
Chapter 11: Reborn

Back on my journey through the gate the light kept shinning so bright.

"Queen! Queen Ritash! You have to push. 1- 2..." The voice began to fade. I know I was concious but I heard nothing nor saw nothing but darkness. Next thing I know, I felt such a warm touch filled with compassion all over me. I felt hungry and for an unknown reason I had this strong urge for my feeling to be heard. I couldn't control myself and just like crying and crying I did. My voice sounded so babyish and this convinced me of my rebirth.

Something started to touch my lips and from experience I knew what it was so I accepted it in my mouth for my meal. I needed to throw a glance at the owner of the delicious food source. I forced open my eyes and behold there she was my new mother. She emitted a smile which I had long wanted to see again. How her eyes patrolled over every inch of me brought so much security, a feeling I have long for so long. She had a shoulder length blonde hair and blue eyes which was just perfect.

'I remembere something like, "Queen Ritash", if she really is a queen will it make me prince?' I thought.

I scrolled my eyes around to see my environ. The room looked so empty. Mother sat on a bed and there was a chandelier with candles. The bed she lied on seemed so antique yet looked so expensive. Looking to the base of the bed, I saw surgical tools on a table so concluded we were possibly in a hospital. Suddenly the door broke down leaving it ajar. A fine built man in a red attire with golden buttons and a crown stood there. He had black hair and black eyes. He stared at us for a while then smiled as he advanced towards us.

"Your Majesty." Mother said.

"Why so formal Rita?- There is my little prince." He voiced looking at me now by our side. "It seems he got your eyes and my hair." He bent down to look closer at me. They both gazed at me until he took advantage to steal a kiss from mother. They both broke into happy laughters and they were just the perfect couple to be gifted to.

"Henry, can you take him for a while?- I would really like to rest.

"Don't give a reason. Just mention and it will be done." He bent his elbow in preparation to accept me and mother transfered me to him. He accepted with gladness and joy. He extended his little finger to me wriggling it like a worm. I mastered all the strength I could to put forth my hand. He gladly brought his finger closer and I gladly held on to it. In that moment, his countenance went blank and his eyes spelt fear. He remained frozen for a while and I heard in a dreadful tone:

"Henry! Henry! Hen..."

He snapped out of it suddenly. I was confused at first. Slowly distance grew between our faces. My vision moved below his chest, his finger slipped out my tiny hands and higher his eyes seemed to go. 'Was he growing taller?' I thought. The breeze I felt at the back of my head and through my hair clarified things. I was falling.

'Did this careless king his less than a day old child?- Is my life going to end even before I can live.' I thought to myself as I hoped for a saving. 'Why bother?- No one coming. Better just close my eyes to see the darkness once more before the light embrace me again.' I thought sadly ready to die again.

I closed my eyes waiting for death. Fortunately, a my death seemed to be delaying. I opened my eyes only to see myself levitating. I knew I was levitating because my back was not touching anything and everything looked so high. Mother had her hand stretched out at me.

I heard heavy breathing and so turned my vision to it's direction only to see the careless king on his knee holding tightly his chest. He gasped for air in fear and confusion and was all sweaty. Slowly I moved closer to the dreaded mother who caught me with care.