer and closer. Closer and closer she got ,then a special smile popped into my mind. That smile belong to the friend I made earlier. She gave me courage and strength which I I couldn't muster . She gave me the ability , to bring an end to the massage I was delivering, held down her shoulders and pushed her away. 

"No!" I shouted.. "All this is wrong. Everything is moving too fast. Don't you get me wrong but you are pretty,but I don't even know you or what is going on or anything at all. I feel like I am taking advantage of you." 

"Thou can call me Rima or what thou desire. I a nymph, Goddess of prosperity,will gladly become there's. Use me however thee wants . Ravage me . Take all I have to offer . Now ,come let us proceed."

"Stop . Are you listening to yourself . You are a goddess , what can be unique about me to possibly attract you?"

"Well for starters, thou took my  first of every thing erotic. Thee made me experience something  only my sister made me feel -pure joy. Also thou mentioned a name only she. And I knew. Alright I will not force thee(she said standing up). Al' ,the blockage is off we can talk now."

"Wait you know Al'?"

"Yes. Through bad experiences. For your own safety and for us -don't trust him." I nodded and she turned around to take the contract from thy doves.,"Al' give me 55% possession and cancel every other term. I will let him through. Refuse he will forever be my  prisoner.

"This is too good to be true." Al' said. "Ok. We've got a deal." Suddenly the contract burnt into ashes.

" So what are you two discussing . For some reason, I can't help it but feel uneasy."

Worry not, darling (she giggled)-i always wanted to say that-You will understand soon." Upon saying those words,she sunk into the water waving good-bye.