
Chapter 14: The humble king.

Father stood up looking all tall and proud like a mountain. He led out a thundering shout, "ASSEMBLE" and in less than 30 seconds, about six people barged in the room at first surprised of the condition of the room then they all took a knee with their heads bowed.

Some were in armor, in maid outfits and some were also in white uniforms (the doctor).

"Rise." He said with authority in his voice. "I presume you are all who are currently available on this section of the hospital at the moment."

"Yes." they responded simultaneously. One doctor stood forward with his hands placed at his back and his head bowed.

"My king, if I may, allow me to clarify something." Father nodded. "True we are those positioned on the VIP section for the week but per your order, we all lied and as such we deserve immediate execution. This section also contains Noble patients who are currently in bed."

"Very well. You have my gratitude and mercy." The doctor stepped back. "I assembled you to ask if the news of my son's birth has gone viral."

"No." They all replied in unison. The same doctor stood forward again.

"Pardon me, my Lord. But it seems one doctor is absent currently." Hearing this, Father emitted the gaze of the devil. He cast a look so menacing that their hearts were plagued with terror. The three soldiers present resulted in drawing their swords in response to their instincts. There was about 6 metres them and father. Father took a step which made a dent in the floor and sent cracks through the floor into the walls. The maids fell on their knees in fear and the doctor was about to embark on a beautiful journey of inconciosness father suddenly vanished. The soldiers' swords just went down into pieces and before they could blink, father was holding the doctor by the collar.

In a harsh tone he demandedd, "Where is the doctor?- Wake up and answer."

"Henry, you are going too far with this!" Ritash says but he didn't even seem to hear.

"She...she should...be heading here...by now. My king." Just then a woman runs into the room then bows immediately upon sighting the king.

"Is she the one?" Father asks with rage.

"Yes. That is her, my wife. Please (he sets himself free then bows) please have mercy and direct all punishment to me, her husband." He says with teary eyes. She stands and rushes to her husband teary and confuse asking with hugs what was wrong.

"No, it is I who should apologize, to you all." He said kneeling. I lost control of my emotions, the greatest flaw in a ruler. Please accept my apology." He said lowering his head. All present faces were just splashed with confusion and all tongues were stripped of speech. The doctor stood and moved forward to him.

"Stand. Great men such as yourself don't now to their servants. Father looked up only to be faced with smiley faces then he also smiled back and stood. He looks back at us, his family then back at his subjects.

"Thank you all. I will make this meeting as brief as possible. I stand here before you now not as your king but as a friend in need. Please grant my request and forever I shall be indebted to you." All remained blank and frozen after hearing this. The two soldiers present stepped forward like they had finally mastered enough courage then one said:

"We apologise for our earlier action. First please know we wished our king no harm. Now, years ago, in our war with Minhara, the minister of Seysu, our home forced untrained children to be pawns on the battlefield. My brother and I were taken as well. It was just a few minutes to war when you appeared out of thin air standing glorious. You saw us and other kids with our thin and boney bodies with our over sized helmet and armor. You asked for the commander of the base and immediately he made his appearance you ceased him by the throat and we vividly recall, you asked, 'Who do we fight for?' There was silence so you asked again, this time with a warning. The command replied difficulty, 'The powerless.' It was then that you said, '...why sacrifice those whom we fight for. Why hand them weaponry when they should be handed bowls filled with the sweetness of the harvest. No child has the right to die for the sake of Pingadonia. They ask with their eyes for aid so I shall fight in their stead.' On that day, you led your army on the front lines and saved us all. You made it possible for us to see our families again. As payment- no- as a privilege, tell us what you desire.