
Reborn Heiress: Taking Back What Is Rightfully Hers!

Ella always believed she was living a blissful life with a loving father, stepmother, and a doting husband. Even her half-sister seemed to treat her with kindness. But it was all an illusion. They were all after the vast inheritance Ella was set to receive from her grandmother! The so-called family affection and love were fake. Her stepsister and husband had been secretly together for a long time, plotting to seize Ella's fortune. On her birthday, they poisoned Ella’s drink and pushed her into the ocean. Ella has been reborn! Given a second chance at life, she won't fall into their tender traps again. Instead, she will rise and fight back, reclaiming everything that rightfully belongs to her!

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247 Chs

True Colors Revealed

Hannah gasped for breath, gripping Brianna's hand tightly as she recalled Ella's breathtakingly beautiful, mischievous eyes. She took a deep breath.


She couldn't accept it!


She couldn't accept that wretched woman destroying her mother like this, couldn't accept that her mom was being defeated!


Revenge in the future would be nearly impossible!


"Mom, now what do we... what do we do?" Hannah's face was ashen. "We can't lose to that wretched girl! Mom, you have to be strong, you must refuse to admit anything! As long as you deny it, they won't find any evidence!"


Hannah's face twisted with fury as she grabbed Brianna, shouting sharply.


Brianna's eyes were bloodshot as she forced a weak smile. "After this scandal... even if I deny it, it'll be hard to clear my name! Your dad... that heartless man, he recorded the time I hit him last time, keeping it as evidence for court!"