
Chapter 15: The search begins

Before the small gathering father stood speechless. He took in a deep breath then finally got back his tongue:

"Gratitude to you for reminding me of my words. Minutes ago I would have been an hypocrite." Father's words seemed to have instilled in the three soldiers pride and honor as wide smiles and teary eyes formed.

Two maids stood forward. One said:

"My brother was also in the war. Currently, sadly he is paralysed but he still thank the gods for your life. He says my smile is enough to live for. Day after day he sings songs of how his you saved him as his gratitude and this mine. Today I will do all I can to pay my dues."

The other smiles then says:

"For me, you saved my life. His Majesty may not recall but about two years ago, I was just a petty thief who had run out of luck. I stole from the person and was to be executed. At the time all hope seemed to be lost but a lamp still was shinning some where. Seconds to decapitation I was freed and told the stolen gold coins had been replaced by the king. I was lost first but then it struck me, 'So this is a one in a billion chance?- This chance will not be wasted.' And now here I am, having an honest life. I guess there is a purpose for everything. I shall grant your desire as well."

The doctor clears his throat then speaks:

"My wife and I are parents as well. From experience, for anyone to cast aside their pride and exhibit what you did, only a child can push one this far. Tell us, we are all ears. We will do all we can for our king." Father cleansed his tears bathe face. He placed his right hand on his chest and lowered his head to express his gratitude.

"Thank you again. I will move straight to the point. Please keep the birth of my son a secret. Your 'whys' will be answered in the future, I promise that. To all out there, my son died at birth. I'm sorry I can't say everything, it is for your safety and my family's. Please understand." They all nodded in agreement then moved and picked up a piece each of the shattered swords. They cut their palm without hesitation then allow the blood to trickle down. "You've made your choices already it seems. Thank you. Please, tell me your names."

One of the soldiers stood forth. He seemed to be older than the two. He starts:

"I am Joe. Behind me are my brothers. On the left is Cyril and on the right is Bill. We are from the Narti family."

"I shall remember your names. Say, do you have any interest in becoming my disciples?" Father asked. Joe smiled broadly then take a glance behind only to be met with a shinning pair of smiles. That seemed to have answer him. He turned back:

"We humbly accept your gracious offer. We swear on our lives, we will not fail your expectations." Father nodded then turns to the others.

"What of you?" The ex-thief maid stepped forward then said:

"Sarah Latch, is my name." The other also speaks up:

"And I am Lydia Crosswnorth."

"Miss Latch and Miss Crossworth. Tell me, is there something you wish for?"

They shook their heads in unison. "This is enough." Lydia uttered. The doctor smiled then said:

"I guess it is our turn." He pointed to the woman by him, "This is my wife, Cynthia and I am Ryan Ruka IV."

"And I, King Henry Riis XI. I will forever be in your dept. And now if you will all excuse me, I need to head on my search." They all disperse back to their works. Father looked back at us, smiled then like erasing a trace of pencil, he fades slowly like a ghost and disappears.