
Chapter 13: Save him.

"Okay. Fear crippled my limps and heart when he fell in my arms. I sensed a beast. A beast of no nation. It gripped my throat and even as I throttled, I felt unquenchable love." She said from her heart with streams of tears proving her words. I had no idea what all this 'beast' talk was about but she went on anyway. "A beast or not, an abomination or not, this child is mine and I will follow every inch of his trail even to death. For you, I wish you peace and a heart. The mad king fell on his knees then let out a loud yelp. He started to weep like a baby who had seen the devil, punched the floor till his hand went through. Those were the tears of a real man.

"How can you continue to say such hurtful things?" He demanded. "Do you really think I wish for the blood of my own son on my hand. History portrays me as the king who rules with an iron fist but I seek my son's life not because of history but for you. Can't you see?- Your people will demand your head on a stick once the word of the boy's curse is heard. We both know not what that curse may be. It can mean the end.

"Do you loathe me?" The weeping man crawled to us just to hold her hand and shook his head.

"You know I love you. More than anything. More than life itself."

"Then save our boy. Find a way even if you have to bow to 'him'." Upon mentioning 'him', the atmosphere seemed to have changed. Tension built up and anger wiped his tears.

"No! Not him. You know we don't speak of Louis. That maniac is the wrong choice and you know it. He almost killed me several times. Besides, even if he was the right choice, he went missing sixteen years ago. He is probably dead by now."

"You and I both know he still lives." She stretches her hand to wipe off her beloved's tears then gently begins to sway her arm to and fro in an attempt to pacify me. "Why won't you sacrifice for your blood but are swift to sacrifice him?"

"Well I can't sacrifice both rubies, can I?- Why harbor a nameless child? And now you ask for the impossible:Louis" He heightens his tone. "That horrible grandpa is lost. Are his fossils your desire? My sagacity will do nothing but still it is what you demand."

Softly, mother says, "If you really love me, find him." She holds him by his collar then pulls closer. She rests her hand on his cheek then moves in closer and lands a passionate kiss on his forehead. She comes lower looking straight into his eyes. She stops to give him a kiss and slowly she starts to pull away while the great king stretches his neck to follow for more like a serpent. She rushed a finger between them which lands on his lips then continues, "Will you trust sagacity once more and bring me Loius?" A nod of seriousness was the answer.