
Reborn as Theon Greyjoy

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Chapter 4

**Two Days Later**

The day had arrived for everyone to set off, but even without the Three-Eyed Raven, events that were meant to occur would still unfold. Yesterday, Bran had fallen from the tower. Although he survived, he remained in a coma.

Catelyn was by Bran's bedside, knitting a sweater, when Jon Snow entered. "I'm here to say goodbye, Mother. I'm going north with Uncle to the Wall."

Catelyn's eyes were red. "You should have left earlier," she said, her voice trembling. Despite her dislike for Jon, the years of shared experiences had created genuine affection.

With Ned heading south with his two daughters and Theon, and Bran still unconscious, Catelyn's tears flowed uncontrollably.

Jon was silent for a moment, then quietly left. After Jon departed, Ned entered the room. After bidding farewell to Catelyn, he began his journey back to King's Landing.

The party split into two groups: a small contingent of criminals traveled with Bran's brother, Benjen Stark, to the Wall, while the larger group, including Theon, headed back to King's Landing.

"Next time we meet, you might be the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Jon," Theon joked.

Jon smiled. "I might not live to see that day."

After their embrace, Theon rode back to Joffrey's side.

At that moment, Ned said to Jon Snow, "Even though you do not carry my surname, you have my blood in your veins. The Starks take pride in their black attire!"

He then returned to Robert's side.


**Three Days Later**

"The Night's Watch was established eight thousand years ago to guard against the Others. Back then, the Night's Watch was made up of elite men from all nations and represented honor. But now, most of its members are criminals from the North," Theon was explaining to Joffrey about the Night's Watch.

"Others? That's just a story for children. If there were really Others, they should have taken my uncle away, ha ha," Joffrey said dismissively, clearly not believing in the existence of the Others.

Years had passed, and not only did the southerners disbelieve in the Others, but even most northerners did not. Nowadays, the Wall mainly defended against wildlings.

However, northerners still had great respect for the Night's Watch, which was different from the southern nobles.

Theon ate his rations, knowing they would reach King's Landing the next day. The temperature was already much warmer than in the North, and everyone had changed into lighter clothing.

Once Robert died, the game would begin.

After their meal, the party continued their journey, aiming to return to King's Landing before nightfall.


As the last rays of sunlight disappeared, they finally arrived in King's Landing. Seeing the towering city walls, Theon felt a surge of excitement. The experience was far more impressive than what he had seen on television, though the faint stench was a sensory disruption.

Upon entering the city, Theon was shocked by the sight of the emaciated poor people on the streets. They looked as though a gust of wind could blow them over, with no visible desire for life or fear of death—just endless numbness and emptiness.

Theon had never seen such destitution in his previous life. Born into poverty himself, he had at least been able to eat enough.

"These wretches have turned all of King's Landing into a stinking cesspool. It would be best to drive all these beggars out before winter comes," Joffrey said with disgust.

"Your Majesty is right," Theon said with an inscrutable expression, surveying the surrounding refugees.

They returned to the Red Keep and after spending a night there, the next day Ned officially took up his position as Hand of the King.

However, Ned was shocked to learn from the Master of Coin, Baelish, that Robert had accumulated a debt of six million!

"What did he spend it on?" Ned asked incredulously.

"Feasting, entertainment, and the tournament," Baelish replied with a bemused smile.

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